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Strategic Procurement Toolkit for Green Public Procurement (GPP)

Explore the strategic and legal aspects of GPP, learn needs assessment, market engagement, and operational sectors. Understand the importance of a procurement strategy and how to build a case for GPP implementation.

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Strategic Procurement Toolkit for Green Public Procurement (GPP)

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  1. GPP Training toolkit2. Strategic Aspects of GPP

  2. GPP Training Toolkit Module 4: Needs Assessment Module 1: Introduction Module 5: Circular Procurement Module 6: Market Engagement Module 7: Operational (Key sectors for GPP) Module 2: Strategic Aspects of GPP Module 3: Legal Aspects of GPP Module 2: Strategic procurement

  3. Content of Module 2 • Strategic basis of GPP implementation • Building the case for GPP • Gathering support for GPP • Setting scope and targets • Developing the strategy • Effective launch for GPP strategy • Monitoring and reporting Module 2: Strategic procurement

  4. Strategic basis of GPP implementation Why is a procurement strategy important for GPP? A procurement strategy establishes how procurement should be organisedin order to implement a procurement policy Module 2: Strategic procurement

  5. Strategic basis of GPP implementation Why is a procurement strategy important for GPP? “Public procurement is a strategic instrument… [but]… strategic procurement possibilities are not sufficiently used.” • Communication from the Commission to the Institutions: Making Public Procurement work in and for Europe (2017) Module 2: Strategic procurement

  6. Strategic basis of GPP implementation Why is a procurement strategy important for GPP? A strategy will help to integrate sustainability into procurement activities over the longer term, providing: • clear targets • responsibilities • continuous improvement Module 2: Strategic procurement

  7. Strategic basis of GPP implementation The core of a GPP implementation strategy Preliminary activities: • Building the case • Gathering support Management approach: • Set scope and targets • Develop strategy • Launch strategy • Monitoring and reporting Module 2: Strategic procurement

  8. Building the case for GPP What are the benefits of GPP? • Meeting green policy goals on climate change, energy efficiency, air quality • Increasing financial efficiency • Enhancing organisational reputation • Reducing risk of non-compliance with legislation • Encouraging innovation and the development of competitive sustainable solutions in your region Module 2: Strategic procurement

  9. Building the case for GPP Are there any related policies? GPP is a tool which can be used to address a wide variety of policy goals • All food served to be certified organic Achieving energy efficiency gains • Becoming a CO2 neutral city • Enhancing sustainable urban mobility • Developing a circular economy Identify existing policy goals which you can link to GPP implementation Module 2: Strategic procurement

  10. Building the case for GPP Identify good practice Find out more – case studies available: European Commission haspublished good practice examples since 2010 GPP 2020 project published over 100 case studies SPP Regions project published 40 tender models of GPP Procura+ Network has activity profiles on each participant Sustainable Procurement Platform has a database of case studies Present decision-makers with real-life examples of successful GPP Module 2: Strategic procurement

  11. Building the case for GPP Explore current practice Take a step back and look at your existing procurement systems and practices… …many organisations find that the basic foundations of GPP are already in place Module 2: Strategic procurement

  12. Building the case for GPP How is procurement organised? Organisational set-up will determine the approach to GPP • Central procurement? • De-centralised procurement? • Category management approach? Identify the procurement structures within the organisation Where do the best opportunities for implementation lie? Module 2: Strategic procurement

  13. Gathering support for GPP GPP Policy Three levels of GPP policy: General commitment Commitment within a related policy Comprehensive GPP policy Module 2: Strategic procurement

  14. Gathering support for GPP GPP Policy – evolving policy ambition in Barcelona Module 2: Strategic procurement 2015–Technical Instructions for the Application of Sustainability Criteria for 12 high priority procurement categories. 2013- Enactment of Municipal Decree for Responsible Public Procurement. 2010- The Sustainable City Council Convention was launched. 2006- Green Office Programme evolved to become the + Sustainable City Council Programme 2001- Creation of the Green Office Programme

  15. Gathering support for GPP Internal dialogue and communication It is important to have continual dialogue with all those involved in and/or influenced by GPP Ask yourselves: “What would green procurement ideally look like in our organisation?” Module 2: Strategic procurement

  16. Setting scope and targets Determine your goals • Scope – which of your organisation’s procurement actions are covered by the strategy, in terms of: • Product/service category – which are you focusing on? • Coverage – does it cover the whole organisation or only certain departments? Targets – what targets are you setting, and what key performance indicators (KPIs)will you have for determining success? Module 2: Strategic procurement

  17. Setting scope and targets Setting the scope • Identify priority categories for GPP by considering: • Environmental, social and economic priorities • Budgetary importance of product/service groups • Level of skills and resources available • Existing experience in procuring sustainably • Enthusiasm amongst colleagues for GPP • Significant contract renewals • Market availability of sustainable options • Political or legal drivers (e.g. national legislation) • What is already compulsory by law in your country? Module 2: Strategic procurement

  18. Setting scope and targets Target setting Clearly communicated GPP targets: • Provide strong political support for implementation • Demonstrate organisational commitment • Provide a framework for measuring progress Module 2: Strategic procurement

  19. Setting scope and targets Levels of targets and examples Module 2: Strategic procurement

  20. Developing the strategy Create a GPP Action Plan The Action Plan should provide clear, practical details on how the targets will be achieved. • Provide details of the: • scope of your activities and targets • stakeholders involved • assigned responsibilities • resources available • implementation measures and procedures • relevant progress indicators • time frame Module 2: Strategic procurement

  21. Developing the strategy Procurement actions Include specific actions in for key product/service areas: • Identify appropriate environmental/social purchasing demands • Incorporate these demands into actual tender documents • Monitor and report actions and results Module 2: Strategic procurement

  22. Developing the strategy Other actions • Workshops and training - gather support and build skills • Working groups - set up a Working Group under a coordinator • Develop incentives - include GPP in job descriptions and salary reviews • Professionalisation - Can you professionally develop procurers through external training? Module 2: Strategic procurement

  23. Developing the strategy Communication Keep colleagues and external stakeholders, including suppliers, informed of the strategy and targets • Awareness raising - seminars/roundtables, newsletters, organisation intranet • Communicate intentions to suppliers - provide the time and information to adjust to new requirements • Presenting activities to the general public Module 2: Strategic procurement

  24. Developing the strategy Monitoring performance Keeping track of progress and monitoring the achievements of the strategy and targets should be carried out more than once per year From simple database of when GPP criteria have been included… …to systems that can be linked to e-procurement platforms Module 2: Strategic procurement

  25. Developing the strategy Assigning responsibilities Who should and could be responsible for implementing GPP? • Who will lead the GPP strategy? • Who has existing knowledge and experience of GPP? • Which influential stakeholders should be involved? • Do you need to assign (or recruit) dedicated staff? • What external expertise is required? Appoint aGPP Champion to bring strategy and action together Module 2: Strategic procurement

  26. Effective launch for GPP strategy Regular review process Keep the action plan on track by: • Conducting and communicating regular updates • Carrying out regular reviews Module 2: Strategic procurement

  27. Monitoring and reporting Assessment This an opportunity to: • Check if targets have been achieved • Identify any problems encountered • Develop solutions Module 2: Strategic procurement

  28. Monitoring and reporting Setting up a monitoring system Source: Ecoinstitut (2016) • Case study: Government of Flanders • Improved the data collection on GPP through online system • Integrated minimum GPP criteria into the system • Continually improving and updating the system based on procurer capacity and market evolution • Case study: Metropolitan City of Rome Capital • Data sheets completed for each green purchase of goods and services and sent to GPP Coordination Office • Annual results tracked and reported • Online monitoring system stops procurement completion without GPP data sheet All materials available here Module 2: Strategic procurement

  29. Monitoring and reporting Assessment Your internal review should look at: • Action plan – have all actions been implemented as planned? • Ambition – were the targets and actions too ambitious or not ambitious enough? • Targets – are you on track with the targets? • Engagement – have colleagues and other departments been engaged by the policy and plans? Module 2: Strategic procurement

  30. Further guidance and support Procura+ Manual (3rd edition, 2016) Buying Green (3rd edition, 2016) Circular Procurement Guidance(2017) Good Practice Examples GPP Helpdesk For further support on GPP, contact the EU’s free Helpdesk Toolkit developed for the European Commission by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Module Author: ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability Owner, Editor: European Commission, DG Environment, 2019 Photos: courtesy of Pixabay.com under Creative Commons CCO Disclaimer: This toolkit is an indicative document of the Commission services and cannot be considered binding to this institution in any way. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of theinformation in this document. Module 2: Strategic procurement

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