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Critical role of group for timely first physics publication on MinBias Physics ( Phys.Lett B 688 1 (2010) 21 Technical : Understanding tracking, vertexing , detector material with data and iterating the MC for ATLAS inner detector
Critical role of group for timely first physics publication on MinBias Physics (Phys.Lett B 688 1 (2010) 21 Technical : Understanding tracking, vertexing, detector material with data and iterating the MC for ATLAS inner detector Quick processing/re-processing data and MC (P. Behera: Data Prep Coordinator, QCD) Tracking and vertexing (M. Limper: central role, now PROC: Prompt Recon coordinator for ATLAS) Defining and coding Data Summary files (D3PD : R. Zaidan, expert on call for S.M. ) Analysis : Cross checks and systematics by R. Zaidanon Vertexing and correction matrices for unfolding Overall Cross checks by P. Behera Abstract submitted to CHEP 2010 by Zaidan on D3PD production for ATLAS SM For 7 TeV data (publication expected in August): Behera, Limper and Zaidan, centrally involved Behera, Zaidanadditionally responsible for independent second analysis including systematics Limper primary responsibility for inclusion of tracks down to 100 MeVpT (previously 500 MeV) Behera also involved in testing KNO scaling and multiparticle correlations from the 900 GeV and 7 TeVdata sets (expected publication: end of 2010) Job responsibilities: Limper : Pixel Database continuing ; Prompt Recon Coordinator (PROC) for ATLAS from June 1, 2010 Zaidan: D3PD expert on call from Nov 2009 Behera: Data Preparation coordinator (QCD group) from Oct, 2009, US-ATLAS liaison for QCD
External Talks (2010, 2009) Behera: Fourth ATLAS Physics Workshop of the Americas, Arlington, TX, Aug 8—11, scheduled `First Results from ATLAS’, seminar, at SCIPP, UCSC, Santa Cruz, CA, Apr 16 2010 `First Results from ATLAS’, SLAC seminar, Apr 15 2010 `Calibration and Commissioning of ATLAS Pixel detector ‘, Prairie Section of APS,Iowa City, IA,Nov 12-17,2009 ` Expectations at Day 1 at the LHC’, 39th International Symposium on Multi-particle dynamics, Gomel, Belarus, Sep 4—9, 2009 `Minimum Bias Physics with ATLAS’, Workshop on Early Physics opportunities at LHC at LBNL, Berkeley, May 6—8, 2009 Limper: `ATLAS Measurements on Minimum Bias and Soft QCD’, QCD@Work-- International Workshop on QCD – Theory and Experiment Jun 20--23, 2010, Martina Franca, Italy; ` Results from Minimum Bias Events in ATLAS’, LHC Workshop on Minimum Bias and Underlying Events June 1, 2010, CERN `Minimum Bias Physics with ATLAS’, Prairie Section of APS, Iowa City, IA, Nov 12-17,2009 Zaidan: `Particle multiplicities in Minimum Bias events with the ATLAS detector at 7 TeV’, 22ndRencontre de BLOIS Jul 16—20, Blois, France Internal ATLAS Talks at various weekly plenary meetings: In addition three of them presented over 50 talks in several ATLAS weekly meetings excluding the presentations in almost daily Minimum Bias meetings. Internal Supporting Notes leading to publication: Behera 8 (6 MinBias notes and 2 Pixel notes, used for Pixel commissioning publication: arXiv :1004.5293, accepted for pub in European Physical Journal) Zaidan 7notes and Limper 6notes on tracking, vertexing and corrections during MinBias work since they joined Iowa, Mallik1 note (Pixel, also one of the six editors for the publication of the Pixel commissioning pub)