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A Wonderful Sound

A Wonderful Sound. By: Otto Kienitz. I’LL GO WITH YOU

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A Wonderful Sound

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  1. A Wonderful Sound By: Otto Kienitz

  2. I’LL GO WITH YOU When I’m alone, I dream on the horizon, and words fail; yes, I know there is no light, in a room where the sun is absent, if you are not with me, with me. As the windows show everyone my heart, which you set alight; enclose within me the light you encountered on the street. I’ll go with you, to countries I never saw and shared with you, now, yes, I shall experience them. I’ll go with you on ships across seas, which, I know, no, no, exist no longer; with you I shall experience them. When you are far away, I dream on the horizon, And words fail, and, Yes, I know, that you are with me; you, my moon, are here with me, my sun, you are here with me, with me, with me, with me. I’ll go with you, to countries I never, Saw and shared with you, now, yes, I shall experience them. I’ll go with you, On ships across seas, which, I know, no, no, exist no longer, with you I shall experience them again. I’ll go with you, On ships across seas, Which, I know, No, no, exist no longer; with you I shall experience them again. I’ll go with you, I with you. - Andrea Bocelli - Con Te Partiro

  3. I am a euphonious sound, one that is silver and pure, dancing and flittering, tempered and free, imaginative and twinkling, like the stars in heaven’s glassy array. I have escaped the ground, escaped the encumbrances of the substantial realm, escaped the challenges of reality, and I am but one loose soul, free to sparkle aloof of the mists that haunt the truths of solid ground. I have been set loose to free the world, free the world of the dreaded rules that constrict your minds and hearts, and tie your thoughts to the present. I am here to unlock your doors, unlock your conscience, and show your soul what evangelism truly is. I am the spirit of serenity, and my ubiquitous notes of peace trill through the realms of reality and pierce the shackles, which bind you, mere mortals, to the land beneath your feet. I fly, unlike any bird, and I soar, with a passion and lust for the ethereal space in which no one is present to restrict my movements. I am but the spirit of freedom and my hand is here to lead you to a place you have never been, the parallel of reality of liberation and exemption. Must you masquerade around your dreams of tranquility? I have brought you your chance for redemption… I have brought you a chance to cleanse your fragile essence of your sins. I have brought you music…

  4. Hiram was a Staff, a Musical Staff, and was one of many musicals symbols in his clan. Once every four measures, the equivalent of a month, the members gathered to purge their group of unworthy music, and the staffs’ prepared ardently to compose a piece worthy of the clan mates. If one was judged unworthy, one was eliminated, and even the sound of the word made Hiram shudder with foreboding for the inescapable, dread of the purging.

  5. Hiram the Staff considered his friend for a moment before exclaiming, “You know, you may be right, our song does sound a little off pitch…” “Off course,” Neriah the Bar Line replied, “I told you that I had lost a couple of notes!” “Well what are we to do?” questioned Hiram. “We are to compile a piece of music for tonight’s purging, but you went our of your way to lose a couple of perfectly fine notes, and what do you know, it looks like you lost them for good. For all you know, they could be roaming miles from here, or time signatures could already have eaten them up. Thanks to you, we will look like failures when we show up to the purging, and we will be thrown out of the clan, or even eliminated!”

  6. “You should not worry, Hiram,” soothed Neriah, “all we have to do is set out to find the missing notes.” “Once we find them, our piece is complete because the song is already almost finished! Lets go find those notes, they can’t be far away!”

  7. “Fine,” Hiram groaned, “let’s go find those notes.” And so they set off into the perilous horizon with a task on their mind, and a purpose in their hearts. They searched the surrounding countryside, and eventually retired for a brake. As the two of them sat on a pair of rounded boulders, Joash the Treble Clef approached them.

  8. “Hello there!” Joash proclaimed jubilantly, “what are you two staffs doing out here in the meadow?” “ I thought everyone was working on finishing their piece of music?” “That is exactly the problem,” Hiram moaned, “Neriah here lost some of our notes, and we are trying to find them before the purging starts.”

  9. “Well, since I finished mine already, I’ll go with you, and help with the search!” Joash stated excitedly. “I love to be included! Let’s find those notes!” Off they went, through the meadow, and into the valley beyond, scampering through lush grasses, and looking high and low for the lost notes with a zest induced by necessity. Feeling some aches, the troupe paused for a break while leaning on their knees. Suddenly Chloe the Bass Clef popped out of the bushes, and startled Neriah with her sudden appearance.

  10. “Why hello,” Chloe started, “what are you three doing out in the valley?” “We are trying find some missing notes,” gushed Joash. “Neriah lost them this morning and we have been on the lookout ever since. Have you seen a few stray notes bouncing around the valley?”

  11. “Not lately…” replied Chloe, “but I can help you look!” “We would be delighted to have you accompany us,” stated Hiram, “now lets find those notes.” Off they went, the four of them, down all the way through the valley, and into the forest beyond. They traversed the winding paths, and gazed up into the sunlit canopy, all the while, searching for the notes.

  12. Up and down, left and right, the band searched for the missing notes. Calling out for the lost music, their throats began to grow parched. By midday, they had made their way out of the forest, and into the pasture beyond. The heat was stifling, and the sun’s rays beat down upon their backs. The search was beginning to grow tiresome, and Hiram was ready to give up hope.

  13. The group sat down to take a rest by a small pond, and looked at each other with questioning expressions. Their patience was waning, and their time was diminishing as fast as sand through an hourglass. There were only a few hours before the gathering began, and there was still no sign of the notes. Suddenly, Hiram had a marvelous inspiration, and his words spewed out of his mouth as he rushed to tell his fellow searchers. “Why don’t we sing out to the notes, and call them with music?” Hiram sputtered. “That’s a great idea!” the others echoed. Soon, they were all prepared, tuned, and readied to lift their voices to the heavens.

  14. They sang gently at first, but their tempo soon began to increase until they broke into an ardent fervor of climatic pitches. The sounds soared out of their mouths like birds let loose from a cage, and each symbol sang with a compassion and devotion only induced in the most zealous states. No one has ever heard such a sound, for music is delicate matter, and perfection is almost never achieved; yet this was perfection. The concept of tones that spewed out of their gaping mouths was unworldly, and was as if the voices of angels had graced the surface of the material realm. This was music…

  15. Slowly the pinnacle of the excitement began to die down, and Hiram was faint with the excess of adrenaline rushing out of his veins. He stooped with weariness, but hope urged him to look up, pleading to any higher power that may be, that the notes had been lured out into the open. Slowly and tentatively, the rest of his friends began to look up as well, and were greeted with a…

  16. Hiram was greeted with cheers and screams of adoration, as hundreds of musical symbols gawked at the scrawny group in the center of the pasture. A Nearby note had even abandoned its grazing, and it stood with wide eyes, ogling at the exhausted singers. One Elder Octave, approached the band, and confronted Hiram. “I am truly impressed young one,” started the Elder Octave, “You have shown your people once more what it means to be a musical symbol.” “I have not heard such passion since I was a boy, such a long time ago, and I congratulate you on your marvelous composition.”

  17. “Why Elder,” Neriah proclaimed, “that was not our composition for tonight’s gathering, we were just calling out to the notes we had lost around here some hours ago.” “Speaking of lost notes, Joash added, turning to address Hiram, “we still haven’t found your missing notes, and the gathering is only a few beats away!” “We have failed!” wailed Chloe.

  18. “Hush children,” calmed the elder, “you have no need of a composition.” “You have wowed the countryside, and you bring prowess and pride to your clan. As senior member of the music council, I relieve you of your duties at tonight’s purging, and honor you with the composer’s badge. All of you truly resemble what it means to hope and believe, and your determination and passion for music will be remembered in our history ballads forever.”

  19. On that note, Hiram had found redemption, he had found compassion, and he had found what it truly means to understand what music is really about. He had mastered what it meant to tune his soul, and at that, he raised his head to the sky above and let out his spirit, giving a gift to the glowing sun above. The Sun smiled a crooked smile, and started to whistle an earthly tune. The Sun was content for it had found solace… The Sun had just discovered music…

  20. Rain clouds had begun to form in the malevolent sky, blotting out the once radiant sun, and the wind had started to pick up and blow. There was no sign of the lost notes, and all Hiram could hear was the roll of thunder cascading across the countryside. • “We have failed!” wailed Neriah. • “We’re doomed!” added Chloe. • “Your plan didn’t work, Hiram,” Joash growled with a frustrated snarl. • “I was convinced that our song would lure the notes out of hiding, yet I am a failure at heart,” Hiram murmured solemnly. • “We had better head back to the village,” Neriah moaned. “All we can do is wait for our fate at the purging.”

  21. The drab group of friends marched soberly back to the village, changing into the black attire which was custom for the ceremony, and taking their places in the already growing crowd of musical symbols, awaiting their fate. A group of elders sat stone-faced on a stage, peering out into the amassing mob, and mentally checking off attendance lists. A pyre burned behind them, but the rain began to pour, and the fire sizzled to a halt, casting a gloomy shadow over the grave elders. • “Tonight,” began the Head Elder, “is the rite of purging.” “All musical symbols of our clan will contribute their piece of music in front of the board a purging, and those who see that are not fit to continue in this prestigious clan will be eliminated at the end of the night. Good luck to all of you.”

  22. When Hiram and Neriah’s turn had come, they stepped onto the stage and Hiram spoke with a slow, monotone voice. “Council, we have lost some of our notes, and do not have a piece to perform for you tonight. Judge us as you wish, and we will accept our punishment if need be.” • The crowd whispered at the news, contemplating what the council’s decision would be. When the final performs had gone, the Head Elder turned to the audience and proclaimed, “#202, #312, #313, and #489, please make your way forward to the stage. Hiram and Neriah climbed the steps to the precarious platform, and along with their fellow symbols, lined up facing the Head Elder. “Your fate is elimination,” bellowed the Head Elder, “and you scum deserve your fate.” “Those who cannot succeed will be eliminated, and you are our sacrifices.” “Dear Sun,” he screamed, “come out from behind your clouds, and guide the symphony of your radiant rays to our feet. We give you music in exchange for your light!” At that, the Head Elder spun, and directed the failures toward the back edge of the platform. A violent cliff face was what they saw, and the mob at their back jeered them onward.

  23. With a sudden sweeping motion, the Head Elder knocked them on their knees, and kicked them off the edge, down into the boiling surf thousands of feet below. The last noise Hiram heard was the Head Elder praising the crowd for its joyous music, and then he hit the ocean waves below. • The sky wept as wave after wave of rain poured down from its vast expanse, and the wind howled through the countryside. A death lament rose on the wind, and the bursts of air guided a haunting melody through the cliffs, into the meadow, through the forests, and out into the pasture beyond. The only song the Sun ever heard was an emotionless dirge, and he scoffed at what the musical symbols called a joyous sound. The Sun decided that he hated that dreadful noise. The Sun agreed with the Moon: music was truly a thing of pettiness.

  24. TIME TO SAY GOODBYE When I’m alone, I dream on the horizon, and words fail;yes, I know there is no light in a room where the sun is absent, if you are not with me, with me. As the windows show everyone my heart, which you set alight; enclose within me the light you encountered on the street. Time to say goodbye to countries I never saw and shared with you, now, yes, I shall experience them. I’ll go with you on ships across seas, which, I know, no, no, exist no longer. It’s time to say goodbye… When you are far away, I dream on the horizon and words fail, and, Yes, I know that you are with me; you, my moon, are here with me, my sun, you are here with me, with me, with me, with me. Time to say goodbye, To countries I never, Saw and shared with you, now, yes, I shall experience them. I’ll go with you, On ships across seas which, I know, no, no, exist no longer, with you I shall experience them again. I’ll go with you, On ships across seas Which, I know, No, no, exist no longer; with you I shall experience them again. I’ll go with you, I with you. - Andrea Bocelli - Time To Say Goodbye

  25. Vivere Try looking at tomorrow, not yesterday, and all the things you left behind, all those tender words you did not say the gentle touch you couldn't find, In these days of nameless faces there's no one truth, but only pieces, my life is all I have to give. Dare to live! Until the very last, Dare to live! Forget about the past, Dare to live! Giving something of yourself to others, Even when it seems there is nothing more left to give. But if you saw on your doorstep, the man who sleeps in a cardboard box, if you were to listen to the world one morning without the noise of the rain,you, who can create with your voice, you think the thoughts of the people, then, about God, there is only one God. Nobody has ever taught us how to live, to live is not possible without the past, to live is beautiful even though you never asked for it; there will be a song and someone to sing it. Dare to live! Searching for that one true love, Why, why, why, why, do you not live tonight? Dare to live! You know what I'm talking of, Why. why, why, why, do you not live now? Dare to live! Until the very last, Why, why, why?Life is not life, Your life is all you have to give, Because you did not live it. Dare to live! Until the very last, Why, why, why?Life is not life, Your life is all you have to give, Because you never lived it. I will say no will say yes, Say dare to live! Dare to live! - Andrea Bocelli - Vivere Bar Line - www.lilypond.org Notes Picture - /dclips.fundraw.com BackgroundImage - http://www.capecodbeachchair.com/beachguide/images/beaches/head_of_the_meadow2.jpg Glass Singing Picture - www.dnr.state.wi.us Angel Picture - www.psychicwalter.com Cloud Picture - www.anniemation.com Sun Picture - www.imajlar.com Assorted Clip Art - www.grsites.com Clef Picture - www.ashevillemusicandart.com Music Line Picture - online.mpls.k12.mn.us

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