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Parts of Speech:. Definition:. Noun. A place where people live. Abode. Synonym: Antonym:. Home, residence. Sounds Like:. A toad. We were upset to find out that our abode was broken into when we were vacationing at Disney. Definition:. Parts of Speech:. verb.
Parts of Speech: Definition: Noun A place where people live Abode Synonym: Antonym: Home, residence Sounds Like: A toad We were upset to find out that our abode was broken into when we were vacationing at Disney.
Definition: Parts of Speech: verb to admit that something is real or true; to express that you know someone or something Acknowledge Synonym: Antonym: recognize deny Sounds Like: Back college After being beaten three times in a row, Keema had to acknowledge that Stacey was the better ball player
Definition: Parts of Speech: verb Agitate to disturb either physically or emotionally; to shake up Synonym: Antonym: Disturb, upset Calm, soothe Sounds Like: Activate Word used in a sentence The alarming news agitated Gene so much, he couldn’t sleep all night.
Definition: Parts of Speech: verb to take apart, often making something useless Dismantle Synonym: Break apart Antonym: assemble, build Sounds Like: His ant hill Word used in a sentence Bud knew how to dismantle a car engine, but he had no idea how to put it back together.
Definition: causing sadness or gloom. Parts of Speech: adjective Dismal Synonym: sad, joyless Antonym: Bright, cheerful Sounds Like: abysmal Word used in a sentence Some people like rain storms, but to me rain is the most dismal weather
Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective Hospitable being nice and generous to strangers or guests. Synonym: Antonym: Friendly Unsociable Whenever I go to Carlie’s house, she just stays in her room and isn’t hospitable at all.
Definition: Parts of Speech: verb Intensify to make or become more intense; to strengthen . Synonym: Antonym: strengthen weaken Sounds Like: • Instead of weakening, Hurricane Shane only intensified as it hit the Florida coast.
Definition: Parts of Speech: verb to beg for something, or to ask very seriously Implore Synonym: Antonym: Beg, plead Word used in a sentence The prisoner implored the judge to spare his life .
Definition: Parts of Speech: verb Inundate to overwhelm with too much of something Synonym: Antonym: Flood, overwhelm underwhelm Word used in a sentence The phone lines were inundated with requests for the new pop single.
being careless; not paying attention to the things you have to do Parts of Speech: adjective Negligent Synonym: Antonym: indifferent, inconsiderate careful, mindful Word used in a sentence Gabrielle was a negligent babysitter; she spent the whole time texting her friends and ignoring the kids.
Definition: Parts of Speech: noun Oration a speech, especially one in public for a special occasion Synonym: Antonym: Speech ? • The president gave an important oration from the steps of the Capitol building.
Definition: Parts of Speech: verb Perturb to bother or disturb greatly Synonym: Antonym: upset, unsettle calm, please • Nothing perturbs our teacher more than when someone’s cell phone rings in class.
Definition: Parts of Speech: verb Reprimand to scold in a very strong or serious way Synonym: Antonym: scold compliment Word used in a sentence • I was reprimanded for having my cell phone ring in class.
Definition: Parts of Speech: noun Sequel something that comes after something else, especially a book or movie that continues the story of an earlier work Synonym: Antonym: series ? Word used in a sentence • When it comes to X-Men movies, I think the sequels were even better than the original.
Definition: to be in charge of something or someone; to manage Parts of Speech: verb Supervise Synonym: Antonym: manage, control neglect Word used in a sentence • If you work at a camp, you have to be good at supervising little kids.