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Mark Warner’s Legacy and Why He Must Be Defeated in November 2014

Mark Warner’s Legacy and Why He Must Be Defeated in November 2014. Presentation by Charley Martin to Potomac GOP June 9, 2014. Imperative for the Republic: The Senate must be returned to Republican control.

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Mark Warner’s Legacy and Why He Must Be Defeated in November 2014

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  1. Mark Warner’s LegacyandWhy He Must Be Defeated in November 2014 Presentation by Charley Martin to Potomac GOP June 9, 2014

  2. Imperative for the Republic: The Senate must be returned to Republican control • Since 2011, the Republican-controlled House has passed a number of bills designed to stimulate the economy through the small business sector, curb the oppressive Obama regulatory agenda, and repeal and replace Obamacare. (Examples in later slide) • Not one of these bills has been taken up by the Democrat-controlled Senate under the leadership of Harry Reid. • For the good of the Republic, the time has come to change the situation of the divided Congress by putting Republicans in charge of both chambers

  3. Imperative for the Republic: The Senate must be returned to Republican control • Under Harry Reid’s leadership, the Senate suspended the filibuster rules for confirming Presidential nominees to key executive and judicial posts, removing the historical influence available to the minority party (the “nuclear” option of simple majority vote). • This change allows Obama to put in place very progressive operatives in important positions to advance his executive agenda without the need for Congressional legislation. • This is a dangerous precedent for either party. It is not clear whether Reid intends to extend use of the nuclear option to other matters.

  4. Imperative for the Republic: The Senate must be returned to Republican control • President Obama has made it clear that he intends to rule by executive action, with or without Congress. Some of these actions have violated Constitutional limitations on his authority. A few examples include: • The unilateral changing of at least 29 of the deadlines imposed by the so-called “Affordable Care Act” • The unconstitutional appointment of persons to the National Labor Relations Board during a period when the Senate was technically in session, and the subsequent failure to nullify their decisions when challenged.

  5. The ordering of the death of American citizens by drone strike without due process. • The release of five high-level Taliban enemy combatants in negotiation with terrorists without the consent of Congress required by law. • There has been little public outcry from the Democrat-controlled Senate, and none from Mark Warner in particular, against the unilateral imperial actions by our President to thwart the legislative process and defy the Constitutional separation of powers. • If our Senator cannot set aside party politics and stand up to abuses of executive power, then it is past time to replace him.

  6. Imperative for Virginia: Mark Warner does not represent the People • At the local level, the People of Virginia are conservative by nature: • Two-thirds of our Delegates to the state House of Delegates are conservative Republicans (67-33) • Eight of our 11 Representatives in Congress are conservative Republicans. • Yet, in the U.S. Senate and the Statehouse, we are represented and governed by liberal Democrats. How can this be? • The answer must be that our electorate is as susceptible as the national electorate to the deceptions and empty promises of national and statewide liberal politicians

  7. Imperative for Virginia: Mark Warner does not represent the People • Mark Warner casts himself as a centrist Democrat, yet his voting record and the record of his public positions on issues belie his true and very liberal identity: • Mark Warner has voted with Obama’s liberal agenda 97% of the time.1 • Mark Warner voted for Obamacare. • Mark Warner supports Obama’s initiatives through the EPA to effectively end the generation of 39% of the nation’s electric power by coal. • Mark Warner supports Obama’s anti-Second Amendment agenda. (See Addendum on UN Arms Trade Treaty)

  8. Imperative for Virginia: Mark Warner does not represent the People • Mark Warner has low ratings from organizations that support a strong national security posture, accountability in government, vibrant economic policies and traditional family values:2 • Center for Security Policy – 13% (2011-2012) • Heritage Action for America – 3% (2014) • U.S. Chamber of Commerce – 38% (2012) • National Retail Federation – 0% (2011-2012) • Family Research Council – 0% (2011-2012) • Concerned Women for America – 0% (2011-2014) • Citizens Against Government Waste – 19% (2011)

  9. In Conclusion… • It is imperative for the welfare and preservation of the Republic that control of the Senate be regained by the Republican party. • It is imperative for Virginians that we elect a Republican Senator who will faithfully represent our values and views.

  10. Examples of House-Passed Bills Not Taken Up By Senate3 • HR 3010 (112th) – Regulatory Accountability Act of 2011 • HR 2930 (112th) – Entrepreneur Access to Capital • HR 910 (112th) – Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011

  11. Examples of Votes by Mark Warner That Reflect Obama’s Liberal Agenda4 • Voted NAY on “Approving the XL Pipeline” – S Amdt 1537 to S1813 – 3/8/12 (Defeated) • Voted NAY on “Proposing a Balanced Budget Amendment to US Constitution” – S J Res 10 – 12/14/11 (Defeated) • Voted NAY on “Prohibits US from Entering Into the UN Arms Trade Treaty” – S Amdt 139 to S Con Res 8 – 3/23/13 (Passed) (Contains provisions that conflict with 2nd Amendment)

  12. References • Radio interview of Ed Gillespie on WMAL, early June • http://votesmart.org/candidate/evaluations/535/mark-warner/ • http://www.congress-summary.com/B-112th-Congress/House_Bills_112th_Congress_A.html • http://votesmart.org/candidate/key-votes/535/mark-warner/ • Radio interview of Ed Gillespie on WMAL, early June

  13. Addendum: The Pitfalls of the UN Arms Trade Treaty The Senate recently adopted an amendment, sponsored by Senator Inhofe, to the Budget Continuing Resolution, prohibiting the U.S. from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. Mark Warner voted “nay”, but the amendment passed by the narrow margin of 53-46. The treaty is advertised by the UN as a way to prevent arms from falling into the hands of organizations that engage in terror, genocide, etc. It is a fool’s paradise. North Korea, Iran and Syria voted against it and will never ratify it. Twenty-three other countries (e.g., Saudi Arabia) abstained, and will not likely ever ratify it. Under Obama’s leadership, the U.S. voted in favor of it, and Secretary of State Kerry has already signed the treaty on behalf of the U.S. To take effect, this treaty must be ratified by the Senate. As it stands today, ratification would be defeated, but only narrowly. Mark Warner would vote in favor of adopting the treaty. The reason this is a bad treaty for the United States is explained on the next slide.

  14. The UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is a bad treaty for the United States. It is well-intended on its surface, but there is a hidden agenda we must be wary of, as brought out by Bob Barr, former Representative from Georgia, in an opinion piece in The Washington Times of August 19, 2013. According to Mr. Barr, one of the “modules” being developed as an adjunct to this treaty, under the “International Small Arms Control Standard (ISACS),” gives signatory governments a legislative and enforcement model for limiting the access of its citizens to firearms and ammunition. This module, whose title is “National controls over the access of civilians to small arms and light weapons,” prescribes numerous measures that would constitute gross infringements of our rights under both the Second and Fourth Amendments. One of the provisions, for example, is that “only a predetermined number of firearms and rounds of ammunition may be possessed by a properly licensed civilian.” Another is that “individuals licensed to own firearms are subject to periodic and random inspections of their homes or businesses.” While the UN ATT claims the treaty itself does not impose new regulations on civilian gun ownership in signatory nations, its linkage to the ISACS is inevitable, and the current administration would be more than willing to impose new gun controls by fiat, if it could, citing as a basis the provisions of the International Small Arms Control Standards.

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