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Consistent Expectations in our Mickle "PBIS" ( Positive Behavior Intervention System)

Consistent Expectations in our Mickle "PBIS" ( Positive Behavior Intervention System). You are here to be a Learner Today to grow into a Leader Tomorrow!. Together WE are Stronger!. LEARNING is our Focus As the teacher will take the lead in maintaining learning.

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Consistent Expectations in our Mickle "PBIS" ( Positive Behavior Intervention System)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Consistent Expectations in our Mickle "PBIS"(Positive Behavior Intervention System) You are here to be a Learner Today to grow into a Leader Tomorrow!

  2. Together WE are Stronger!

  3. LEARNING is our Focus As the teacher will take the lead in maintaining learning In This Room, WE will be Busy

  4. When my reminders don't work, I'll use the "Think Time" Strategy

  5. Think Time in my room works like this

  6. The Think Time Pass

  7. take the TT pass, move quietly AND efficiently to my TT area. If Given A TT Pass

  8. -KEEP YOUR CONTROL!!!! -You’ll be asked to show some “thinking” on a debriefing form Show Readiness quickly then you can return to US Modeling Think Time

  9. AS A Class...If a TT pass is given, YOU have a job too....

  10. Sshhhhh, You are here to continue learning

  11. I'll stay on top of the concern to direct the student to my TT table

  12. I'LL give them one of These

  13. It MAY LOOK like I'm ignoring.... but I'm not..... I'm giving them "Thinking Time" The Debriefing Process

  14. When I think the student shows readiness They will REJOIN THEIR learning.

  15. •THEY "show readiness" •I'll check their debriefing form •They get to rejoin us and will focus on completing the work missed while away •As a class... SIT QUIETLY and focus on YOUR Learning When a Student Can rejoin US...

  16. Do your part... "Be A Learner"

  17. Other Passes to be aware of...

  18. Pink Pass - Not Dressed for Learning Time

  19. Orange Pass - Substitute Time

  20. Teal Pass - to the main office

  21. Purple Pass - Diversity Concern

  22. Star Pass - Teacher Helper

  23. That’s Enough for now...

  24. Questions?

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