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Philippians 4:2 “I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord...help these women...”. The Study of. Salvation. ‘Soteriology’. Philippians 1:1 “...to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi”.

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  1. Philippians 4:2 “I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord...help these women...”

  2. The Study of... Salvation ‘Soteriology’

  3. Philippians 1:1 “...to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi”

  4. Rom 13:11 “...it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers...”

  5. Phil 2:3 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

  6. “Much modern social and psychological theory is indebted to the notion that members of the human species, like all other animals are involved in a relentless quest to dominate others in order to survive”Frank Thielman

  7. Phil 2:5 “...have the same attitude of mind Christ Jesus had...”

  8. Genesis 2:25 “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed”

  9. Genesis 3:7 “Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves”

  10. V13 ”...for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil his good purpose”

  11. Rom 8:28-29 “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son...”

  12. v 12“ Therefore as you have always obeyed...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling...”

  13. 1 Cor 15:10 “But by the grace of God I am what I am, ... I worked harder than any of them though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me”Colossians 1:28-29 “...warning everyone and teaching everyone in all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil and struggle with all the energy that he powerfully inspires within me”

  14. Brothers Fatally Crushed Under Ice Ashish Miranda, 24, and Akshay Miranda, 22,In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea. In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea.

  15. Israel Continues Airstrikes in Gaza GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Israeli warplanes bombed the Gaza-Egypt border and top officials decided to press ahead with a bloody offensive, despite a brief lull on Wednesday Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea. In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea.

  16. Drunk Teens cause Havoc at Campground In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea. A mob of drunk teenagers has been terrorising campers at a popular Taranaki beach. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea.

  17. Global Job Losses in Economic Crisis The biggest risk to investors this year will be rising global unemployment and the likelihood of it causing further economic deterioration, gnota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea. In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea.

  18. Petrol Prices Lowest in 3 Years Holidaymakers stretching budgets against the financial squeeze at least have the consolation of the cheapest petrol for three years. vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea. In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea.

  19. Family Still Searching for Warrior Sonny Fai In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea. In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea.

  20. Indonesian Earthquake Kills 4 MANOKWARI - A series of powerful earthquakes killed at least four people and injured dozens in remote eastern Indonesia on Sunday and briefly triggered fears of another tsunami Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea. In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea.

  21. Taranaki Toddler Drowns on Dairy Farm In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea. The three-year-old drowned in a settling pond – the run off for a dairy shed – in the Eltham area, Sergeant Geoff Winter, of Hawera, told NZPA. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad mollis ceteros ad sea. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim.

  22. Boozing Jessie Ryder Axed from One-Dayer In libris graecis appetere mea. At vim odio lorem omnes, pri id iuvaret partiendo. Vivendo menandri et sed. Lorem volumus blandit cu has.Sit cu alia porro fuisset. Ea pro natum invidunt repudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul eripuit accusata has ne. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad, mollis ceteros ad sea. Jesse Ryder's drinking has once again cost him a place in the Black Caps. Ryder has been dropped for tomorrow's fourth one dayer against the West Indies,. Sit rebum erant dolorem et, sed odio error ad.Vel molestie corrumpit deterruisset ad mollis ceteros ad sea. Ignota verterem te nam, eu cibo causae menandri vim.

  23. The Challenge 1: How are your relationships with others? Are there any unresolved issues that you really need to deal with? 2: Are you surfing the waves of selfishness day in and day out? 3: Can people see Jesus in you?

  24. “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God...In him was life, and the life was the light of all people” John 1:1&4 “Let your light shine brightly”

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