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Top 10. Ways to Improve your Chances in Receiving Internal Grants. 10. Have a clearly identified research question. Research Question.
Top 10 Ways to Improve your Chances in Receiving Internal Grants
Research Question Your research question is the most critical part of your research -- it defines the whole process, it guides your arguments and inquiry, and it provokes the interests of the reviewer. If your question does not work well, no matter how strong the rest of the research, the endeavor is unlikely to be successful. Is my proposed project really research? Scholarship?
9. Delineate the purpose, goals, and objectives for the research project.
Statement of Purpose, Goals and Objectives • The research question or creative project must be clearly defined with an appropriate rationale; • scope of the questions or project are manageable within the time frame and context of the study; and • all goals are clearly stated and objectives are measurable and achievable.
Research Method or Creative Plan • Methodology you will utilize for analysis of the research data gathered — experimental design, case study, qualitative evaluation, exegesis, ethnology, statistical analysis, critical theory, rhetorical analysis… • Design and procedures adequate to support the study’s objectives and are all fully supported by the literature review; • Scope of the project and feasibility in regard to time and resource limits.
Audience Communicate research and scholarship in ways that makes sense to someone outside your area of focus.
6. Read the rubric and know the criteria used for selection.
5. Make sure you have demonstrated clear benefits to students in terms of SLOs.
4. Describe the final scholarly product in ways that are achievable oral presentations, poster presentations, Research Festival (doesn’t have to be publication)
3. Budget must be clear and detailed with obvious links to plan for the project.
2. Do your homework. Look at good grant descriptions on the ORSP website.
1. Don’t relax until you receive your confirmation email. Then, celebrate!
For more information: ORSP Office—Mark BillingsleyPursuit Office—Phyllis BolinUndergraduate Research—Vic McCracken