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Urban Wind Conditions. By Mate Hebenstreit. The number of domestic scale wind turbines increasing , due to the availability of such small and relatively cheap devices. Or traditional horizontal axis turbines , in a 1-50 kW range. VAWT Tipically 1-5 kW.
Urban Wind Conditions ByMateHebenstreit
The number of domesticscalewind turbinesincreasing, duetothe availability of suchsmalland relativelycheapdevices. Ortraditionalhorizontal axisturbines, in a 1-50 kW range. VAWT Tipically 1-5 kW
Howthedifferent city structuresalter te wind Steepchangesin terrain, suchastallbuildings causeturbulenceinthe air flow onboththebase and the top of thestructure, whichresultsinpowerloss. Toavoidturbulentflows, wemust placetheturbinesinrespecttothisfigure, whichshowsthe Zone of maximum turbulentflow: The distancebetweenthewindturbine and theobstaclecausingtheturbulance (10H+), must be atleast 10 timeslarger thantheheight of theobstacle.
Howthedifferent city structuresalter te wind Of courseasifinopenland, it is bettertoputthewindturbineson a greaterheight, butit is alsoimportanttoputthematleast 10 meterabovethehighestpoint of theroof and alsootherobstaclesandbuildingswithin a 100 meters. Theserulesarehardtokeepupwith, in a cost-effectiveperspective.
Measurements • Weusedtwoanemometers. (AIRX, UNITEK) • OurreferencepointwasthelocationmarkedbyAIRX arrow. • Wedidmeasurementsintwoweekcyclesonlocations1-4. Duringthereferencemeasurements, itturned out thatthe UNITEK instrumentmeasuresonly 80% of thewindvelocityofwhattheotherdevicewasshowing, sowe had tocorrectthevaluesaccordingtothisdifference.
Wind-map Inthe city environment, streetsactlikechannelsforthewind, asshownonthepictureabove. It’s importantto be aware of thesewind-mapsinordertomaximizeefficiencytroughproperturbineplacement.
Conclusion „Weneedtoabletolocatethebestspotsfortheseexpensivedevices, toget a fair amount of energyforourmoney.”
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