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Ramadhan. Introduction. Ramadhan Introduction. In Islam, a sacred month of fasting The first revelation of the Quran is commemorated in this month 9 th month of the Muslim year Because of the purely lunar calendar, it falls in different seasons. Ramadhan Introduction.
Ramadhan Introduction
RamadhanIntroduction • In Islam, a sacred month of fasting • The first revelation of the Quran is commemorated in this month • 9th month of the Muslim year • Because of the purely lunar calendar, it falls in different seasons
RamadhanIntroduction • Month for devotion and acts of atonement • Fasting during the daylight hours of Ramadhan • Indulgence of any sort is forbidden during the fast • Increased praying and charity encouraged
RamadhanIntroduction • Ramadhan fast, one of the Five Pillars of Islam • End of fasting celebrated as one of the important religious holidays of Islam, Eid ul Fitr.
Ramadhan Fasting
HadithMuslim Hadith Qudsi I swear by the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, the breath of the faster is sweeter to Allah on the Day of Judgment than the scent of musk.
RamadhanThe Principle • The principle behind Saum is to understand the plight of the poor and needy pledge to live a more significant and meaningful life
Hadith Prophet Mohammedsaw said "if a person observing fast does not shun untruth, his having given up eating and drinking is of little value. Such a person starves for nothing. And those who rise in the midnight to recite prayers but do not give up untruth and evil deeds, lose their sleep for nothing”
RamadhanThe Fast • For thirty days • abstain from food, drink, evil thoughts and sensual indulgences • from shortly before sunrise to shortly after sunset • due reward for fasting • one who takes this obligation lightly is a sinner
RamadhanThe Niyyat • Intent of fasting • could be verbal and in any language • preferable to make Niyyat during night i.e. prior to Subah Sadiq • without Niyyat, Saum is mere starvation (time limit for validity of Niyyat for Saum is before the time of Nisfun-Nahar i.e. midday in terms of the Shariah)
RamadhanMeals • Special meals of the Saum : • Suhoorbefore the Fajr prayers • Iftarevening meal often eaten communally often including dates
QuranSurah al Baqarah: 187 فَالآنَ بَاشِرُوهُنَّ وَابْتَغُواْ مَا كَتَبَ اللّهُ لَكُمْ وَكُلُواْ وَاشْرَبُواْ حَتَّى يَتَبَيَّنَ لَكُمُ الْخَيْطُ الأَبْيَضُ مِنَ الْخَيْطِ الأَسْوَدِ • “...And now associate with them and seek what Allah has ordained for you and eat and drink until the white thread of dawn appears to you distinct from its black thread.”
HadithAhmed The Messenger of Allahsaw said : "Sahuur is a blessed meal, do not neglect it even if it is a mouthful of drink. For Allah and the Angels bless those who observe it."
RamadhanASpecial act • Of all the pillars of Islam, none is more special than siyaam/ fasting • no possibility of Riya or show in fasting • only Allah knows the one really abstaining • fasting is considered a special worship
RamadhanBenefits • Why fast? • to develop patience and self-control • to learn sympathy for the deprived • to cleanse the body and mind
RamadhanBenefits • Why fast? • to gain appreciation for Allah's bounty • to demonstrate the depth of one's commitment • to protect against sin.
RamadhanHadith The Holy Prophetsaw said : "Satan runs in the circulatory system of the son of Adam in the same way blood circulates in our system; so tighten his passages with hunger“ Bukhari and Muslim
RamadhanThe 3 Grades of Fasting • Ordinary Fasting abstaining from food, drink and sexual satisfaction • Special Fasting abstinence and keeping ears, eyes, tongue, hands and feet and allorgans free from sin
RamadhanThe 3 Grades of Fasting • Extra-special Fasting abstinence & total disregard of everything but Allah - this kind of Fast broken by thinking of worldly matters - consists of utmost dedication to Allah • To this third degree belongs fasting of Prophets, the awliya and intimates of Allah
RamadhanHadith Qudsi "All services of the son of Adam are for him except fasting. It is for Me, and I will reward him for it. Fasting is a shield. On the day you fast, do not use obscenity, nor yell at others, nor act ignorantly towards them. However, if anyone abuses you verbally or attempts to draw you to fight with him, say 'I am fasting' two times. The Prophet (saas) then states: I swore by the One (Allah) in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, the breath of the faster is sweeter to Allah on the Day of Judgment than the scent of musk. The faster experiences enjoyment twice: he is pleased when he breaks his fast, and he is pleased when he meets his Maker" (Muslim)
RamadhanFasting • Fasting is a shield • protects believer from sin (ma'asi) • eating increases blood flow and energy levels • making easier for Satan to use ones own energy level to tempt to commit sins
RamadhanA test • The fast is the single most important device to test • the Iman • the depth of sincerity • commitment to the concept of Tauheed
HadithTirmidhi The Messenger of Allahsaw has been reported as saying: "There are three categories of people whose supplications will not be rejected: - the person who observes the fast until he breaks it, - a just ruler, - and a person who has been oppressed."
RamadhanSunnahs of Fasting • 6 duties in fasting known as Sunnahs - Sehri or predawn meals - Iftar immediately after sunset - Tarawih Salaat at night - Feed the poor and hungry - Increased reading of the Holy Quran - I’tikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan
RamadhanMustahabs of Fasting To partake of Sehri To delay the Sehri upto a little Subha Sadiq To break one's fast immediately after sunset To break one's fast with dates and water To make Niyyat at night
HadithBukhari, Fath ul Baari No.1933 • "If he forgets (about the fast) and eats or drinks absent-mindedly, then he should continue his fast, because it was Allah who fed him." In another narration, "and there is no day owed nor expiation required."
RamadhanMakroohat of Fasting To chew gum, rubber, plastic items etc To taste food/drink and spit it out (If husband very ill-tempered, permissible for wife to taste food without swallow it) Collecting saliva in the mouth and swallowing it to quench thirst Delay a bath that has become FARZ knowingly until after Subha Sadiq
RamadhanMakroohat of Fasting Using paste/tooth powder. (Miswaak permitted) Complain of hunger and thirst Taking water too much up the nostrils (when cleaning the nose) To gargle more than necessary To quarrel, argue, use filthy or indecent words To backbite, tell a lie and swear etc. are sinful acts
RamadhanRegarding Children • The normal rule • After age 7 : order child to observe Saum No Qadha if child breaks the fast • By age 10 : compel child to fast in Ramadhan
RamadhanQaza saum • Compensate unobserved fasts • are Wajib • without needless delay • make Niyyat at night i.e. before Subah Sadiq • omission due to Haidh/Nifaas must be made up • Qadha saum need not be consecutive • Fidyah wajib if Qaza saum not posiible
RamadhanKaffarah • Penalty for deliberate nullification of Sawm of Ramadhan • fasting 60 consecutive days • those unable to fast can feed 60 needy 2 meals a day or pay the amount in cash (Sadaqah Fitr) or give 2kgs flour per poor