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Join us for a special dinner to celebrate the 20th anniversary of PACIS, featuring a welcoming speech, best paper award, and recognition of PACIS contributors and organizers. Preview of PACIS 2014 will also be provided.
Conference Dinner on Summary and History
Agenda Research Topic: PACIS 2013 Authors: All participants • Welcoming speech • Dinner • Best paper award • Celebration of the 20th anniversary of PACIS • Congratulatory remarks • PACIS 2014 preview • Organizing committee recognition • Music performance (Introduction) (Motivation) (Past studies) (Results) (Future study) (Acknowledgements) (Appendix)
Welcoming Speech Ho Geun Lee Conference Co-Chair Yonsei University (Korea)
Best Paper Award Ji-Ye Mao Program Co-Chair Renmin University of China James Thong Program Co-Chair Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Jae-Nam Lee Program Co-Chair Korea University Business School
Best Paper Award • 19 Papers are nominated by Track Chairs • 7 Papers are selected by Program Chairs • 3 Best Papers (1 winner and 2 runner-ups) are selected by the Best Paper Committee • Guy Gable (Queensland University of Technology) • Susanna Ho (Australian National University) • AtreyiKankanhalli (National University of Singapore) • Michael Myers (University of Auckland) • Peter Seddon (University of Melbourne) • Patrick Chau (University of Hong Kong)
2nd Runner-Up BITING NEWCOMERS TO IMPROVE COLLABORATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM: AN OPPORTUNITY COST PERSPECTIVE Myunsoo Kim and Byungtae Lee Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
1st Runner-Up ALL ONLINE FRIENDS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL: DISCOVERING INFLUENCE STRUCTURE IN ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS Xi Chen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Chong (Alex) Wang, City University of Hong Kong Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Winner DEVELOPING A MATURITY MODEL FOR PRODUCT-SERVICE SYSTEMS IN MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES Alexander A. Neff , Florian Hamel, Thomas Ph. Herz, Falk Uebernickel , and Walter Brenner University of St.Gallen (HSG)
Celebration of the 20th Anniversary ofPACIS Patrick Chau Conference Co-Chair The University of Hong Kong
Recognition of PACIS Contributors • The Founder of PACIS • The Most Contributing Scholar with the highest number of papers accepted and presented at PACIS from 1993 to 2013 • The Most Contributing Scholar with the highest involvement in organizing PACIS from 1993 to 2013
The Founder of PACIS Ting Peng Liang (National Chengchi University)
Most Contributing Scholars –Papers at PACIS Kwok Kee Wei(City University of Hong Kong) 24 papers accepted and presented at PACIS Mohammed Quaddus(Curtin University) 22 papers accepted and presented at PACIS
Most Contributing Scholars – Organizing PACIS Guy Gable(Queensland University of Technology) Patrick Y. K. Chau (University of Hong Kong) Both with five times as Conference, Program or DC chairs for PACIS
Congratulatory Remarks Doug Vogel President of AIS City University of Hong Kong
PACIS 2014 Conference Co-Chairs • Guoqing Chen (Tsinghua University, China) • Zhangxi Lin (TTU, USA; SWUFE, China) • Kwok Kee Wei (City University, Hong Kong) Program Co-Chairs • Xunhua Guo (Tsinghua University, China) • Qing Li (SWUFE, China) • Keng Siau (U. of Nebraska-Lincoln, U.S.A.)
Recognition of Organizing Committee Members Ho Geun Lee Conference Co-Chair Yonsei University (Korea)
Thank You – C0-Chair! Patrick Chau (University of Hong Kong)
Thank You – Program Chairs! Jae-Nam Lee (Korea University) Ji-Ye Mao (Renmin University of China) James Y. L. Thong (HKUST) And …. 55 Track Chairs!
Thank You – DC Chairs! Boh Wai Fong (Nanyang Technological University) Guy G. Gable (Queensland University of Technology) Youngjin Yoo (Temple University) And …. 8 DC Faculties!
Thank You – Workshop Chairs! Wonseok Oh (KAIST) Michael Davern (University of Melbourne) Victoria Yoon (Virginia Commonwealth University) And …. 8 Workshop Leaders!
Thank You – Organizing Chairs! Il Im (Yonsei University) Sang-Yong Tom Lee (Hanyang University) Hee-Woong Kim (Yonsei University) Gee-Woo Bock (Sungkyunkwan University) Jae Jung Kang (Jeju National University) Dongcheol Lee (Jeju National University) And …. Many Staff Members!
Thank You – Delegates! • 525 participants from 26 countries! Europe: 40 Participants Asia: 399 Participants North America: 29 Participants Oceania: 56 Participants South America: 1 Participant