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Enhancing cross-border cooperation in nature conservation and cultural heritage protection between Slovakia and Hungary. Key activities include joint projects, environmental education, and heritage site enhancement. Nature reserve development and infrastructure improvement are also emphasized. |
Meeting of Slovak- Hungarian Committeefor Nature Conservation and LandscapeProtectionBudapest, 13. 09. 2019. „Bükk National Park Directorate”
Projects and commonactivities • CooperationAgreementbetweenŠtátnaochranaprírodySlovenskejRepubliky and Bükk National Park Directorate Since 1994 a CooperationAgreement has beenstartedbetweenourorganisationswhichwerenewedevery/everysecondyear. Intheframe of theagreementwe had iniciatedjointprojects, bilateralresearchactivities, commonenvironmentaleducationprogrammes, workshopsforexperience-changes, trainings, publishedbooks and publications, etc. WehavepreparedthenextCooperationAgreementforthenexttwoyear. Weplangetthesignatureintheautumn of 2019.
Projects and commonactivities • Activities supported by joint projects in the last 10 years: GIS education, cross-border biotic research, commonfield trainingforrangers, building a visitor center (Baglyaskő), published books and publications, exhibition development
Projects and commonactivities • Enhancement of the ancient cultural cross border heritage profile of historical Nógrád(LivingHeritage, SKHU/1601/1.1/267) Interreg V-A. Slovakia Hungary CrossBorderCooperationProgramme (Lead Beneficiary: MestoFil’akovo). (09. 2017 – 12. 2019). Intentionof BNDP is to increase the attractiveness of Baglyas-kő fortress in Salgótarján(Visitor Center of BNDP inNógrád-county) by exploring the archaeological heritage, conserving unearthed artifacts on the site and developing the conditions for demonstration and visitor friendly infrastructure.
Exploringthearchaeologicalheritage, Baglyas-kőVisitor Center ceramic foundation of the platinum of prehistoric furnace the closure of the excavated north defenses - probably the gate to the east a medieval ground level cut by a prehistoric defenses, with multiple period ovens on it prehistoricfurnacesduringexcavation
Design elements to be realized, Baglyas-kőVisitor Center plannedstorkvolier plannedplayground
Meeting of Slovak- Hungarian Committeefor Nature Conservation and LandscapeProtectionBudapest, 13. 09. 2019. „Danube-Ipoly National Park Directorate”
Projects and commonactivities A delegation of State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic - Slovak Caves Administrationvisitedthecaves of Budapest Between 16-18 of May 2019, András Füri, director of DINPD received Lajos Gaál and hissixcolleagues. Weguidedtheminthe Molnár János Cave and Buda CastleCave.
Projects and commonactivities Cooperationbetweenprofessionals of the NGO SOS BirdLifeSlovakiaand DINPD • Commonwaterbirdsurveyalongthe Ipoly riverinJanuary-May 2019 • Changingexperiences
Projects and commonactivities Cooperationbetweenprofessionals of the NGO IpeľskáÚnia and DINPD • In August 2019, Ádám Selmeczi-Kovács (DINPD) gave a presentationonthe „Ipoly-day” inKingfisherVisitor Center, Ipolyság • Changingexperiences
Projects and commonactivities Cooperationbetweenprofessionals of the NGO BROZ and DINPD • WorkingtogetherintheDanubeTransnational Program „DanubeparksConnected” • Workingtogetherin a DTP-SeedMoneyFascility Program • Workingtogetherinthe LIFE+ project „DanubeFloodplains”
Projects and commonactivities Residentialforumabout an EU-project inthe Ipoly Valley In May 2019, DINPD gaveinformationfor local Hungarian and Slovakianpeopleabout an ongoing project inthe Ipoly Valley, financedby KEHOP
Meeting of Slovak- Hungarian Committeefor Nature Conservation and LandscapeProtectionBudapest, 13. 09. 2019.„Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate”
Preparation of Szigetköz-ŽitnýostrovNature/National Park and implementation of otherjointactivitiesinthefieldofnatureeducation and tourismTitle of the project: Nat-Net Duna/Dunaj 2Duration of the project: 01.07.2017 – 31.10.2019Total project budget: 464 460,20 EURERFA contribution: 394 791,17 EUR Nat-Net Duna/Dunaj 2
Project objectives:.- furtherdevelopment of transboundarynaturetourisminthearea..- furtherdevelopment of jointtransboundaryactivitiesofruraldevelopmentinstitutesonbothsidesoftheborder..- development of jointnatureeducationactivitiesofschoolsonbothsidesoftheborder. Nat-Net Duna/Dunaj 2
Lead partner: Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság.Other Partner:.- Regionálnarozvojová agentúra Šamorín- ŠtátnaochranaprírodySlovenskejrepubliky- Pisztráng Kör Waldorf Természetvédő és Természetjáró Egyesület- Mosonmagyaróvár Város Önkormányzata Nat-Net Duna/Dunaj 2
Activitieswithinthe project • Preparation of a jointtransboundaryNature/National Park • Create a newNature Park in Szigetköz • Tomake a basicdocumentation of a new National Park in Csallóköz/Žitnýostrov • Prepare a jointtransboundary management plan of a transboundaryNature/National Park Nat-Net Duna/Dunaj 2
todevelop Gombócos Nature Education Center withsomenewequipments and buildings- Implementationjointnatureeducationprogramsfor HU and SK kidsfrombothside of theborder- joint program- joint mobile exhibitions- jointtrainingsforteachers- joint PR actionsetc. Nat-Net Duna/Dunaj2
Problems:The project will be closedinone and halfmonths.Whileallpartnersarereadywiththeirownactivitieswithinthe project toclosesoon, wekindlyask update informationfrom SOP SR assoonaspossible. Nat-Net Duna/Dunaj 2
Meeting of Slovak- Hungarian Committeefor Nature Conservation and LandscapeProtectionBudapest, 13. 09. 2019.„Aggtelek National Park Directorate”
Projects and commonactivities • Medical/wellness tourismdevelopmentintheworldheritagecaves of the Aggtelek and SlovakKarst • Birdswithoutborders
Medical/wellness tourismdevelopmentintheworldheritagecaves of the Aggtelek and SlovakKarst • Project number: SKHU/1601/1.1/035 • Project duration: 01.11.2017 - (31.10.2019) 30.06.2020. • Total budget: ~ 500 mil. HUF / 1.616.098 EUR • ANPI budget: ~ 400 mil. HUF / 1.303.524 EUR • Cross-borderpartner: StateNatureConservancy of theSlovakRepublic Target: The aim of the project is to conductobligatory surveys required for obtainingthe certification of the caves of the cross-border cave system of the Aggtelek and Slovak Karst as therapeutic caves... (Béke cave, Baradla cave, Domicacave)
Activities: Conduction of basicsurveyssuchasgeophysicalsurveys, waterstainingsurveys, geophysicalsurveys, waterchemistry, pedology, microbiology and radiology, contaminantssurvey, hydrodinamic modelling, caveatmospheremodel. Developmentof medicaltourisminfrastructureincludingrealestatepurchase, necessaryconstruction and renovationworksinsideandoutsidethecave, evolving a placeforclimatetherapy Procurement of equipmentrelatedtomedicaltherapy Conduction of test therapy Professional publication, leaflets and publications Astheresult of the project, thecertifiedtherapeuticcavewillbecome a raretouristattractionbothin Hungary and Slovakia.
2. Birdswithoutborders • Project number: SKHU/1601/1.1/065 • Project duration: 01.11.2017 – 31.10.2019. • Total budget:~126 mil. HUF / 480.156 EUR • ANPI budget: ~48 mil. HUF / 154.625 EUR • Lead partner: SOP SR (State NatureConservancy of the Slovak Republic) Target: The project aims to improve quality of conditions for migratory birds observation in the ornithological camps, to improve conditions for study, research and field demonstration activities contributing to a better quality of field presentation.
Activities: Improving access to bird watching stations Renovation of bird catching and presentation equipment Construction of nature trails, bird watching towers Expanding education and training programs Widespread promotion of the program The project also contributes to expanding eco-touristic attractions of the cross-border region by presenting the area's ornithological values.