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Lecture 2 : Introduction to System Analysis and Design

Lecture 2 : Introduction to System Analysis and Design. Telematics systems and their design. Doc.Ing. Ond řej Přibyl , Ph.D. Department of applied mathematics Faculty of Transportation sciences, CTU. Lecture 2 – Overview. Part I: Motivation and objectives Part II: Key terminology

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Lecture 2 : Introduction to System Analysis and Design

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  1. Lecture 2:Introduction to System Analysis and Design Telematics systems and their design Doc.Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D. Department of applied mathematics Faculty of Transportation sciences, CTU

  2. Lecture 2 – Overview • Part I: Motivation and objectives • Part II: Key terminology • Roles in a project • Part III: System life cycle versus Development methodology • Example of a system concept document

  3. Part I:Motivation and objectives Why is SAD needed?

  4. Objectives of this course • To define and explain SAD in the realm of ITS • Our focus • Based on IT methodology • Many similarities • A detailed analysis exists • Tested in real world projects – allows us to learn from the best! • Modified to meet the different features of ITS • Engineering approach • Not only theoretical foundations (it is easy to find enough materials and to learn it – UML diagrams, and others) • Focuses on the applicability of the provided solutions in real world projects • Includes practical experiences

  5. Discussion • What does it actually mean „System analysis and design“?

  6. What is it all about? • We are talking about development of a new/improved system • A system within this course equals an ITS system • An ITS system typically consists of a combination of: • Software • Hardware • The development is influenced by constraints • What is a constraint – provide examples? • money, time, resources, legislative, …

  7. Discussion • What is a difference between Analysis and Design?

  8. What does it actually mean „System analysis and design“? • System development can generally be thought of having two major components: systems analysis and systems design. • In System Analysis more emphasis is given to understanding the details of an existing system or a proposed one and then deciding whether the proposed system is desirable or not and whether the existing system needs improvements. Thus, system analysis is the process of investigating a system, identifying problems, and using the information to recommend improvements to the system. • System design is the process of planning a new business system or one to replace or complement an existing system. • Analysis specifies what the system should do. • Design states how to accomplish the objective.

  9. Major steps in system life cycle Project Planning Request for a new system Feasible solutions and system requirements System Analysis Request for modification System Maintenance Post implementation review System Design System Implementation Prototype / Working version Design specification

  10. Product life stages

  11. Discussion • What is a methodology? • Why to use methodologies for SAD?

  12. Project success rate (CHAOS Project) • Only 16.2% for software projects that are completed ontime • and on-budget • 31.1% of projects will be cancelled before they ever get completed • 52.7% of projects will cost 189% of their original estimates. • Projects completed by the largest American companies have only approximately 42% of the originally-proposed features and functions. • Smaller companies do much better. http://blog.standishgroup.com/pmresearch

  13. Discussion • What are the main reasons for IT(S) project failures? • Lack of communication/Problems with communication? • Lack of methodological development process • Lack of management and control • …

  14. Customer Salesman Product manager Developer 1. Typical communication problems

  15. 2. The CMM Process Management Model Capability Maturity Model (CMM) – a standardized framework for assessing the maturity level of an organization’s information system development and management processes and products. It consists of five levels of maturity: • Level 1—Initial: System development projects follow no prescribed process. • Level 2—Repeatable: Project management processes and practices are established to track project costs, schedules, and functionality. • Level 3—Defined: A standard system development process (sometimes called a “methodology”) is purchased or developed. All projects use a version of this process to develop and maintain information systems and software. • Level 4—Managed: Measurable goals for quality and productivity are established. • Level 5—Optimizing: The standardized system development process is continuously monitored and improved based on measures and data analysis established in Level 4.

  16. Capability Maturity Model (CMM)

  17. Impact of System Development “Process” on Quality CMM - capability maturity model

  18. 3. Lack of Project Management • It is necessary to create a project plan: • Define objectives • Define resources (time, money, people, …) • Defined tasks and milestones and Regularly check project status • Most difficult is to find right level of detail • Too much project control: • “You Excel yourself to death” and do not get to actual work • Too little project control: • You do not know what are people doing and when you can expect any result

  19. Summary: Why would we use SAD? • Advantages • It will be demonstrated within the entire course, but consists of: • Allows for clear specification of the final product (communication) • Cost of change (cheap in design phase, expensive for a ready product) • Faster time to market after the client approval • Allows using of the same components in different projects (time and resource savings) • Allows for better work split - intern as well as extern development (time and resource savings) • Better project management • Tracking of the actual project status, client approval, management approval, … • Allows for better scalability, and many others • Open issues and challenges • Direct costs!!! • Requires time = money! • Requires trained people = money! • Requires special SW = money! • It is not easy to demonstrate directly its effect • The time for SAD must be planned in the project, but there is no „direct“ deliverables • Management often does not see the advantages

  20. Is it being used in praxis? • Used by most major software companies • Small companies (having a few SW developers only) often do not use SAD • Leads often to project collapse • The final product does not meet the clients' expectations • Optimal scope can be found for each company • Starting with requirements analysis and standardized design tools for small companies • Up to complete source code managements for big companies • At the end of this course • You should know the possible steps in SAD • You should be able to propose a suitable methodology for your future employer

  21. Part II:Basic terminology and principles

  22. Recommended Motto for SAD • KISS principle - Keep it simple, stupid or • A system design is not correct if there is nothing to be added but in case there is nothing to be removed. • There is never just one (best) solution. Praxis teaches you the best way you want to do a system design.

  23. Quality of the solution • The area of the square (= productivity) is constant Quality of the product Project size + + - - Development price Development time

  24. A Framework for Systems Analysis and Design An information system (IS) is an arrangement of people, data, processes, and information technology that interact to collect, process, store, and provide as output the information needed to support an organization. Information technology is a contemporary term that describes the combination of computer technology (hardware and software) with telecommunications technology (data, image, and voice networks).

  25. Telematics versus Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Telematics – term used mainly in Europe ITS – term used mainly in USA - similar meaning

  26. Integrates information and telecommunication technologies with transport engineering under the support of other related industry, in order to provide for the existing traffic infrastructure an advanced system of control of traffic and transport processes –enhancing the transport performance, traffic efficiency, road safety and comfort oftransportation etc. TELECOMMUNICATION • telecommunication networks and protocols • intelligent telecommunication environment • multifunctional telecommunication networks INFORMATICS • software engineering • database systmems and technologies • data processing • data flow optimisation TELEMATICS • distributed databases • information reduction, knowledge society • telematic services and protocols • network and telecommunication service management • organization, architecture Definition of TRANSPORT TELEMATICS

  27. Commercial vehicles Commercial vehicle pre-clearance Automated roadside safety inspection Commercial vehicle on-board safety monitoring Commercial vehicle fleet management Public transport Public transport management Shared transport management Emergency management Emergency notification and personal security Emergency vehicle management Hazardous materials and incident notification Electronic payment Electronic financial transactions Safety Public travel security Safety enhancement for vulnerable road users Examples of ITS • Traffic and travel information • Pre-trip information • On-trip driver information • On-trip public transport information • Personal information services • Route guidance and navigation • Traffic management • Transportation planning support • Traffic control • Incident management • Demand management • Policing/enforcing traffic regulations • Infrastructure maintenance management • Vehicle-related • Vision enhancement • Automated vehicle operation • Longitudinal collision avoidance • Lateral collision avoidance • Safety readiness • Pre-crash restraint deployment

  28. Stakeholders: Players in the Systems Game A stakeholder is an entity within or outside an organization which: 1. sponsor a project (customer, …), or 2. have an interest or a gain upon a successful completion of a project (project management, …); 3. may have a positive or negative influence in the project completion (internal as well as external workers, …). System owners– an information system’s sponsor and executive advocate, usually responsible for funding the project of developing, operating, and maintaining the information system.

  29. System Users System users – a “customer” who will use or is affected by an information system on a regular basis – capturing, validating, entering, responding to, storing, and exchanging data and information. • Internal users • Clerical and service workers • Technical and professional staff • Supervisors, middle managers, and executive managers • Remote and mobile users (internal but disconnected) • External users

  30. System Designers and System Builders System designer– a technical specialist who translates system users’ business requirements and constraints into technical solution. She or he designs the computer databases, inputs, outputs, screens, networks, and software that will meet the system users’ requirements. System builders– a technical specialist who constructs information systems and components based on the design specifications generated by the system designers.

  31. Systems Analysts • Systems analyst – a specialist who studies the problems and needs of an organization to determine how people, data, processes, and information technology can best accomplish improvements for the business. • A programmer/analyst (or analyst/programmer) includes the responsibilities of both the computer programmer and the systems analyst. • A business analyst focuses on only the nontechnical aspects of systems analysis and design.

  32. Where Do Systems Analysts Work?

  33. Skills Needed by the Systems Analyst • Working knowledge of information technology (technical) • Computer programming experience and expertise • General business knowledge • General problem-solving skills • Good interpersonal communication skills • Good interpersonal relations skills • Flexibility and adaptability • Character and ethics

  34. The Systems Analyst as a Facilitator

  35. Part III: System life cycle versus Development methodology

  36. Major steps in system life cycle Project Planning Request for a new system Feasible solutions and system requirements System Analysis Request for modification System Maintenance Post implementation review System Design System Implementation Prototype / Working version Design specification

  37. Sequential versus Iterative Development methodologies Name pros and cons for each of the approaches.

  38. Summary of the next tasks for students • Conceptual description of the selected system • Due date • Week 5 Link to Presentation: System Concept Readings: http://www.freetutes.com/systemanalysis/SA001.htm

  39. Questions to today’s lecture • What does it actually mean „System analysis and design“? • What is a difference between Analysis and Design? • Major system life stages • Who is System analyst and what must s/he be able to do? • What are the reason for IT(S) project failures? • What is CMM? • What is a CHAOS Report? • Who is s stakeholder?

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