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Learn how to determine pre-consolidation pressure using Casagrande's method from Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Hasan, PhD in Geotechnical Engineering. Follow the step-by-step procedure to estimate σc’ and understand the e-log σ’ plot. Improve your soil mechanics skills!
Soil MechanicsThird year students2017-2018 Dr . Ahmed Mohammed Hasan PhD in Geotechnical Engineering
Casagrande (1936) suggested a simple graphic construction to determine the preconsolidation pressure (σc’) from the laboratory e-log σ’ plot. The procedure is as follows: 1- By visual observation, establish point A, at which the e-log σ’ plot has a minimum radius of curvature. 2- Draw a tangential line AB at point A. 3- Draw the horizontal line AC at A. 4- Draw the line AD, which is the bisector of the angle BAC. 5- Project the straight line portion GH of the e-log σ’ plot back to intersect line AD at F. The abscissa of point F is the preconsolidation pressure (σc’)
Estimating the preconsolidation pressure e A B log (s’) Casagrande’s method
Estimating the preconsolidation pressure e C A B log (s’) Casagrande’s method
Estimating the preconsolidation pressure e C A D B log (s’) Casagrande’s method
Estimating the preconsolidation pressure H e F C A D G B log (s’) Casagrande’s method
Estimating the preconsolidation pressure H e F C A D G B s’c log (s’) Casagrande’s method