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Chapter 7

Chapter 7. Parallel Circuits. Objectives. Determine the total resistance of a parallel circuit. Determine the voltage drops in a parallel circuit. Determine the current values of a parallel circuit. Determine the wattage values of a parallel circuit. Objectives.

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Chapter 7

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  1. Chapter 7 Parallel Circuits

  2. Objectives • Determine the total resistance of a parallel circuit. • Determine the voltage drops in a parallel circuit. • Determine the current values of a parallel circuit. • Determine the wattage values of a parallel circuit. Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  3. Objectives • Apply Ohm’s law to solve for unknown voltage, current, and resistance in a parallel circuit. • Apply parallel circuit theory to assist in troubleshooting a parallel circuit. Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  4. Parallel Circuit Principles • Two or more resistors connected to the source in parallel Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  5. Parallel Circuit Voltage • ET= E1 = E2 = E3…= EN Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  6. Parallel Circuit Current • Kirchhoff’s current law principles • Branch currents • Mainline current • IT = I1 + I2 + I3…+ IN Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  7. Parallel Circuit Resistance • Total resistance is always less than the smallest resistance • Methods to find total resistance • Product over sum method • Reciprocal method • Equal resistances method • Graph method Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  8. Product Over the Sum Method Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  9. Reciprocal Method Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  10. Equal Resistances Method Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  11. Graph Method Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  12. Power in a Parallel Circuit Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  13. Review What is a parallel circuit? A circuit that provides two or more paths for electron flow through a circuit Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  14. Review What does the source voltage in a parallel circuit equal? The same voltage value as any point in the circuit Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  15. Review What does Kirchhoff’s current law state? The algebraic sum of all currents entering any point will equal the sum of all currents leaving that point Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  16. Review How does the total resistance compare to the individual resistances in a parallel circuit? Total resistance is less than the smallest resistance Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  17. Applying Ohm’s Law Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  18. Troubleshooting a Parallel Circuit • Compare total resistance reading to the calculated total resistance • Take current readings at each resistor Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  19. Using an Ohmmeter to Troubleshoot Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  20. Using an Ammeter to Troubleshoot Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  21. Review Why is checking voltage drops not a practical method for finding a bad component in a parallel circuit? Voltage is the same everywhere in a parallel circuit Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

  22. Review How is an ammeter used to troubleshoot? Current readings across an open switch are taken and then compared to calculated total current Permission granted to reproduce for educational use only.

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