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Why Bother?. It’s in Your Head. Slay the Dragon. Talk to Me. Because I Said So. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. Why Bother? – 100.

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  1. Why Bother? It’s in Your Head Slay the Dragon Talk to Me Because I Said So 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. Why Bother? – 100 Between 60 and 95 percent of this population uses tobacco.

  3. Who are people being treated for chemical dependence?

  4. Why Bother? - 200 • cataracts • hip fractures • low bone density • reproductive health problems

  5. What are some lesser known but serious health consequences of tobacco use?

  6. Why Bother?- 300 It is the reason most chemical dependence patients die prematurely.

  7. What is tobacco use? (or diseases caused by tobacco use)

  8. Why Bother? - 400 The two things that often occur when you treat tobacco dependence along with other chemical dependence.

  9. What are improved treatment outcomes and longer-term abstinence rates?

  10. Why Bother? - 500 There is a high prevalence of tobacco use among people being treated for addiction and for these two specific populations.

  11. Who are people with mental health disorders and HIV/AIDS?

  12. It’s in Your Head - 100 The chemical in the brain that causes feelings of pleasure.

  13. What is dopamine?

  14. It’s in Your Head - 200 Dependence on nicotine develops in the same way as it does for these two drugs.

  15. What are amphetamines and cocaine?

  16. It’s in Your Head - 300 Nicotine fits into these structures on the brain cells.

  17. What are nicotine receptors?

  18. It’s in Your Head - 400 Because of its action as a bronchodilator, this additive to cigarettes results in deeper puffs and higher yields of nicotine.

  19. What is menthol?

  20. It’s in Your Head - 500 The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), does not contain these two nicotine-related diagnoses, because of a lack of scientific evidence.

  21. What are nicotine abuse and nicotine intoxication?

  22. Slay the Dragon - 100 Clinicians should recommend these for almost all patients who want to stop using tobacco.

  23. What are tobacco treatment medications?

  24. Slay the Dragon - 200 Tobacco treatment medications, combined with this, is the most effective treatment for tobacco dependence.

  25. What is supportive or behavioral counseling?

  26. Slay the Dragon - 300 These two medications containing nicotine require a prescription from a healthcare provider.

  27. What are the nicotine nasal spray and the nicotine inhaler?

  28. Slay the Dragon - 400 Medications that have been approved by the FDA to treat tobacco dependence are called this.

  29. What are first-line tobacco treatment medications?

  30. Slay the Dragon - 500 There is not enough evidence to show that tobacco treatment medications are effective for pregnant women, light smokers and these two specific populations.

  31. Who are smokeless tobacco users and adolescents?

  32. Talk to Me - 100 Motivational Interviewing (MI) helps patients to identify and resolve this state.

  33. What is ambivalence?

  34. Talk to Me- 200 This counseling method helps patients recognize how their thoughts can affect their feelings and behavior.

  35. What is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?

  36. Talk to Me- 300 80 percent of patients entering addiction treatment are in these two stages of change about their tobacco use.

  37. What are precontemplation and contemplation?

  38. Talk to Me- 400 This type of tobacco treatment group helps patients develop interest, elevate importance, and enhance motivation to stop tobacco use.

  39. What is a tobacco awareness group?

  40. Talk to Me- 500 This type of treatment group teaches patients practical skills and elevates confidence for achieving and maintaining tobacco abstinence.

  41. What is a tobacco recovery group? (or relapse prevention group)

  42. Because I Said So - 100 Under Part 856, “tobacco–free” means prohibiting the use of all tobacco products in these three areas that are under the direct control of the program.

  43. What are facilities, grounds, and vehicles?

  44. Because I Said So - 200 The statutory authority for OASAS Regulation Part 856, Tobacco-Free Services comes from this body of state law.

  45. What is New York State Mental Hygiene Law?

  46. Because I Said So - 300 Addiction service programs must establish these for all patients who use tobacco.

  47. What are tobacco treatment modalities?

  48. Because I Said So - 400 Programs are required to make this available to all staff, including administrative, clinical, non-clinical, and volunteers.

  49. What is training on tobacco use and tobacco dependence?

  50. Because I Said So - 500 These two specific types of OASAS-funded services are exempt from the provisions of Regulation Part 856 Tobacco-Free Services.

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