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CSE 522 Real-Time Scheduling (1) . Computer Science & Engineering Department Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287 Dr. Yann -Hang Lee yhlee@asu.edu (480) 727-7507. Event and Time-Driven Threads. Create a task with (name, priority, options, stacksize , main, …). initialization.
CSE 522 Real-Time Scheduling (1) Computer Science & Engineering DepartmentArizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287 Dr. Yann-Hang Leeyhlee@asu.edu(480) 727-7507
Event and Time-Driven Threads Create a task with (name, priority, options, stacksize, main, …) initialization Task initialization external trigger? start_time=time( ) ISR: to set/ clear events computation Take actions and change system state Sleep(period - ( time( ) -start_time) )
Multiple Events in One Thread void compute() { if (event1) then action1; if (event2) then action2; if (event3) then action3; . } or { for (i=0, i<n, i++) if event[i] then action[i]; } void compute() { if (event1) then action1; else if (event2) then action2; else if (event3) then action3; . } or { for (i=0, i<n, i++) { if event[i] then { action[i]; break; } } }
Real-time System Specification Logical correctness requirements: • The computation produces correct outputs. • Models of computation to describe inputs and computations • Additional requirements on resource, security, reliability, etc. • Finite state machine • good for control logic and protocols, • transition and activity • Data flow – modular computations that are triggered by the availability of input data. Temporal correctness requirements: • The computation produces outputs at the right time • When the computation can get started and should be completed
Specification Patterns (S. Konrad and B.H.C. Cheng “Real-time specification patterns”, ICSE 2005)
RT Specification in FSM • Duration of staying in a state • Periodic activity in a state • Bounded response for each transition • Accumulated delay between multiple transitions • Hierarchical FSM • a state encloses a FSM • enter a state activate a FSM • Concurrent FSM • FSMs run in parallel (active simultaneously) up open idle down
RT Embedded Systems: Terminology • Some problem terms: • job, task, process, activity, action, procedure, event, time, deadline, latency, slack time, execution time, aperiodic, sporadic, jitter, priority • Job: unit of work that is scheduled and executed in the system • control law computation, send a packet, read sensor data • Task: set of jobs • Processor: CPU + Bus + I/O • Time (instant) and duration (interval) • Release time, completion time, deadline (absolute or relative)
Terminology • Hard deadline: late result is little or no value, or may lead to disaster • need to validate (can you guarantee it?) • Soft deadline: late result may still be useful • probability of missing deadlines • 95% of telephone switch connects in 10 seconds • How serious is serious ? • Tardiness: • min{ 0, deadline - completion time} • Usefulness: • function of tardiness value completion time
Terminology: Temporal Parameters • Release time: • fixed ( r ), jitter [ r-, r+ ], sporadic or aperiodic • Execution time: • uncertainty from memory refresh, contention due to DMA, cache misses, interrupts, OS overhead • execution path variations • WCET: a “deterministic” parameter for the worst-case execution time • a conservative measure • an assumption to make scheduling and validation easier • how can you measure the WCET of a job?
Task Model • Periodic task Ti: (examples ??) • constant (or bounded) period, pi: inter-release time between two consecutive jobs • phase i, utilization i = ei / pi, deadline (relative) Di • Aperiodic and sporadic: (examples ??) • uncertain interarrival times but with a minimum separation • aperiodic: with a soft or no deadline • sporadic: with a hard deadline Di ei i+pi i+2pi i i+3pi
wake-up waiting ready suspended dispatched blocked executing Task Functional Parameters • Preemptivity: suspend the executing job and switch to the other one • should a job (or a portion of job) be preemptable • context switch: save the current process status (PC, registers, etc.) and initiate a ready job • transmit a UDP package, write a block of data to disk, a busy waiting loop • Preemptivity of resources: concurrent use of resources or critical section • lock, semaphore, disable interrupts • How can a context switch be triggered? • Assume you want to preempt an • executing job -- why • a higher priority job arrives • run out the time quantum
Task Scheduling • Schedule: to determine which job is assigned to a processor at any time • valid schedule: satisfies constraints (release time, WCET, precedence, etc.) • feasible schedule: meet job deadlines • Need an algorithm to generate a schedule • optimal scheduling algorithm: always find a feasible schedule if and only if a feasible schedule exists • Scheduler or dispatcher: the mechanism to implement a schedule
Task Scheduling • Clock-driven • a schedule determines (off-line) which job to be executed at each instant • static or cyclic • predicable and deterministic • scheduler: invoked by a timer • multiple tables for different operation modes p1= 6, e1= 3, d1= 6 p2= 8, e2= 3, d2= 8 Major cycle = lcm (6,8) = 24
Task Scheduling • Weighted Round-robin • interleave job executions • allocate a time slice to each job in the FIFO queue • time slice may vary while sharing the processor • good for pipelined jobs p1= 6, e1= 3, d1= 6 p2= 8, e2= 3, d2= 8 Major cycle = lcm (6,8) = 24
Task Scheduling • Priority-driven • The highest-priority job gets to run until completion or blocked • processor never idle if jobs are waiting (work conserving) • preemptive ornonpreemptive • priority assignment can be static or dynamic • scheduler just look at the priority queue for waiting jobs (list schedule) p1= 6, e1= 3, d1= 6 p2= 8, e2= 3, d2= 8 Major cycle = lcm (6,8) = 24
Earliest-deadline First (EDF) Schedule Ji Jk (non-EDF) dk di rk ( rk) Jk Jk Ji (EDF) dk di Priority preemptive scheduling • a job with earliest (absolute) deadline has the highest priority • does not require the knowledge of execution time Optimal if • single processor, no resource contention, preemption • why it is optimal: assume a feasible schedule
J1 J2 J3 Slack time LST Least Slack Time (LST) Schedule Priority preemptive scheduling based on slack (laxity) time ( di - ei* ) • schedule instants: when jobs are released or completed. • optimal for preemptive single processor schedule
Non-optimality of EDF • Non-preemptive or multiple processors • scheduling anomaly --- the schedule fails after we reduce job execution times D1 D3 D2 T1 T2 T3 Missed deadline idle ( all jobs meet their deadline under EDF after increasing e1 )
Predicable System • With variant job execution times, do we know when a task is started or completed? • If the start time and completion time are predicable, then we can determine whether a schedule is feasible or not • Two extreme condition: • maximal schedule: all jobs take their maximal execution times • minimal schedule: all jobs take their minimal execution times • A job is predicable iff its start time and complete time are predicable: • s- ( Ji ) s ( Ji ) s+ ( Ji ) • f - ( Ji ) f ( Ji ) f+ ( Ji ) • The execution of every job in a set of independent, preemptive jobs with fixed release time is predictable when scheduled in a priority-driven manner on one processor (proved by induction)
J2 J1 ( should wait for J2) r2 D1 r1 D2 J3 J1 ( should begin J1) r3 D1 and D3 r1 On-line vs. Off-line Scheduling Off-line scheduling: the schedule is computed off-line and is based on the knowledge of the release times and execution times of all jobs. • For deterministic systems: with fixed set of functions and job characteristics does not vary or vary only slightly. On-line scheduling: a scheduler makes each scheduling decision without knowledge about the jobs that will be released in the future. • there is no optimal on-line schedule if jobs are non-preemptive • when a job is released, the system can serve it or wait for the future jobs
Clock-Driven Scheduling • Assumption: • system must be deterministic (with few aperiodic or sporadic jobs) • periodic tasks ( I , pi, ei, Di ) • Cyclic schedule: ( tk, T(tk) ) -- at instancetk, run task set T(tk) or idle • Scheduler: • Need a major cycle • A table with entries for all tk in major cycle • Timer interrupts at tk. • An example: • T1 =(4,1), T2 = (5,1.8), T3 = (20,1), T4 = (20,2) • hyperperiod (major cycle) = 20 T1 T3 T2 T1 T4 T2 T1 T2 T1 T1 T2
Major and Minor Cycle Model • Time is divided into equal-sized frame • minor cycle = length of frame • Major cycle = length of schedule = k * minor_cycle • An example: A=(10,4) B=(20,6) C=(30,5) • major cycle=60, minor cycle=10 • scheduling string AB_AC_AB_AC_AB_A_ • Jobs must be done within a minor cycle • limit timing error to one frame • suspend and resume as background, continue, or abort if overrun 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
t+2f t’+D t’ t+f t Determination of Minor Cycle (frame) • Major cycle: H= LCM ( pi ) • Frame: f devides H • Tasks can be done within one minor cycle --- f ei • There is at least one minor cycle between release time and deadline • assume a frame starts at t • task arrives at t’ t with a deadline D • to have time for execution in the second frame, we need t + 2f t’ + D • since t’ - t gcd ( f, pi ), we have a sufficient condition 2f - gcd ( f, pi ) Di
T1 T2 T3,,1 T1 T3,2 T1 T2 T3,3 T1 T2 T1 T2 Examples of Major/Minor Cyclic Scheduling • Three tasks (15, 1, 14) (20, 2, 26) and (22,3) • H = 660 , f 3, and f = 3, 4, 5, 10, or 11 • f can not too big since 2f - gcd(….) 14 • f can be 3, 4, and 5 • Three tasks (4, 1) (5, 2, 7) and (20, 5) • H=20, f 5, but f 4 • job slices: divide the 3rd task to (20, 1) (20, 3) and (20, 1) • f can be 4
Examples of Major/Minor Cyclic Scheduling • Two tasks (100, 20) and (75, 15) • choose f=25 • run 1st task in high frequency (period =75) • run 2nd task in higher frequency (period =50) • harmonic set of periods
0.5ms An Example A1 must be done at least every 10ms, and takes 1ms A2 must be completed with 5ms when E occurs and takes 2 ms E must be detected by polling and is detectable for at least 0.5 ms E would not occur twice within 50 ms polling of E takes 0 overhead
Major/Minor Cyclic Scheduling • There should be a periodic polling action for E • Assume a timer of 0.5ms to activate polling operation and no polling overhead • Should be an interval of 2ms to execute A2 for an arbitrary 5ms interval • May detect E in the first frame and execute A2 in the second frame period=2.5ms • A2 takes 2ms if E, otherwise is 0 WCET=2ms • Should be an interval of 1ms to execute A1 for an arbitrary 10ms interval • Period= 10ms, WCET= 1ms • Since 2ms + 1ms > 2.5ms, we will divide A1 into two parts of 0.5ms A2 A1_1 A2 A1_2 A2 A2A2 A1_1 A2 A1_2 A2 A2
Algorithm to Find Major/Minor Cyclic Schedule • Assume tasks can be sliced (or preemptable) • choose f that divides H and 2f - gcd ( f, pi ) Di • For each f, construct a network flow diagram • a source and a sink • a vertex for each job Ji,j(task instance) and an edge from the source with a capacity ei • a vertex for each frame fk and an edge from each frame to the sink with a capacity f • if Ji,jcan be scheduled in fk, add an edge between the vertices with a capacity f • Find the maximal flow from the source to the sink • feasible schedule if the maximal flow equals to the total execution time
J1,1 f1 sink source Example • Three tasks (4, 1) (5, 2, 7) and (20, 5) • H=20, f = 2 or 4
Aperiodic Tasks • A periodic server follows the cyclic schedule • A aperiodic server looks at the aperiodic task queue • runs at the background • Slack stealing • slack time: how much each periodic task can be delayed • Assume all tasks must be completed before the end of their frames and aperiodic tasks are not preemptable • at frame k, ek is allocated to periodic tasks • slack time: s= f - ek • at the beginning of frame k, find a aperiodic task j with an execution time ej that is less than s • try to run the other aperiodic task with a slack time: s=s - ej • Do slack stealing at the beginning of each frame and then examine the queue when idle
Summary of Cyclic Schedule • Pros • simple, table-driven, easy to validate (knows what is doing at any moment) • fit well for harmonic periods and small system variations • static schedule deterministic, static resource allocation, no preemption • small jitter • no scheduling anomalies • Cons • difficult to change (need to re-schedule all tasks) • fixed released times for the set of tasks • difficult to deal with different temporal dependencies • schedule algorithm may get complex (NP-hard) • doesn’t support aperiodic and sporadic tasks efficiently