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UNICSOFT OUTSOURCING & DEVELOPMENT. PROJECT NAME project proposal. Executive summary The most important in 2 minutes (2 minutes left). Meet Unicsoft
Executive summaryThe most important in 2 minutes (2 minutes left) Meet Unicsoft • We achieved our success through 8 years of providing professional services and building good relationships with our clients. We have built our company from a team of three enthusiast developers to an international company providing near-shore and off-shore software development services to our clients from different parts of the world. • We save your money by providing highest quality of service for the price below the market • Our strategy is to hire the best Ukrainian developers by providing 10-15% larger salaries than other Ukrainian development companies. But we reduce costs by preserving flat and flexible organization structure and cutting down operation costs. • We can realize any your idea and satisfy all your IT needs • We are open minded and always strive to follow rapidly changing trends in IT world. From websites and viral Facebook apps and mobile games to complex business solutions Unicsoft is providing expert consulting, development, testing and support services to our clients. Our values • INTEGRITY: We Act With Integrity and Show Respect • ACCOUNTABILITY: We Are All Accountable • PASSION: We Are Passionate About Our Business, Our Brands and Our Food • HUMILITY: We Have the Humility and Hunger to Learn • SIMPLICITY: We Strive for Simplicity • RESULTS: We Love Success
Executive summaryThe most important in 2 minutes (1 minute left) • Budget $XXk - $YYk • Timeline: 10 – 20 weeks of development • Estimated effort: 800 – 1400 development hours • Suggested engagement type: fixed price contract. • Deliverables: • Business analysis: set of workshops to clarify application goals, business value and user experience. • UX & Graphical design: development of wireframes / prototypes to ensure high usability of the application. Creation of graphical design for the application. • Project management: Scrum process coordination to establish transparency of development process and make sure project is completed on time and on budget. • Development: our team of senior Javascrpt and PHP developers will implement the product • Quality assurance: dedicated QA engineer will be assigned to the project to evaluate intermediate and final deliveries.
Read moreThe most important in 2 minutes (15 seconds left) • More about us • More about the project development process • More technical details • Relevant experience: project, cases, testimonials
About UsMeet Unicsoft in 3.5 minutes (3.5 minutes left) Unicsoft delivers a full cycle of services including software development, project management and support services to our customers. Our consultants and development staff is located in Kiev. Software development We are flexible and would be happy to do almost any type of project for you using wide range of technologies: • Mobile applications (iPhone, iPad, Android applications, HTML5 mobile websites) • Web applications (PHP, .NET, Java EE applications building with various frameworks) • Game development (games for iPhone and Android, Facebook games with HTML5 and Flash) • Marketing campaigns and viral facebook applications We value our reputation and each client, so we provide only high-quality services and pay a lot of attention to experience and professionalism of our developers. Project management In software projects communication is a key success factor. We are working with clients from different parts of the world including USA and EU and our experience in establishing effective and timely communication helps eliminate distance and time differences between us and our clients. It does not matter how fast you’re going if you’ve taken wrong direction. Our expertise can help you choose the right one. Experience in various projects and software startups gives our consultants enough expertise to: • Analyze business requirements and help choose the best technology and cost-effective solution • Create technical specifications for our clients based on business requirements provided • Establish effective communication with clients and inside the team by implementing scrum methodology • Estimate, create project plan and keep project on-track Support "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." Charles Darwin. Successful software must be adaptive. Here is the set of our support services: • Warranty that covers bugfixing after project completion • Support agreement allowing for continuous evolution of the software • Training and learning sessions for customer’s staff If you plan to maintain the software in-house you will have no problems transferring code to your developers. We use common coding and commenting conventions and provide knowledge transfer sessions on demand.
Our team Alexey Zavgorodnii, CEO az@unicsoft.net, +38 050 440 81 07 More text, more text, text. More text, more text, text. More text, more text, text. Vadym Chyzhov, Sales Executive vc@unicsoft.net, +38 050 930 02 35 More text, more text, text. More text, more text, text. More text, more text, text. Vitaliy Klitnyy, Head of HR bit@unicsoft.net, +38 050 867 78 07 More text, more text, text. More text, more text, text. More text, more text, text. Alex Kremenetskiy, CTO Don’t call me, I’ll call you More text, more text, text. More text, more text, text. More text, more text, text.
We are from UkraineMeet Unicsoft in 3.5 minutes (2.5 minutes left) In Ukraine: • 1000+ IT companies • 900+ colleges & universities • Largest outsourcing market in Europe • 2-3 flight hours away from all European countries • Only 1h time difference with most countries in Europe We are here
Our achievementsMeet Unicsoft in 3.5 minutes (1.5 minutes left) 70000 development hours per year 45 employees 100+ completed projects 9 years in the market 90% customer return rate
What we doMeet Unicsoft in 3.5 minutes (1 minute left) Mobile web / cross platform development Native mobile apps Websites & e-commerce Server side PHP development Other development .NET development Java development
Our clients USA Australia Israel
Suggested concept • Consider using cross-platform tool such as Phonegap • Phonegap makes seamless auto-updates possible – code and resources can be dynamically loaded from server in runtime • Warning: such auto-update capabilities are violating Appstore restrictions. However Appstore is not the only way to distribute app, so there are workarounds available. • Application will be built once for all platforms • Application styles can be controlled via CSS to facilitate white labeling. • Single codebase for all platforms is cost-effective and also will reduce maintenance costs
First steps • Business analysis: we would be happy to start from series of free workshop calls to discuss and make sure we correctly understand product goals, business value and vision • User experience: afterwards our business analyst and UX expert shall draft the functional specification and wireframes of the application screens to define how application should behave from user perspective. • Prototype: optionally we may decide to create a prototype of the system so you and your beta users can start interacting with the system and provide their feedback as early as possible • Design: “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Steve Jobs.At the point we have clear vision of how users shall interact with the product and are sure users will be happy with it we can start creating graphical design to realize that vision. We’ll make sure your project is successful!!!
Next steps • Scrum project management: Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Aliquamodio nisi, fringillaegetipsum et, dictum aliquetorci. Suspendisse vitae venenatis nisi. Etiamegestasest a mollisinterdum. Nam id nisl ac tortorvenenatisornare. Donec dui neque, imperdiet vitae blandit et, commodo sit amet nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbitristiquesenectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpisegestas. Donec id dictum quam. • Development: Mauriseutristique dolor. Pellentesqueiaculis ante egetrisusullamcorpermalesuada. Proin id eratfringilla, vestibulumipsum vitae, semper ipsum. Nunc et erosfeugiat quam tristiqueeleifend. Proinegetsuscipitlectus, eu tempus dolor. Nam quis ligula et nullamolestietincidunt. • Change management: Aliquamultricieslectus ligula, in pellentesqueorcimattiseget. Curabitur vitae blanditnulla. Crassednullavelodioauctorfaucibus. Mauristincidunteratornare porta eleifend. In hachabitasseplateadictumst. Maecenas orci mi, porta in blanditeget, dignissimut diam. • Quality assurance: Uttempormattis magna necsagittis. Nullamollistincidunttortor, et rhoncusnullaconvallis et. Morbi ac convallistortor. Donecmassaest, euismod sit ametvariussed, elementum sit ametmetus. We’ll make sure your project is successful!!!
The life after… • Launch: Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Aliquamodio nisi, fringillaegetipsum et, dictum aliquetorci. Suspendisse vitae venenatis nisi. Etiamegestasest a mollisinterdum. Nam id nisl ac tortorvenenatisornare. Donec dui neque, imperdiet vitae blandit et, commodo sit amet nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbitristiquesenectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpisegestas. Donec id dictum quam. • Support: Mauriseutristique dolor. Pellentesqueiaculis ante egetrisusullamcorpermalesuada. Proin id eratfringilla, vestibulumipsum vitae, semper ipsum. Nunc et erosfeugiat quam tristiqueeleifend. Proinegetsuscipitlectus, eu tempus dolor. Nam quis ligula et nullamolestietincidunt. • Updates: Aliquamultricieslectus ligula, in pellentesqueorcimattiseget. Curabitur vitae blanditnulla. Crassednullavelodioauctorfaucibus. Mauristincidunteratornare porta eleifend. In hachabitasseplateadictumst. Maecenas orci mi, porta in blanditeget, dignissimut diam. We’ll make sure your project is successful!!!
Development infrastructure Unicsoft has 8+ years of development experience and if we have learned one thing it is that development of software is not realized using email communication, but rather a set of tools to properly separate, track, update and report on issues, improvements and visual design. Thus, Unicsoft will not accept email as a collaboration tool, but rather use email to plan next meetings and informal communication. Unicsoft has available tools in a browser environment to be used by ClientName on any computer and available for you as a customer to have access to status at any time around the clock. This enables you to work when we’re not, and us when you’re not. The development process is backed up with a set of tools called UTI – Unicsoft Team Infrastructure. UTI is a hosted and integrated set of project and software management solution consisting of best-of-practice tools: like Jira, SubVersion etc. UTI covers the following areas: • Requirements Management (Jira, Confluence) • Bug an Issue Tracking (Jira) • QA process (Jira, unit testing) • Version control and Release management (SVN, Mercurial or GitLab) This toolset is free of charge and part of a professional project resolution.
Project team • Project Manager – 1 person, part-time Duties: Ensuring project goals are achieved within the given timeframe, Leading the specifications and preparation activities, day-to-day communication with Stratis Ventures Inc., Day-to-day communication with the Team, Participation in permanent team activities, Ensuring the project artefacts released on time. • Graphical designer – 1 person, full-time during 1st 2-3 weeks of the project Duties: Creation of application design concept and graphical assets for all application screens • iOS developer – 1 person, full-time Duties: Development of mobile application. • PHP developer – 1 person, full-time Duties: Development of server-side application and API for mobile application. • QA – 1 person, full-time Duties: testing application during development, reporting found issues to JIRA.
UNICSOFT OUTSOURCING & DEVELOPMENT Relevant testimonials, cases and projects
Sample projectIntranet collaboration app. Cross platform: Phonegap Client: CodeWorldwide (UK) Platform: PhoneGap (Android, iOS, Blackberry, mobile site) Technology: HTML5, Javascript Delivery: 200 development hours Link: www.phdsource.com Release: October 2012 PHD Source is a solution designed to engage employees in developing and refining ideas for marketing campaigns. PHD source features multiple tools for generating new marketing ideas. Employees can then rate new ideas and see how their colleagues rated their own ideas on a leaderboard. UnicSoft was tasked with developing a cross-platform mobile app for the PHD Source solution using the PhoneGap framework