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Chapter 9

Chapter 9 . The Book of Joshua The Book of Judges . The Book of Joshua . Book of Joshua The Conquest begins . Conquest of Canaan First city –Jericho Oldest city on the world Strategic –Palestine . Book of Joshua The Conquest begins . Joshua sends two spies Spies stay with Rahab

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Chapter 9

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  1. Chapter 9 The Book of Joshua The Book of Judges

  2. The Book of Joshua

  3. Book of Joshua The Conquest begins • Conquest of Canaan • First city –Jericho • Oldest city on the world • Strategic –Palestine

  4. Book of Joshua The Conquest begins • Joshua sends two spies • Spies stay with Rahab • Rahab • “harlot” • Believed in God & Israel –Israel will conquer • House untouched –scarlet cord was signal • Ancestor of David –Jesus Christ

  5. Book of Joshua The Conquest begins • Spies –whole city is fearful of them • Cross the Jordan • Water dries • Christians –another type of baptism • Joshua renews covenant before attack • All of Israel circumcised

  6. Book of Joshua The Conquest begins • Unconventional attack • Marched silently around city (once a day) • Seventh day –seven times • Seven priests and seven trumpets • Then the people shouted –Jericho fell

  7. Fall of JerichoHistorically Accurate? • Catastrophic earthquake • At the time of Joshua • Layered of charred remains • At the time of Joshua • Small section of wall with houses remained • Rahab?

  8. Joshua’s Covenant with Israel • Joshua -110 yrs old • Leader –people faithful to God • Called heads of tribes together on deathbed • Shechem (place God promised land to Abraham) • Serving God –too hard for you • Forsake God –grave consequences • People insisted to serve God • Faithful until their death

  9. The Book of Judges

  10. Judges • After the Book of Joshua (Seventh Book in the OT) • Israel –falls over and over again into idolatry • “Judges” • Soldier prophets who rescued the people of Israel from their enemies/military heroes • Afterwards, people will forget, cycle would continue

  11. Judges • Period of trial and error • Sometimes followed God, sometimes didn’t • When they didn’t, they were invaded • 1200 and 1000 BC • Stories tend to be sagas • Exaggerated, but based on facts

  12. Judges • Why did Israel fall apart? • Canaanites • City dwellers • Idolaters • Admired by Israelites

  13. Judges • Why did Israel fall apart? • Tribes acting as separate units • Civil War • Easy prey for string powers –weak • Would turn to God –then lapse into old habits • Consequence: invasion

  14. Temporal Punishment • Two types of punishment: • Temporal and Eternal • Eternal: Hell/damnation • Sacrament of Penance • Temporal –Satisfaction for sin –to teach the penitent a lesson of the great evil of sin –to prevent falling again

  15. Temporal Punishment • Why does God deal severely with His Children? • That we may repent from our evil ways (Psalm 32) • To grow in righteousness and holiness (Hebrews 12:5-11) • To teach us that we should not repeat the same failures (1 Corinthians 10:6)

  16. Temporal Punishment • Why does God deal severely with His Children? • Allows us to suffer to keep us humble (2 Corinthians 12:17)  • To strengthen our faith (2 Corinthians 1:9)

  17. Judges: 13* • Othniel • Ehud • Shamgar • Deborah with Barak • Gideon • Tola • Jair • Jephthah • Ibzan • Elon • Abdon • Samson • Samuel –bridge between judges and kings

  18. Judges: Othniel • Judges: 3:8-11 • Became judge after the conquering of the Israelites (Cushan-rishathaim) • Was the savior that the Lord sent upon them • Judge-through the power of the HS

  19. Judges: Ehud • Judges: 3:12- 30 • King of Moab, Eglon, defeats Israel • Israelites serve him for 18 years • Israelites repented • Ehud tells very fat king that he has a private message for him from God • When they are alone Ehud stabs Eglon in the stomach • He leaves, locking the doors behind him • Servants think he is in the bathroom, so they don’t check on him…Ehud escapes • Israelites fight Moabites, peace for 80 years

  20. Judges: Shamgar • Judges: 3:31 • Son of Anath • Slew six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad • Rescued Israel

  21. Judges: Deborah with Barak • Judges 4:1-5:31 • Israelites –oppressed for 20 years under king Jabin • General of army –Sisera • Deb orders them to go fight, battle goes well • Sisera flees to Jael’s house • Drinks, goes to sleep • Jael drives a tent peg through his head • Greatest insult: male soldier defeated by a woman • 40 years of peace

  22. Judges: Gideon • Judges 6:1-8: 27 • Israel reduced to misery by Midian –Cry out to the Lord • Gideon questions God: “Why did you abandon us?” • God: “It is I who send you.” • Gideon: “Why me?” • God: “I will be with you.” • Gideon: “I will provide an offering..do not depart” • “It was an Angel of the Lord that I saw!”

  23. Judges: Gideon • Judges 6:1-8: 27 • God tells Gideon to cut down Baal’s sacred pole (near worship site) • People say that if Baal is real, he will kill Gideon • Doesn’t die, so people believe in him and God • They fight and win, want to make Gideon a king • He refuses, but accepts many of the • Privileges/perks • 70 sons

  24. Judges: Tola • Judges 10:1-2 • Son of Puah/ Son of Dodo • Shamir • Judge for twenty three years

  25. Judges: Jair • Judges 10: 3-5 • Judged for twenty-two years • Thirty sons (sat on thirty donkeys) • Thirty cities in the land of Gilead

  26. Judges: Jephthah • Judges 10: 6-12-12; 7 • Son of another woman –no inheritance • Fought the Amorites • Promised leadership in Gilead if he fights for those who outcast him • Caught daughter vowing human sacrifice • Daughter mourns virginity (death before children) • Absolves daughter of sin

  27. Judges: Ibzan • Judges 12: 8-10 • Bethlehem • Judged Israel for seven years • 30 sons • 30 daughters

  28. Judges: Elon • Judges 12: 11-12 • Judged Israel for ten years • Zebulunite

  29. Judges: Abdon • Judges 12: 13-15 • Son of Hillel • Judge of Israel for eight years • 40 Sons • 30 Grandsons • Sons/grandsons rode on 70 saddled donkeys

  30. Judges: Samson • Judges 13-16 • Israel under Philistine power (40 years) • Son of Manoah-angel appears to his wife who was barren • Son would be consecrated to God • Three conditions (Nazirite vows): 1. no strong drink 2. don’t cut hair 3. no unclean food Will be extremely strong

  31. Judges: Samson • Judges 13-16 • Marries a Philistine, but is a womanizer • Fought the Philstine and won • Meets Delilah • She seduces him to learn the secrets of his strength • Lies to her 3x’s, then tells her that if he cuts his hair he will lose his strength • She shaves his head, they come in and rip his eyeballs out, prison

  32. Judges: Samson • Judges 13-16 • Hair grows back….. • Philistines wanted to make fun of him at a party, so they bring him out • Stood b/w the pillars, collapse • He repents and dies with them

  33. Judges • All major judges are weak and unlikely leaders • God uses weakest to accomplish His plan • God’s way of laughing at evil

  34. Samuel –the King-Maker • Israel –state of Anarchy • “Every man did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25) • Even Levite priests • Mercenaries –making themselves rich on the account of the poor

  35. Samuel –the King-Maker • Wanted something radical done • Did NOT turn back to God • Chose a human king • King –would unite them/solve all problems

  36. Samuel –the King-Maker • Last of the Judges • Great victories over the Philistines • Sons –to succeed him • Mistake: Sons “took bribes and perverted justice” • Confronted by leaders • Insulted –prays to God • God tells him not rejecting you –rejecting me

  37. Samuel –the King-Maker • Samuel • Son of Hannah, who was barren • Prays for a son, promises he will take the Nazirite vows • Conceives, then gives him to the priest Eli to raise in service to God • One night, God calls Sam….but he thinks it’s Eli • Sam runs in, “Here I am, you called me” – “No I didn’t” • Happens 3x’s, then Eli gets it and tells him that it’s God

  38. Samuel –the King-Maker • Samuel warns Israelites of what they can expect from a king • Reign over you • Take sons –appoint them to chariots • Take daughters –to be perfumers/cooks • Take tenth of your grain/vineyards • Taxes • Military service • Oppression

  39. Samuel –the King-Maker • Samuel led by God to Saul • Prepares lavish feast for Saul • “Anointed” –consecrated by God to be God’s prophet • God still showing the people that He would still rule over them –through Saul

  40. Saul’s First Big Mistake • Wanted to lead –not follow • Philistines were ready to fight, bigger army • Saul wants to ask for God’s help, Samuel tells him to wait 7 days and he will come for a sacrifice • Saul can’t wait that long and offers the sacrifice himself • Shows that he doesn’t trust God • Offers sacrifice as a “price” to pay for safety, not out of love • Punishment: his son will not succeed him

  41. Saul’s Second Big Mistake • Israel told to destroy Amalek -EVERYTHING • Saul and soldiers – kept the best of the sheep etc. for themselves • Kept what was valuable –only destroyed worthless • God told Samuel –Saul said animals saved for sacrifices • Trying to buy God’s favor with sacrifices –not obedience

  42. Saul’s Second Big Mistake • Saul gets it –”I have sinned” –I feared the people and obeyed their voice –not God’s • Samuel refuses apologize • Saul grabs mantle –pleads with him • Saul lost the kingdom itself • Samuel goes to Bethlehem to anoint a new king

  43. Man after God’s Heart • House of Jesse • Chose son –based upon the heart • David chosen –youngest son • Spirit of the Lord departed Saul –Can only be one Messiah • Saul –possessed with evil • Music –David played lyre • Fled David –like Christ

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