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“Connecting our neighborhoods to opportunities”

Explore the innovative Birmingham Xpress BRT project connecting urban places, enhancing transit services, and fostering local partnerships for a sustainable, prosperous city. Learn about the study for transit service improvements in Downtown Birmingham, identifying corridors and goals for mobility, economic development, and environmental protection. Discover how this project aims to improve travel experience, spur reinvestment, and create job growth for long-term development. Stay updated with public involvement meetings and the core values of the Birmingham Xpress brand.

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“Connecting our neighborhoods to opportunities”

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  1. “Connecting our neighborhoods toopportunities”

  2. Future StateVision: • People choose the City as a placeto live. • A connected network ofwalkable • urbanplaces. • Innovative and prosperous, with a diversified and sustainableeconomy. • The most sustainable, “greenest”city • in theSouth. • Success is built on local andregional • partnerships. • Transit Improvements: • Enhance transportation alternatives for mobility • Improve transit service (reliability, accessibility and facilities) • Connectivity with bike trails. • Specifically identifies US 11 corridoras a candidate for enhanced transit service Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 2

  3. In-Town Transit Partnership started as a study for transit service improvements in the Downtown Birmingham area generally bounded by Interstate 20/59to the north, US 31 to the east, 12th Ave S to the south, and Interstate 65to thewest. • This includes major activity centers and adjacent neighborhoods: City Ctr./Financial District, Civic/Convention Ctr., UAB/Medical Ctr., and Five Points South, Northside and Southside Neighborhoods. • Goals: • Improve Mobility and Access within the StudyArea; • Support Local Economic DevelopmentInitiatives; • Enhance Cost-Effectiveness of TransitService; • Protect Environmental Quality;and • Enhance Regional TransitServices. • The study considered alternatives to DART for transit service including: Enhanced BusServices, • BusRapidTransit,LightRailTransit/Streetcar. • Several streets were identified as possible alignments, including 18th, 19th, and 20th Streets; Richard Arrington Boulevard; University Boulevard; and 5th, 6th, and 7thAvenues South. Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 3

  4. B X i r p m i r n e g h s a m s Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 PROMINENT BRAND ORIDENTITY

  5. “Prominent Brand orIdentity” B X i r p m i r n e g h s a m s Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 Core Value1 RELIABLE Core Value2 FRIENDLY • Definedby... • CoreValues • “Principles that guide actions” Essence • Essence • “Heart and soul of thebrand” Transfor m ation Core Value3 INNOVATIVE Core Value4 FAST

  6. “Prominent Brand orIdentity” B X i r p m i r n e g h s a m s Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 • Local: Specific to ourcity. • Pride: Putting ourcity’s • name on thesystem • because we’re proud Xpress • Represents the crossroads of Birmingham’s transformation into a metropolitan area with a modern transitsystem. • Communicates a contemporary attitude (such as XGames). • Reflects the overall system name – Bus RapidTransit. • Xpress: Symbolicallyspeaks to the speed at which the system will help Birmingham totransform.

  7. “Prominent Brand orIdentity” B X i r p m i r n e g h s a m s Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019

  8. “Prominent Brand orIdentity” B X i r p m i r n e g h s a m s Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 Bold graphic designbecomes instantly associated with the BirminghamXpress. Intersection of “X” represents busroutes crisscrossing thecity. Flowing logo represents unity and how transformation can be created by coming together asone.

  9. B X i r p m i r n e g h s a m s BirminghamXpress BRTProjectUpdate,PublicInvolvementMeetings,4-6 Feb2019 9

  10. BX i p r mr i n g h e s a ms Connect Birmingham’s Neighborhoodsto Opportunities Improve Mobility and Access to Jobs and Opportunities for Minority and Low In-come Residents Complement and EncourageCommunity Reinvestment Improve Birmingham’s PublicTransportation Network and State of GoodRepair Provide a Foundation for Special Events Transportation including The WorldGames 2021 Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 11

  11. BX i p r mr i n g h e s a ms • Connect neighborhoods to opportunities & vitalservices • Enhance mobility – alternatives, accessibility,facilities • Reduce trip times – connectivity to other bus routes and transitmodes • Spur reinvestment in thecorridor • Improve travel experience – safety andreliability • Increase ridership of publictransit • Create short-term employment (e.g. constructionjobs) • Impact long-term development patterns along the alignment • Job Growth - business access to increased labormarket • Improve workforce dependability from efficient transitsystem Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 12

  12. ProjectOverview B X i r p m i r n e g h s a m s Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6Feb2019 13 WoodlawnStation WestSegment ITP EastSegment MaintenanceFacility • ProjectScope • 10-Mile Route - 3Segments • ~4.9 Miles Dedicated BusLanes • 2 TerminalStations • 16 Inline Stations –Curb/Median • Hi-CapacityVehicles • New Overnight ParkingFacility* • Maintenance FacilityUpgrades • Transit SignalPriority • Off-BoardTicketing • ShortHeadways • Extended Hours &Weekends Intermodal Station CrossPlex MLKDr. CrossPlexStation Bus Parking Facility

  13. BX i p r mr i n g h e s a ms • 25 of 99neighborhoods • 21% of City population within ½-milewalking distance • ~48k residents • 1/3 are low income (City26%) • 71% are minorities (City79%) • 22% lack access to automobile (City14%) • 5 largestemployers: • UAB • UAB HealthServices • Regions FinancialCorp • St Vincent HealthSystem • City ofBirmingham • Access to 125k jobs (compared to163kCitywide) • 70k (54%) with 5 largestemployers • Connectivity thru Central Station(Intermodal) • Over 20 other keydestinations • Opening day forecast: 3,120 daily passengertrips Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 14

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  15. B X i r p m i r n e g h s a m s Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6Feb2019 28

  16. B X i r p m i r n e g h s a m s Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6Feb2019 29

  17. B X i r p m i r n e g h s a m s Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6Feb2019 35

  18. BX i p r mr i n g h e s a ms BirminghamXpress BRTProjectUpdate,PublicInvolvementMeetings,4-6 Feb2019 38

  19. BX i p r mr i n g h e s a ms Planning Phase Environmental Phase Design Phase ROW Phase Bid Phase Construction Phase M&O Phase • Scope, Schedule &Budget • Grant Application(TrAMS) • Inter-AgencyAgreements • City-DOT(PGA) • City-BJCTA(MOA) • Data Collection &Analyses • PublicOutreach/Scoping • ImpactStudies • NEPADocumentation • Alignment/ConceptDesigns • NEPAReevaluation • ConsultantEngagements • Survey &Mapping • Engineering &Design • Pre-RevenueOperations • Title VI & FacilitiesAnalysis • Acceptance &Turnover • Fare EquityAnalysis • OP54 • ITP SegmentService • West RevenueService • East RevenueService • UtilityCoordination • ContractorPrequalifications • Vehicle Manufacture& Delivery • Shelter Manufacture& Delivery • PICS Design, Furnish,Install • TSPP • InlineStations • Guideways/Roadways • TransferStations • Real EstateAppraisals • PropertyAcquisition • ITPSegment • OuterSegments • WoodlawnStation • CrossPlexStation • TSP/Signals • Remote ParkingFacility • VehicleProcurement • ROWAcquisition • OtherProcurements: • StationShelters • TSP-EVPSystem • Signage/Wayfinding • Passenger Info &Com System(PICS) • Traffic ControlPlan • TennantRelocation • City-ALDOT(SCC) • ROW/RERequirements • SystemBranding/Designs • AlternativesAnalysis • GrantModification/White • Paper • ProgramManagement • Communication &Outreach • Public InvolvementMeetings • BusinessOutreach • Performance Measurement &Reporting • On-BoardSurvey • BaselineMeasures • Project OutcomeMeasures Project Management &Coordination • Regional Mobility PaymentIntegration • TDP Ph.2 Implementation (RouteChanges) • Street/Sidewalks/ADAImprovements • Groundbreakings • Stakeholder Briefings (City, BJCTA,etc.) • Birmingham XpressPromotion/Marketing • Corridor Signage &Wayfinding • Morris Ave 1-WayConversion • Corridor SafetyImprovements Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 39

  20. BX i p r mr i n g h e s a ms 2018 2019 Public & StakeholderCommunications 2016 2017 2020 2021 NEPA 2Q16–27Jan17 TIGERGrant 2Q16–29Jun17 Real EstateAcquisition 2Q17–4Q19 Procurements 3Q17–3Q19 Design 4Q17–3Q19 Construction 2Q19–2Q21 SubstantialCompletion 4Q20 Testing &Pre-Revenue (3Q19–1Q21 RevenueService 2Q20–3Q21 Performance Measurements (2018 –2025) Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 40

  21. BX i p r mr i n g h e s a ms ForecastBudgets FundingPrograms $45.00 $40.00 $35.00 $30.00 $25.00 $20.00 $15.00 $10.00 $5.00 $0.00 $40.09 Guideways/Roadway $9.98 Terminals $5.60 Stations $5.22 SupportFacilities $3.46 Sitework/SpecialCond. $1.00 TIGERVII NewStarts CMAQ54482 CMAQTR19 BondFund Fund102 Other Signalization &Systems $3.91 ProjectSponsors RealEstate/ROW $2.40 BJCTA 19% RollingStock $8.76 1.62 $1.90 Planning &Development $ Federal 52% PM/Engineering, OtherSvcs City 29% UnallocatedContingency $3.46 $0.00 $2.00 $4.00 $6.00 $8.00 $10.00 $12.00 Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 41

  22. BX i p r mr i n g h e s a ms Safety Improvements –10% Environmental Sustainability –1% O&M Cost –29% Estimated FullCost Forecast PublicBenefits Capital Cost –71% Economic Competitiveness –52% Quality of Life –37% Benefit to Cost: 1.8 to 2.4times Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 42

  23. BX B X i r p m i r n e g h s a m s TOD PRT CFP TDP CTP ITP Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 PRT – Personal RapidTransit TDP – Transit Development Plan TOD – Transit Oriented Development ITP – In-town TransitPartnership CTP – Comprehensive Transportation Plan CFP – Community FrameworkPlan 43

  24. BX i p r mr i n g h e s a ms • WALK | Develop neighborhoods that promotewalking • CYCLE | Prioritize non-motorized transportnetworks • CONNECT | Create dense networks of streetsand paths • TRANSIT | Locate development near high-quality publictransport • MIX | Plan for mixeduse • DENSIFY | Optimize density and transitcapacity • COMPACT | Create regions with shortcommutes • SHIFT | Increase mobility by regulating parking and road use • Source: Institute forTransportation and Development Policy (ITDP), 2017 Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 44

  25. “High CapacityVehicles” BX i p r mr i n g h e s a ms Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 45

  26. BX i p r mr i n g h e s a ms IllustrationOnly Visit:www.birminghamal.gov/brt Birmingham Xpress BRT Project Update, Public Involvement Meetings, 4-6 Feb2019 46

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