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Freenet. A Distributed Anonymous Information System and Retrieval System I. Clarke, O. Sandberg, B. Wiley, W. Hong. ECE 6102 Presented By: Kaushik Chowdhury and Justin Fiore. Presentation Outline. Introduction of Freenet Protocol Overview Protocol Details Security Features

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  1. Freenet A Distributed Anonymous Information System and Retrieval System I. Clarke, O. Sandberg, B. Wiley, W. Hong ECE 6102 Presented By: Kaushik Chowdhury and Justin Fiore

  2. Presentation Outline • Introduction of Freenet • Protocol Overview • Protocol Details • Security Features • Performance Evaluation • Conclusions

  3. P2P Architecture & Features • Decentralized model • e.g. Freenet, Gnutella, Chord • no global index – local knowledge only • contact mediated by chain of intermediaries • Centralized model • e.g. Napster • global index held by central authority • direct contact between requestors and providers

  4. Freenet Timeline • Final Year project Ian Clarke , EdinburghUniversity, Scotland, June, 1999 • Sourceforge Project, most active • V.0.7 (Alpha release April 2006) • Incorporates a new approach to anonymous peer-to-peer adopting a "scalable darknet" architecture. Source: http://freenetproject.org/news.html

  5. Introduction • Design goals • Producer and consumer anonymity • Deniability for storers of information • Resistance to hostile third parties • Efficient dynamic storage and routing • Decentralization of network functions

  6. Security Issues • How to provide anonymity? • Consumers may use browser proxy services • However, producers may keep session logs • Contacting a particular server reveals the information needed • Producers may ensure anonymity by using encrypted URL services • No protection against the operator of the service

  7. Architecture • Peer to peer network of nodes that query one another • Each node has it’s local data store and dynamic routing table • Enables users to share unused disk space and increases the storage capacity of the network

  8. Key Management • A way to locate a document anywhere • Keys are used to form a URI • Two similar keys don’t mean the subjects of the file are similar! • Keyword-signed Key(KSK) • Based on a short descriptive string, usually a set of keywords that can describe the document • Potential problem – global namespace File Key Public # Fn() Descriptive string Eg. gatech/distributed_systems Private

  9. Key Management … contd • Signed-subspace Key(SSK) • Add sender information to avoid namespace conflict • Private key to sign/ public key to verify Descriptive string Eg. gatech/distributed_systems Public Private XOR # Fn() # Fn() Hash 1 Hash 2 # Fn() File Key

  10. Key Management … contd • Content-hash Key(CHK) • Derived by directly hashing the contents of the corresponding file • Used in conjunction with the signed-subspace keys # Fn()

  11. Basic Model • Nodes know only their immediate upstream and downstream neighbors • Queries are given a unique identifier and hops-to-live count • Queries are forwarded to a node based on previous information

  12. If a previous message is seen, forwarded to another node • Process continues until file is obtained or hops-to-live counter is exceeded • Success or Failure is passed back up the chain

  13. c a Start 1 2 12 3 b d 11 10 7 6 4 9 5 f e 8

  14. Retrieving Data • User hashes a short descriptive string to obtain file key • She then sends the “Request” message to her own node • If present, returns with message saying it was the source • If not, looks up nearest key in routing table and forwards to the next node

  15. If request is ultimately successful, node passes it back up the upstream requestor • It also makes a local cache of the very same file • Future requests will be serviced faster • Similar keys will also be forwarded to the same node • For security, any node along the path can claim to be the author of the file

  16. If a node cannot forward to it’s preferred downstream node, it sends to it’s second-nearest key • If that doesn’t match, then third nearest key and so on • If none of them match, it sends a failure message to it’s upstream node which follows the same procedure

  17. Storing (Inserting) Data • Similar to requesting data • User picks a text string(title) and hashes it to a file key and sends it to her node • If there is a collision, user is informed • If no collision, node sends to the closest key in routing table

  18. This goes on until hops-to-live is reached • If a collision occurs anywhere, the node sends back the file along with a notice and is treated as a request • If not, the file is sent and copied at each node

  19. Managing Data • Node storage uses a LRU cache • When a new file arrives, by insert or request, the least recently used file is removed • Thus, if a file is needed, it will remain on some node • Or it will fade away

  20. Node Joins • Need to assign it a key that is not solely influenced by a given malicious node. New node Randomly chosen node Address, Hash 1 Seed = random() Seed = random() Hash 1 XOR # Fn() # Fn() Hash 1 Hash 2

  21. Protocol Details • 3 Basic Operations • Handshake • Request Data • Insert Data

  22. Transport Methods • Transport • Flexibility via use of TCP, UDP, or other technologies, such as packet radio • Node addresses consist of a transport method and transport-specific identifier • tcp/

  23. Protocol Handshake • Transaction begins with Request.Handshake • Includes return address of sending node • The sending node may or may not be the original node • Remote node replies with Reply.Handshake • Specifies protocol version that it understands • Handshakes are remembered for a few hours

  24. Request Data • Terminates when: • Key is found (Send.Data message) • Key is not found (Reply.NotFound message) • Reply.Restart message sent when a remote node has waited for network timeouts while contacting other nodes. This message informs predecessor nodes to extend their timers. • Reply.Continue is sent when a dead end is reached, and routing must backtrack. • When key is found, that node sends the data back as well as the supplierAddress, where the supplierAddress is possibly faked.

  25. Successful Data Request

  26. Unsuccessful Data Request

  27. Insert Data • Terminates when: • Hops-to-live is 0 and key is not found • Remote node sends Reply.Insert • Hops-to-live is 0 and key is not found, but current node has a routing table entry for key. • Remote node sends Reply.NotFound • Key is found • Remote node sends Send.Data including the data for the key. • Request.Continue sent when no more nodes can be contacted and hops-to-live is nonzero

  28. Successful Data Insert

  29. Unsuccessful Data Insert

  30. Security Goals • Anonymity • Anonymity of requestors of files • Anonymity of inserters of files • Plausible deniability • Make it plausibly deniable that any node may or may not have requested, inserted or stored a given file. • Integrity • Prevent malicious removal of a file • Prevent malicious modification • Reliability • Resist denial-of-service attacks

  31. Degrees of Anonymity

  32. Anonymity Properties of Freenet

  33. Freenet Anonymity Details • Since routing depends on the keys, key anonymity cannot be achieved with basic Freenet • Sender anonymity against a collaboration of nodes is preserved because any node that sends a message could be the originator or just forwarding the message

  34. Freenet Anonymity Details (2) • Sender anonymity against a local eavesdropper cannot be achieved because the local eavesdropper could perform traffic analysis on incoming and outgoing messages • Also, the local eavesdropper could act as the first node in the query, so then the encrypted request would still be known to the eavesdropper

  35. Freenet Anonymity Details (3) • The depth and hops-to-live values could be used to locate the originator (or at least locate a set of possible originators) • This is obscured by random selection initial depth and hops-to-live values • Depth is incremented and hops-to-live is decremented probabilistically to further obscure the originator

  36. Pre-Routing • Basic Freenet messages are encrypted using a series of public keys, which determine the path of the pre-routing • The message is forwarded along that route and decrypted partially at each node. • When the message reaches the pre-routing endpoint, it is injected into Freenet normally • The intermediate pre-routing nodes cannot read nor alter the request nor the originating node

  37. Data Source Anonymity • The data source field is probabilistically altered during transmission through the network. • It is not possible to tell whether a node provided the file or was just forwarding it • This provides plausible deniability because it is not provable whether or not a node had a file before an investigative node queried it for the specific file. • This is because any request will cache the result along the return path.

  38. Data Source Anonymity (2) • In a normal situation, it would be possible to identify the existence of a file on a node by sending a request to that node with HTL = 1 • Freenet solves this by probabilistically forwarding any message with HTL = 1 to the next node.

  39. Prevention of Modification • Content-hash keys and Signed-subspace keys • A (possibly signed) hash of the data accompanies the data • Modification would require: • Finding a hash collision for content-hash keys • Successfully forging a digital signature for signed-subspace keys • Keyword-signed keys • Keys are a hash of the original descriptive string. • Vulnerable to dictionary attack • Colliding keys can be made by anyone knowing the original descriptive string.

  40. Denial-of-Service Attack Prevention • Junk File Attack • Attacker attempts to flood network with a large number of junk files • Data store is divided into two parts: new files and established files • Inserts displace new files, not established files • Junk File Attack would only paralyze inserts temporarily, not displace files that are desired

  41. Denial-of-Service Attack Prevention (2) • Alternate Versions Attack • Attacker inserts alternate versions of files under the same keys of the file they want to displace • Does not work against content-hash keys or signed-subspace keys without hash collision or digital signature forgery • If done with a keyword-signed key, both versions of the file would coexist in the network. • Solved by the insert protocol • Every unsuccessful attempt to insert the alternate file further distributes the real file’s data across the network because Send.Data returned from the insert request.

  42. Performance Evaluation • Number of nodes = 1000 • Datastore size = 50 items • Routing table size = 250 addresses • Ring lattice topology

  43. Network convergence • X-axis: time • Y-axis: # of pathlength • 1000 Nodes, 50 items datastore, 250 entries routing table • the routing tables were initialized to ring-lattice topology • Pathlength: the number of hops actually taken before finding the data.

  44. Scalability • X-axis: # of nodes • Y-axis: # of pathlength • The relation between network size and average pathlength. • Initially, 20 nodes. Add nodes regularly.

  45. Fault Tolerance • X-axis: % Node Failure • Y-axis: Pathlength in hops • The median pathlength remains below 20 even when up to 30% nodes fails.

  46. Small world Model • X-axis: Number of links • Y-axis: Proportion of nodes • Most of nodes have only few connections while a small number of news have large set of connections. • Follows power law.

  47. Conclusions • Freenet provides a fairly anonymous file storage and retrieval medium. • It uses an adaptive routing algorithm to fulfill queries, not a broadcast like Gnutella and others. • Freenet was seen to be highly scalable in simulation results.

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