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Academic Parent-Teacher Teams ( APTT )

Academic Parent-Teacher Teams ( APTT ). Cultivating Authentic Family- School Partnerships. Faith Burtamekh. Lake Geneva - Wisconsin October 29, 2014. Objectives for Today. Learn and discuss the w hy , w hat , and h ow

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Academic Parent-Teacher Teams ( APTT )

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  1. Academic Parent-Teacher Teams (APTT) Cultivating Authentic Family-School Partnerships Faith Burtamekh Lake Geneva - Wisconsin October 29, 2014

  2. Objectives for Today Learn and discuss the why, what, and how of school-based family engagement that leads to improved student learning and achievement.

  3. WhySchool-Based Family Engagement?

  4. It’s a Matter of Time Based on 6 hours of instruction, 180 days per year, and 8 hours of sleep time. (At school = 1,080 Hours) (Asleep = 2,920 Hours) ( Away from school = 4,760 Hours) (Total Hours in a Year = 8,760)

  5. Family Engagement Matters for Students and Schools • Five“essential supports” predicted dramatic school improvement • Combined, supports had greater impact • Weakness over time in any area undermined improvement % of schools substantially improving in reading Bryk, A.Sebring, P., Allensworth, A., Luppescu, S., & Easton, J. (2010). Organizing Schools for Improvement: Lessons from Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

  6. APTT and The Dual Capacity Framework Karen L. Mapp et al, (2013) Partners in Education A Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships (A publication of SEDL in collaboration with the USDE) Current research supports efforts that are: Intentional and strategic Linked to learning Systematic and sustained Developmental Relational and collaborative

  7. Why? Build Efficacy and Capacity To build family knowledge and confidence that supports student learning at home and in the community.

  8. What is Family Engagement?

  9. Family engagement is parent-teacher collaboration to drive student learning and achievement.

  10. Whatare you currently doing to engage families at your school? Activity On paper, create a list of all the activities and events that you invite families to attend at your school every year.

  11. Activity: Part 2 Go back to the list you created and put a star next to everything you invite families to participate in that has to do with student learning.

  12. Activity: Part 3 Review the list again and circle everything you invite families to participate in that is focused on grade-level learning goals.

  13. School-Based Family Engagement Parent Involvement Family Engagement What families do to apply what they learn in order to support student learning at home and in the community. • What a school does to bring parents onto a school campus. • Conferences • Festivals/celebrations • PTA/PTO/PTSA • Workshops • Volunteer opportunities

  14. Howdo we create meaningful family engagement?

  15. Academic Parent-Teacher Teams (APTT)

  16. APTT Model

  17. APTT Shifts the Focusfrom Accountability to Capacity Buildingand Shared Responsibility

  18. Results From APTT Implementation • Accelerated student academic progress • Increased parent-teacher collaboration focused on student goals • Increased family capacity to support learning • Improved overall school culture • Exceed Title I requirements • Efficient and strategic family outreach

  19. How do we make it happen? • Build awareness and readiness with school staff • Provide professional development • Provide teachers with supported planning time • Have a strong family outreach plan • Collect data every step of the way • Make it part of the school/district improvement plan

  20. Thank You! Maria C. Paredes mparede@wested.org 480.823.9425 Faith burtamekh fburtam@wested.org 602.300.4093

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