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Exploring the Lunar Mysteries: Moon's Origin, Composition, and Influence on Earth

Discover the fascinating Moon - Earth's natural satellite, shrouded in origin debates and rich compositional secrets. Explore lunar phases, its unique composition, and the Moon's impact on Earth's tides and seasons.

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Exploring the Lunar Mysteries: Moon's Origin, Composition, and Influence on Earth

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  1. Erika Kötelešová Moon

  2. name - Moon • Moon with a capital letter indicates the space body orbiting the Earth. It‘sonlynaturalsatellite. Ithasn‘tgototherfomalnamethan „Moon“althoughit‘ssometimescalledLuna (latinword for „moon“), to be distinguished from standard„moons“. It‘s symbol is a sickle (Unicode: ☾).

  3. origin • Inclination orbit month does the possibility that the moon created along with the Earth, or that would be captured later. Its origin is the subject of much scientific debate. • One from an earlier speculation - secession theory predicted that the Moon broke off from the earth‘s crust due to centrifugal force, leaving behind today‘s ocean floor like a scar. This concept, however, require a very rapid initial rotation of the Earth. Some thought that the Moon formed elsewhere and was captured on the current orbit. • Others preferred the theory of a common origin, according to which the Earth and the moon arose about the same time ofdrive. This theory, however, can not explain the lack of iron in the Moon. Another suggested that the moon could mold of fragments captured into orbit after colliding asteroids or planetesimals. • Currently accepting large impacts theory, according to which the moon comes from the ejecta after the forming of red-hot collision of Earth with a Mars sized planetesimals (office called Theia).

  4. composition • More than 4.5 billion years the Moon covers a liquid magma ocean. Scientists believe that one type of lunar rocks, KREEP by a Chemically, the rest of the magma ocean. KREEP is actually a mixture of what scientists call ‚‘incompatible elements‘‘: those who could not participate in the crystal structure remained outside and surfaced magma. For researchers, KREEP is an appropriate witness able to report on the volcanic history month bark and record the frequency of impacts of comets and other celestial bodies. • The moon‘crustismadeupofmanydifferentelements, includinguranium, thorium, potassium, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, iron, titanium, calcium, aluminum and hydrogen. Whenbombarded by cosmicraysevery element emitsbackintospaceitsownradiationasgammarays. Some elements such as uranium, thorium and potassium, are radioactive and produce gamma rays by themselves. Gamma rays are, however, no matter what their cause, for each element of each variety - all produce a unique spectral lines, detectable spectrometer. • Complete global mapping of the Moon by the rate of occurrence of these elements are still unrealized. Some spacecraft, but was made a part of the Moon, Galileo addressed in this activity during its flyby of the Moon in 1992. Assumed that the overall composition of the Moon is similar to the earth as the lack of volatile elements and iron.

  5. circulation • Moon made a complete circuit around the Earth for one calendar month. Every hour the Moon moves relative to the stars by a distance roughly equal to the angular diameter of about 0.5 °. Month, unlike most satellites of other planets, orbit close to the plane of the ecliptic and not on the Earths equatorial plane.

  6. The lunar phases changing • It occurs because the sun always illuminates a different part of the lunar surface. How does the position of the Moon to the Sun and the Earth, changing the appearance of the Moon as seen from Earth. • In new moon is turned to the dark side of the Earth and the moon is not visible from Earth except when located exactly on a line passing through the Sun and the Earth, if we observe the solar eclipse. • Aftertwo – threedaysthe moon appears in the west after sunset as a thin crescent. From day to day crescent moon grows (it looks like the letter D) and moves to the east. • The first area is seen half hemisphere of the Moon. Moon also increasing. • The full moon illuminated the entire nearside hemisphere of the Moon. Shines all night, because it is exactly opposite the sun. Then the moon wanes again. • Moon – Moon ‘‘backs‘‘ up to the last quarter and roll in the shape of ‘‘C‘‘ is the morning sky, heading back to the new moon, which marks the beginning of a new cycle phases.. • Between the two expires nearly at29.5 we call it lunacy.

  7. Moon and our earth • It plays an important role in maintaining the Earth‘s rotation axis tilt within certain limits, resulting in a stable change of seasons in the long time perspective. Moon is an essential component involved in the tides on Earth. • The average distance between the Earth and the Moon is 384 403 km. The diameter of the Moon is 3,476 miles. In 1969 were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrinlanded the first men on the moon.

  8. Othermoons Ganymedes - Jupiter Európa - Jupiter Callisto – Jupiter Titan - Saturn Cháron - Pluto

  9. Thank youfor your attention

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