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16th Annual Florida Government Purchasing Conference and Expo – August 27, 2008

16th Annual Florida Government Purchasing Conference and Expo – August 27, 2008. 16th Annual Florida Government Purchasing Conference and Expo. Introduction and Agenda – Charles Covington Bureau A – Ellen Potts Bureau B – Stu Potlock Governance – Kelley Scott

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16th Annual Florida Government Purchasing Conference and Expo – August 27, 2008

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  1. 16th Annual Florida Government Purchasing Conference and Expo – August 27, 2008

  2. 16th Annual Florida Government Purchasing Conference and Expo • Introduction and Agenda – Charles Covington • Bureau A – Ellen Potts • Bureau B – Stu Potlock • Governance – Kelley Scott • Training and Certification – Cyndee Sams • MFMP – Walt Bikowitz • Q&A

  3. 16th Annual Florida Government Purchasing Conference and Expo • Introduction and Agenda – Charles Covington • Bureau A – Ellen Potts • Bureau B – Stu Potlock • Governance – Kelley Scott • Training and Certification – Cyndee Sams • MFMP – Walt Bikowitz • Q&A

  4. Bureau A Contract Updates • New Contracts: • Ethanol (E-10) • David Bennett, 921-4072 • Recycling Services: End of Life Electronics • Charles Day, 410-2426 • Ice Machines • Brenda Wells, 488-6904 • Expirations: • SPA for Portable Air Conditioners (10/2/08)

  5. Bureau A Contract Updates • Solicitations in Progress: • Ammunition & Officers’ Equipment • Floor Maintenance Machines, Commercial • Solicitations in Development: • MRO (Maintenance, Repair & Operations) • Motor Vehicles • SPA for Pagers and Paging Services • Categories under Review: • Security Services • Security Guard Services • Natural Gas

  6. Bureau A Activity Updates • Energy & Transportation Team: • New strategy for Motor Vehicles • Aviation Fuel • Furnishings & Institutional Supplies Team: • Fuel surcharge updates • Lawn Equipment review • New ideas for Carpet & Floor Coverings • MRO & Law Enforcement Supplies Team: • New federal specifications for Body Armor • MRO strategy • SPAs & Special Projects Team: • Updates to the Florida Climate Friendly Products List • GSA Schedule 84 review • Check out the “Green Initiatives” presentation at 1:30

  7. 16th Annual Florida Government Purchasing Conference and Expo • Introduction and Agenda – Charles Covington • Bureau A – Ellen Potts • Bureau B – Stu Potlock • Governance – Kelley Scott • Training and Certification – Cyndee Sams • MFMP – Walt Bikowitz • Q&A

  8. Bureau B Contract Updates • New Contracts: • Online Legal Database Services: Lexis/Nexus, Westlaw, Dunn & Bradstreet • Ommet Mbiza, 488-7804 • Telephony Contract, VoIP and Legacy Maintenance for PBX/Key • Mark Foss 488-1086 (Still under contract negotiations with one vendor) • MAC-OS, Supplemental Award STC #250-040-08-1, PCs Laptops & Monitors • Renewals: • Misc. Property Insurance Policy • Hydrogen Vehicles and Fueling Stations Insurance Policy • Contract Expirations: • Old IT Hardware, July 31st (Printers temporarily to ACS) • BMC Software ACS: Will expire in favor of Software Phase 1 • IBM Software ACS: Extension until Software Phase 1 • Solicitations in Development: • Software Phase 1: Mainframe – Launch Sept. 10th (Lori Potts, 487-4196) • Software Phase 2: Distributed Network – Launch Oct. 9th • Software Phase 3: COTS Software – January 2009 • Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Policy

  9. Bureau B Activity Updates • Technology & Telecommunications Team: • IT Hardware Network Infrastructure in final stages of negotiations: “Rolling awards” by category begin next week • Ruggedized Supplement to PCs, Laptops: Award in 2-3 weeks • Profiling for AV Contract replacement is ongoing • Office Supplies & Equipment, Avis, Pharmaceuticals Team: • Office Depot: DMS IG Office is still conducting an analysis • DHL Zip Code tool online for service reduction • Printing Services: Just beginning internal/external profile • Surveyed to add foreign language media to the Library STC • Avis CCOC Office: Parking moved to behind 4030 Esplanade Way • Special Services, Property Insurance, PRIDE and RESPECT Team: • Gift Card – Business Case to not procure on STC at this time • IT Staff Augmentation followed by IT Consulting Services: No timeframe • PRIDE is proposing Digital Imaging Services (Scanning, microfiche conversion, document destruction) Pending Legal Opinion • P-Card

  10. 16th Annual Florida Government Purchasing Conference and Expo • Introduction and Agenda – Charles Covington • Bureau A – Ellen Potts • Bureau B – Stu Potlock • Governance – Kelley Scott • Training and Certification – Cyndee Sams • MFMP – Walt Bikowitz • Q&A

  11. Governance • DMS is working on a project to propose revisions to specific provisions in Chapter 287, F.S. and Chapter 60A-1, F.A.C. • This will help simplify and streamline the procurement process to make it easier for organizations to do business with the State of Florida.

  12. Governance • Proposed revisions include: • Raising the Category 2 competitive bid threshold from $25,000 • Removing some of the exemptions from competition currently listed in s. 287.057, F.S. • Developing statewide competitive procurement shell templates for each competitive procurement method • Revise the Office of Supplier Diversity language in Chapter 287, F.S. to comport with the Florida A.G.C. Council, Inc. opinion by amending mandatory “set aside” language to encouraging outreach programs

  13. Governance • Strategies • Gauge agency opinions and concerns with agency focus groups • Gauge business community opinions and concerns with vendor focus groups • Send and evaluate responses from a procurement reform survey to all other 49 states, and Washington D.C. via email through the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) to gain information • Research the American Bar Association Model Procurement Code further to determine if Florida wants to adopt a modified version

  14. 16th Annual Florida Government Purchasing Conference and Expo • Introduction and Agenda – Charles Covington • Bureau A – Ellen Potts • Bureau B – Stu Potlock • Governance – Kelley Scott • Training and Certification – Cyndee Sams • MFMP – Walt Bikowitz • Q&A

  15. Training and Certification • Beginning with the October 2008 examinations, a variety of changes will take effect with regard to the format of the examinations. Format changes are as follows: • Computer-Based testing through nearly 400 professional testing centers throughout the U.S. and Canada • One single assessment consisting of 175 multiple-choice questions for CPPB • One single assessment consisting of 175 multiple-choice questions for CPPO – No Oral Exams • 3.5 hours of testing permitted, no break • Both examinations will consist primarily of situational questions

  16. Training and Certification

  17. Training and Certification • Seminars: • Sourcing in the Public Sector • Planning, Scheduling & Requirement Analysis • Developing & Managing RFP’s • Legal Aspects • Contract Administration • CPPB/CPPO Review Seminars • Updated Body of Knowledge: • http://www.uppcc.org/become_certified/2008_body_knowledge.aspx

  18. 16th Annual Florida Government Purchasing Conference and Expo • Introduction and Agenda – Charles Covington • Bureau A – Ellen Potts • Bureau B – Stu Potlock • Governance – Kelley Scott • Training and Certification – Cyndee Sams • MFMP – Walt Bikowitz • Q&A

  19. MyFloridaMarketPlace • What’s new at MyFloridaMarketPlace? • Surveys • SPURS Sunset • Vendor Teleconferences (“Fireside Chats”) • Training • Reporting • Updates to Web Pages and Tools

  20. MyFloridaMarketPlace • Surveys: • Customer Satisfaction Survey results are in • Reporting Needs Assessment Survey distributed August 25, 2008 • Training Needs Assessment Survey due to be distributed mid-September

  21. Customer Satisfaction Survey • Approximately 1,414 surveys were distributed to purchasing and F&A customers • So far, received 345 responses (24%) • Highlights: • Overall customer satisfaction rating of 93% (up 2% from last year) • Purchasing customer satisfaction rating of 94% • Financial and accounting customer satisfaction rating of 90% • “Zone of Delight” (very satisfied) up from 20% to 29%

  22. Customer Satisfaction Survey

  23. Customer Satisfaction Survey Three Year Trend

  24. MyFloridaMarketPlace • Surveys • SPURS Sunset • Vendor Teleconferences (“Fireside Chats”) • Training • Reporting • Updates to Web Pages and Tools

  25. SPURS Sunset Activities • Legislative Change Request – Data Visibility Scoping (CR-44) • Development complete • OLS approval 8/15/08 • Began deleting Spurs access for agency customers who have returned their spreadsheets: AWI, FDLE, HSMV, DOAH, and EOG • Close out of all old purchase orders in SPURS completed 8/10/08 except those cited ….

  26. SPURS Sunset Activities – Close Out of Old POs

  27. SPURS Sunset Activities • SPURSView: Line item detail • Executive Order to post contracts being developed • DFS developed a survey • POs are included to be posted • MFMP and CITS estimates because SPURSView may be best vehicle to post POs • Commodity Codes: > 6 digit • DFS/DMS MOU for Vendor-Add Functionality • SPURS Sunset Focus Group meeting 8/21/08

  28. MyFloridaMarketPlace • Surveys • SPURS Sunset • Vendor Teleconferences (“Fireside Chats”) • Training • Reporting • Updates to Web Pages and Tools

  29. Vendor Teleconferences (“Fireside Chats”) • We started the program in June. Intent is to assist vendors in knowing how to do business with the State of Florida and to knowing how to use MFMP http://dms.myflorida.com/vendorteleconferences • Past Topics include: • 06/25: "Keeping Accounts Updated" • 07/09: "Solicitations" • 07/16: "Solicitations" (repeat of 7/09) • 07/23: "Keeping Accounts Updated" • 08/20: Transaction Fee Processing & Reporting

  30. Vendor Teleconferences (“Fireside Chats”) • In addition to the five teleconference sessions, MFMP is excited to announce four additional vendor teleconference sessions this fall: • 8/27/08:  Certified Minority Business Enterprise (CMBE) Vendor Overview • 9/10/08:  Importance of Keeping Accounts Updated • 10/1/08:  Solicitations • 10/15/08: Transaction Fee Processing & Reporting (repeat of 8/20/08) • For additional information about online training opportunities, please visit the Vendor Toolkit: http://dms.myflorida.com/vendortoolkit

  31. MyFloridaMarketPlace • Surveys • SPURS Sunset • Vendor Teleconferences (“Fireside Chats”) • Training • Reporting • Updates to Web Pages and Tools

  32. On a monthly basis: New Requester Invoicing Secure Reports Analysis On a quarterly basis: Refresher Requester System Administrator Approver Training Schedule • The DMS MFMP began a new training program in August ’08 following the success of the trainings offered in May and June • In Tallahassee, we will be offering the following trainings

  33. Training Schedule • We will also be offering training in the following cities throughout the State: • Tampa (August 2008) • Ft. Lauderdale (October 2008) • Jacksonville (November 2008) • Orlando (January 2009) • Pensacola (March 2009) • Ft. Myers (April 2009) • Miami (May 2009) • Statewide trainings will include: • New Requester • Invoicing • Secure Reports • Analysis • Refresher Requester

  34. Training Schedule • To register for trainings, please visit the Training Opportunities page on the Buyer Toolkit at myfloridamarketplace.com/toolkit • If you have any questions regarding training or experience difficulty while registering, please contact the DMS MFMP team at myfloridamarketplace@dms.myflorida.com

  35. MyFloridaMarketPlace • Surveys • SPURS Sunset • Vendor Teleconferences (“Fireside Chats”) • Training • Reporting Initiative • Updates to Web Pages and Tools

  36. Reporting Initiative • The DMS MyFloridaMarketPlace Team has begun a reporting initiative to: • Conduct research on the current reporting tools • Identify agency customers’ reporting needs • Educate customers on the current reporting tools available • Identify any shortcomings of the current state of reporting • Identify reporting alternatives with a goal to identify and implement the optimal reporting tools for all MFMP customers

  37. Reporting Initiative • MFMP Reporting tools: • Secure Reports • designed with an emphasis on Finance & Accounting • Analysis • currently contains mostly Purchasing data/information • Buyer System Searches • can be used by customers at any system level • Report Requests • can be submitted by agency customers anytime there is a business need for a (secure) report that does not exist

  38. Reporting Initiative • Secure Reports Training • Developed in an effort to keep customers educated on the current reporting tools available. • First training conducted on August 14, 2008, in Tampa, FL • Helps customers understand: • What reports are used for • How to access and use secure reports • How to request additional reports • Will lead to: • Increased customer awareness • Increased use of MFMP tools and resources • Customers ability to perform day-to-day tasks more efficiently and effectively

  39. Reporting Initiative • MFMP Reporting Survey • Developed to identify agency customers’ reporting needs and expectations • Was distributed on Monday, August 25, 2008 • Addresses each of the MFMP reporting tools • Will lead to increase in reporting trainings requests • Will aid in: • Development of job aids and tutorials • Development of new reporting website

  40. MyFloridaMarketPlace • Surveys • SPURS Sunset • Vendor Teleconferences (“Fireside Chats”) • Training • Reporting • Updates to Web Pages and Tools

  41. Updates to Web Pages and Tools • MFMP (General) • New training division home, with links to both buyer and vendor training opportunities • Updated project information, contact information and page archiving • Streamlined page navigation for all customers • Buyer/vendor portals off of DMS home page

  42. Updates to Web Pages and Tools

  43. Updates to Web Pages and Tools • Buyer • New buyer home page, complete with buyer training information • New training opportunities page, with links to upcoming available trainings around the state • Updated Buyer Toolkit, including archiving old documents and files, and updating the Job Aids

  44. Updates to Web Pages and Tools

  45. Updates to Web Pages and Tools • Vendor • New vendor home page, complete with vendor teleconference series information • New comprehensive Vendor Toolkit, including a communications bulletin board • Updated Vendor FAQs, pertaining to individual common questions

  46. Updates to Web Pages and Tools

  47. Updates to Web Pages and Tools • Upcoming plans: • Revise Buyer FAQs • Utilize training home page, posting all upcoming opportunities for customers • Our goal in all these updates is to make it easier for you to get the information you want directly with fewer “clicks”. Better than letting your fingers do the walking!

  48. MyFloridaMarketPlace Thank You

  49. 16th Annual Florida Government Purchasing Conference and Expo • Introduction and Agenda – Charles Covington • Bureau A – Ellen Potts • Bureau B – Stu Potlock • Governance – Kelley Scott • Training and Certification – Cyndee Sams • MFMP – Walt Bikowitz • Q&A

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