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内分泌系统. endocrine system. 杨志文. components :. 1. 内分泌腺( endocrine gland ) 器官 如 垂体 ; 甲状腺 ; 甲状旁腺 ; 肾上腺 ; 松果体 … 2. 内分泌细胞群( e ndocrine cell mass ) 分布在其他器官内 如胰岛;睾丸间质细胞;卵巢的卵泡、黄体 … 3. 内分泌细胞( e ndocrine cells ) 单个分散在其它组织和器官中 如胃肠道、呼吸道、泌尿生殖道 …. Function :.

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  1. 内分泌系统 endocrine system 杨志文

  2. components: 1.内分泌腺(endocrine gland) 器官 如垂体;甲状腺;甲状旁腺;肾上腺;松果体… 2.内分泌细胞群(endocrine cell mass) 分布在其他器官内 如胰岛;睾丸间质细胞;卵巢的卵泡、黄体… 3.内分泌细胞(endocrine cells) 单个分散在其它组织和器官中 如胃肠道、呼吸道、泌尿生殖道…

  3. Function: 1. Regulate the activities of various cells, tissues, and organs in the body. 2. Maintain homeostasis and coordinate body growth and development. The endocrine system interacts closely with the nervous system and the lymphatic system.

  4. general characteristics of endocrine glands 1、Capsule:connective tissue 2、Endocrine cells are arrangedin cord, follicle, aggregation or net-like structure, among them arespaces containing rich blood and lymph capillaries. 3、Ductless.

  5. 血液循环 大多数 远处 组织液 少部分 邻近 激素(hormone) The endocrine cells are always very close to blood capillaries, which receive the secreted hormones and distribute them throughout the organism. Thus, many hormones act at a distance from the site of their secretion. Many endocrine cells, however, produce hormones that act at a short distance. This is called paracrine secretion(旁分泌). 靶细胞(target cell)、靶器官(target organ)

  6. 激素(hormone) Hormones are molecules that function in the body as chemical signals. 分泌含氮激素的细胞:含氮激素 amino acid derivatives, amine, peptides & proteins 分泌类固醇激素的细胞:类固醇激素

  7. 分泌含氮激素细胞 nitrogenous-hormone secreting cell 分泌类固醇激素的细胞 steroid-hormone secreting cell

  8. nitrogenous-hormone secreting cell steroid-hormone secreting cell 分布:甲状腺、甲状旁 腺、垂 体、肾上腺髓质细胞、 APUD系统细胞…… 细胞器:rER Golgi complex 板层状嵴线粒体 secretory granule 靶细胞受体:细胞膜 起源:内、外胚层 肾上腺皮质细胞、 睾丸间质细胞、黄 体细胞…… sER Golgi complex 管泡状嵴线粒体 lipid droplet 细胞质内 中胚层

  9. 甲状腺 (thyroid gland) Located in the cervical region anterior to the larynx, consists of two lobes united by an isthmus.

  10. thyroid gland Largest endocrine gland in the body. 被膜:结缔组织 实质: 滤泡 滤泡旁细胞 间质

  11. 滤泡(follicle)

  12. 滤泡(follicle)

  13. 滤泡上皮细胞(follicular epithelial cell) LM:simple cuboidal These cells vary in shape and size according to the functional state of the gland. hypoactive→ flattened,腔内胶质增多 hyperactive→ columnar,腔内胶质减少 EM:游离面:microvilli;侧面:tight junction 胞质内:rER,Golgi complex,lysosome, mitochondria, secretory granules, endocytic vesicles 胶质(colloid):HE:acidophilic, PAS(+) 碘化的甲状腺球蛋白(iodinated thyroglobulin) Follicle

  14. 合 成、碘 化、贮 存、重 吸 收、分 解、释 放。

  15. follicular epithelial cell function: synthesize and release thyroid hormones 三碘甲腺原氨酸(triiodothyronine,T3) 四碘甲腺原氨酸(甲状腺素 thyroxine,T4) Secretion of these hormones is regulated by TSH released from the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. 1.elevate the basal metabolic rate. 2.influence the body growth and development. In the foetus, T3 is vital for normal development, especially of the brain and skeleton.

  16. follicular epithelial cell 甲状腺功能低下:小儿:克汀病(cretin呆小症) 成人:黏液性水肿(myxedema) 甲状腺功能过高:成人:甲亢(Hyperthyroidism) decreased body weight, increased appetite, nervousness, eye protrusion, easy to be tired, accelerated heart rate… …

  17. 甲 状 腺 肿

  18. 胫前粘液水肿

  19. 呆小症(cretin)

  20. 甲亢(突眼症)

  21. 滤泡旁细胞(parafollicular cell)

  22. 滤泡旁细胞(parafollicular cell)

  23. parafollicular cells 1. C cells. 2. Situated often in groups among follicles, or among follicularepithelial cells but are not adjacent to colloid. 3. Larger than follicular cells and less stained intensely (clear cell). 4. Argyrophilic:argyrophilic granules(嗜银颗粒) 5. EM:electron-dense granules

  24. parafollicular cells 1.secret calcitonin(降钙素)to promote activity of osteoblast and suppressing the absorption of calcium in gastrointestinal tract and renal tubule 2.secret calcitonin gene-related peptide(CGRP,降钙 素基因相关肽)(act upon heart and small BV)and somatostatin(生长抑素) 血钙浓度降低

  25. 甲状旁腺(parathyroid glands) Four small glands. Locate behind the thyroid gland.

  26. Parathyroid glands 被膜 实质: 主细胞 嗜酸性细胞 间质

  27. 主细胞(chief cells or principal cells) 数量多,圆形或多边形,核圆居中,HE染色胞质着色浅。 分泌颗粒:甲状旁腺激素(parathyroid hormone,PTH) 1.作用于骨细胞和破骨细胞,使骨盐溶解 2.促进小肠和肾小管吸收Ca2+ 血钙升高 PTH and calcitonin have reciprocal effects in the regulation of blood calcium level. 嗜酸性细胞(oxyphil cell) 数量少,单个或成群存在于主细胞之间,体积较大,多边形,核小染色深。 胞质内:嗜酸性颗粒(电镜下为线粒体),功能不清。

  28. 甲状旁腺激素分泌不足 血钙下降 神经肌肉应激性增强

  29. 肾上腺 (adrenal glands) They are paired organs lie near the superior poles of the kidneys.

  30. 肾上腺(adrenal glands)

  31. adrenal glands 被膜 间质:结缔组织、神经、血管 实质:adrenal cortex:yellow derived from mesoderm(中胚层) 1.球状带:占皮质总体积 15% 2.束状带:占皮质总体积 78% 3.网状带:占皮质总体积 7% adrenal medulla:reddish-brown derived from neuroectoderm(外胚层)

  32. The cells of the adrenal cortex have the typical ultrastructure of steroid secreting cells.

  33. 球状带 (zona glomerulosa) 细胞排列呈球状 盐皮质激素(mineralocorticoid) 醛固酮(aldosterone) →肾远曲小管和集合小管保Na+排K+ → 胃黏膜、唾液腺和汗腺吸收Na+ Its secretion activity is regulated by renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (肾素-血管紧张素系统).

  34. 束状带(zona fasciculata) 细胞排成单行或双行,胞质内含大量脂滴。 糖皮质激素(glucocorticoid) 皮质醇(cortisol) 皮质酮(corticosterone) 1.suppress inflammatory 2.influence the protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism 3.impairs the immune responses ACTH regulates secretion of the zona fasciculata

  35. 肾上腺皮质机能亢进 皮质醇增多症(Cushing syndrome) 肾上腺糖皮质激素↑ 面圆而红 躯干肥胖 高血压 高血糖 闭经 多毛等

  36. 网状带 (zona reticularis) Cells are arranged in net-like structure and contain more lipofuscin pigment granules. Their androgen(雄激素)(with small amount of estrogen 雌激素& glucocorticoids) release, which is regulated by ACTH, influences the sexual development.

  37. adrenal medulla

  38. adrenal medulla

  39. adrenal medulla 髓质细胞(嗜铬细胞 chromaffin cell) 细胞排列成索或团,胞质内含黄褐色的嗜铬颗粒。 根据分泌颗粒所含激素分为 1.肾上腺素细胞:80% →肾上腺素(adrenaline) 2.去甲肾上腺素细胞:20% →去甲肾上腺素(noradrenaline) The hormones secretion is stimulated by innervating sympathetic nerve. 交感神经节细胞

  40. 肾 上 腺 的 血 管 分 布 central vein:腔大、不规则,管壁较厚,厚的纵行平滑肌束

  41. 肾 上 腺 的 血 管 分 布

  42. 垂体 hypophysis or pituitary gland Most important endocrine gland.

  43. hypophysis 腺垂体 adenohypophysis 远侧部 pars distalis 结节部 pars tuberalis 中间部 pars intermedia 神经垂体 neurohypophysis 神经部 pars nervosa 漏斗 infundibulum 正中隆起 median eminence 漏斗柄 pituitary stalk 垂体前叶 anterior pituitary 垂体后叶 posterior pituitary

  44. pars distalis

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