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Saturn. By Monique Bonnett . Saturn. -Galileo was the first to discover Saturn in his telescope in 1610 s earching through the stars. They name it after a god of Agriculture. This is the symbol. Distances. Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Saturn By Monique Bonnett

  2. Saturn -Galileo was the first to discover Saturn in his telescope in 1610 searching through the stars. • They name it after a god of Agriculture. This is the symbol.

  3. Distances • Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. • The distance in AU is 10.1 from the sun, it is 9.53 AU from earth. • The distances in km from the sun is1.4 billion and from the earth is 1.2 billion.

  4. Planet measurements • Saturn's mass is 5.68×10 to the 26 • Saturn's density is less than water it would float like a apple in water 0.687 grams • Saturn's volume is 287 200 8.

  5. Orbit and Rotation • Saturn orbits around the sun 29.5 earth years. • It gets 1.35 billion km’s from the sun. • It gets 1.51 billion km’s away from the sun. • The days length is 10.5 hours.

  6. Saturn's appearance and rings Saturn is an oblate shaped planet .It has a rocky core. And has a flattened poles. Saturn's rings are Black, gray and white in color They are made out of rocks, ice dirt and water.

  7. Saturn's moons • Saturn has seven teen moons. Titan, Pandora, Calypso, and many more.

  8. Composition and atmosphere • Saturn's composition is gas but it slowly changes to water as the pressure increases. • The core composition is metal and rocky. • Saturn's major gas is 75% hydredian and its minor gas is 25% helium.

  9. Surface conditions • Saturn’s wind speed is very fast it is 1800 km. • There is no rain on Saturn but it gets very cold. • Its surface pressure is 140 kpa. • The temperature is in the range of-150 Celsius.

  10. Water & exploration • Saturn has no real surface but does have some chemicals and water. • The surface features are a lot of moons. Only two voyagers pasted by it the Cassini and Huygens.

  11. Habitability ,Future Travel and • NONE

  12. Recourses • http://library.thinkquest.org/27322/planets.php?show=saturn&act=weather • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_saturn's_weather_conditions

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