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RC LACE 2004. Regional Co-operation of A, CR, CZ, H, SI, SK. Dijana Klarić. RC LACE efforts 2nd RC LACE MoU (2003-2005 ). Operations & maintenance Networking Research & development. Operations & maintenance. all 6 members - individual operational applications SK*****
RC LACE 2004 Regional Co-operation of A, CR, CZ, H, SI, SK Dijana Klarić RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
RC LACE efforts2nd RC LACE MoU (2003-2005) Operations & maintenance Networking Research & development RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Operations & maintenance all 6 members - individual operational applications SK***** almost the same domains mesh size (x 12.2km - x 6.5 km) vertical resolutions (L37 - L45) envelope - no envelope orography dyn. adapt; blending; 3DVar (e-suite) maintenance and porting of SW RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Telecommunications RETIM2000 vs Internet Satellite dissemination DVB bandwidth eq. to 128 kBps link RETIM 40% budget as backup to Internet RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Networking (Who? Why? When?) • Decentralized research & 3 WG • work in AAA environment • training for newcomers and WS • ALADIN -Training on ALADIN-NH, TLS • March 15-19, 2004 • SRNWP - 2nd WS on Verification, De Bilt • June 14-15, 2004 • actions: LACE WWW pages and FTP server coordinated verifications list of cases, MAP RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Verification project ALADIN Project organized by Slovenia started 2002 aims: to unify the verification on synoptic scale to impose the international standards to reduce duplication of work to compare different ALADIN at the same domain environment toward meso-scale verification RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Verification project • Prototype • station list 348 +74 ECMWF TM 430 RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
DB of Case Studies RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
MAP SOP cases • ECMWF Re-analysis of MAP SOP • different surface parameterization in ARPEGE • “Proper downscaling of ECMWF re-analysis” • work performed by LACE Data Manager RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Scientific Plan 2003/2004 2nd RC LACE Steering Committee meeting 2003 • Plans from year 2003 were fulfilled • 98 person/months 2004 • to work on opened subjects • to adjust R&D to AAA plans • to learn meso-NH physics ? RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Scientific Plantoward AAA compatibility • Dynamics • NH ALADIN is numerical core of AAA • interfacing dynamics vs. physics is in focus • Physics • physics for different scales 10km, 5km, 2.5 km • various schemas and SW • up-scaling or downscaling approach • Data Assimilation • more non-classical observations RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Working Group forDynamics and Coupling . Non-hydrostatic dynamics Interative schemes Choice of additional NH variables Bottom boundary condition Finalization of NH Dynamics Diabatism in NH . Dynamics – other topics Horizontal diffusion (SLHD) Radiative UBC Physics/dynamics interface RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Results from WG forDynamics and Coupling Dynamics/Physics interfaces • treatment of physical tendencies in PC scheme • mass conservation • the mass of water removed from the atmosphere is replaced by the dry air • ALADIN: physics tendencies at origin point Investigation: • 1/2 at origin and 1/2 at arrival points • stratiform prec. at arrival, rest at departure point RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Results from WG forDynamics and Coupling RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Working Group forPhysics . Shallow convection / PBL cloudiness Convergence Xu-Randall and Seidl-Kann scheme Experiments on inversion formation and sustenance . CAPE & deep convection triggering . Orographic drag/envelope Validation on precipitation and wind (x=10 km - 2.5 km) V. Numeric of parameterization schemas V. Prognostic cloud water RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Results from WG forPhysics The role of surface evaporation in the triggering of mountain convection in ALADIN => Mountains with their differential evaporation and solar heating regimes create mesoscale baroclinic circulations and may establish an environment locally favourable for deep convection • Weather situation: a series of days with deep convection triggered locally by orographic effects in the absence of large-scale forcing • Drau valley in Carinthia, Austria‘s southernmost province • 24-hour model run with evaporation set equal to zero (dx=4km) RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Results from WG forPhysics Conclusions: • Near-surface humidity convergence over the mountain chains reduces by around 30% to the north („dry“) side of the boundary, but by only 10 – 20% to the south („humid“) side • Convective precipitation decreases significantly; remaining convection concentrates on the mountains along and to the south („humid“) side of the air mass boundary, where it can still obtain enough moisture RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
red numbers: first precipitation at .. UTC REF EXP RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
2m specific humidity (09 UTC): REF EXP RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
2m humidity divergence (12 UTC): Green numbers: relative decrease of humidity convergence [%] compared to REF REF EXP RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Working Group forData Assimilation . Methods - Algorithmic aspects Isotropy properties of the B matrix Multivariate humidity formulation in the B matrix Lonnberg -Hollingsworth versus NMC variances . Methods - Cycling . Observations ATOVS and MSG AMDAR 10 wind Wind profilers data RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Working Group forData Assimilation (cont.) . Observations (cont.) Radar data V. Surface Snow analysis experiments V. Latent Heat Nudging VI. LAMEPS Optimization of ARPEGE singular vector computations for CE ALADIN EPS using PEACE perturbations RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Results from WG forData Assimilation Assimilation of ATOVS data • improvements of treatment of AMSU-A, AMSU-B • Choice for radiance-bias correction for LAM bias corr. coefficients: scan-angle biases and coefficients for air-mass predictors LAM- satellite paths are cut problems for scan-angle biases Harris and Kelly reduction of bias actions: to enlarge domain for 3DVar to re-compute bias corr. Coefficients for LAM RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Results from WG forData Assimilation RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Results from WG forData Assimilation Snow analysis with CANARI significant T2 overestimation in strong winter inversion diagnostics: RH2 is too dry, short wave radiation is too big too strong 10m wind and wind gust NO SNOW analysis cure: 3DVAR +CANARI snow analysis + modified physics RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
10-12. deg. err. Too warm 3D-VAR Results from WG forData Assimilation 4-6. deg. err. 4-6 deg. err. RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Results from WG forData Assimilation • LACE Data Assimilation mini Workshop (Budapest, 20-22 October, 2003) RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo
Future Actions WS on dynamics-physics interfacing November 2004, Prague training in NH ALADIN Early winter 2005, Prague WS on maintenance Autumn 2005, Budapest RC LACE 26th EWGLAM Meeting 4-6 October 2004, Oslo