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  1. Facilitating leadership continuity, building talent and capacity within the National System of Innovation (NSI). A Competency or Leadership Dilemma?LIASA & CiCD Winter Seminar National Library of South Africa (NLSA)29 June 2009Co-presenters: Dr Daisy Selematsela(NRF) Dr Martie van de Venter (CSIR)

  2. Outline • Part 1 (Non technical competencies) • Is it necessary? Succession planning in a nutshell • Best Practices • Organisational Realities • Now what? • Building capacity at all levels • Part 2 (Technical competencies) • Practical Case Study scenario

  3. Succession Planning in a nutshell • Conventional view: • “Succession planning is key to retention of leadership skills and organisations need to plan for succession of individuals to survive” • “It is all about developing capable individuals in line with organisational strategies”

  4. Succession Planning Best Practices • Identify key competencies needed by leadership team in line with strategy • Define key competencies • Identify current organisational competency through assessment tools – KPA, PDP, PDC • Prepare individual development plans • Assign mentors and coaches • Provide training & development opportunities • Integrate it with EE, Skills Development & other HR initiatives • Recruit the right people • Retain your top talent

  5. Organisational Realities • Changing world of work…. • Leadership dilemmas – transformational vs transactional • Effective succession planning essential tool to address diversity and leadership • Succession planning becoming a Board/Council priority • Competitive advantage • Closed processes

  6. Leadership Dilemmas • “Here today, gone tomorrow” (Gregory P. Smith) • Demand for effective managers continues to grow • Research conducted nationally & international confirms that a significant number of organisations will see 40% - 50% of their Executives leave in the next 5 years (Byham 1999)

  7. Leadership Dilemmas – 8 elements • Smith’s 8 elements that high-retention orgs have in common: • Purpose – personal fulfillment & meaning • Caring management – “there are no bad soldiers – only bad leaders” • Work schedules that allow work/life balance – downsizing outs family 2nd • Honest updated information and communication • People want to enjoy their work environment • Performance management should be motivational and not punitive • Rewards & recognition should make people feel appreciated • Employees migrate to training and development opportunities

  8. Leadership Dilemmas • “Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done “ (L Bossidy & R Chan) • According to Chan – CEO & senior team allot less than half a day each year to review plans – people, strategy & operation • This is a formula for failure • You need: • robust dialogue to surface the realities of business • Accountability for results to get things done…& you need follow-through to ensure plans are on track.

  9. Leadership Dilemmas • “Predictable Surprises” (Bazerman & Watkins) • Were the earth-shuttering events of September 11 2001. predictable, or were they a surprise? • Disasters are preceded by clear warning signals that leaders either miss or purposefully ignore! • 5 reasons why leaders are most likely to be “surprised”: We! • Tend to have positive illusions to conclude that a problem doesn’t exist or isn’t severe enough to merit action • Tend to interpret events in an egocentric manner by accrediting blame in ways that are self-serving • Overly discount the future, reducing our courage to act now to prevent some disaster that we believe to be quite distant • Tend to maintain the status quo & refuse to accept any harm that would bring about a greater good. • Rather than confronting unpalatable choices, we avoid action altogether. • Most of us don’t invest in preventing a problem that we have not personally experienced. • We only fix problems after we ourselves or those close to us experience significant harm.

  10. Leadership Dilemmas • “Managing Transitions: Making the most of change” (William Bridges) • “It isn’t the changes that do you in, it’s the transitions. Change is not the same as transition. Change is situational; the new site, boss, team, roles or new policy. Transition is the psychological process people go through to come to terms with the new situation. Change is external, transition is internal” • “Accountability Revolution” (M Samuel & B Novak) • “Accountability means that people can count on one another to keep performance commitments & communication agreements”

  11. Clear intention Interlocking ownership Effective execution Relentless attack of dysfunctional habits Responsive recovery Relentless measuring of results Create a clear picture of success stated as a result Each person deals with their part of the project as if they own the whole project Clear guidelines aroung coordination, timing, communication, actions etc Surface & address habits that are impending on the teams success Be prepared from the starting gate to handle the inevitable project glitches Frequent check-ins to ensure the project is on track. Leadership Dilemmas : Anatomy of accountability

  12. Leadership Dilemmas: • “Everyone a Leader: A grassroots model for the new workplace” • (H Bergmann, K Hudson, D Rust-Eft) • “Organisations need people at every level with the courage & the skill to step up to leadership opportunities, whether they are formally designated leaders or not” • Just remember to CLIMB: • Create a compelling future • Let the customer drive the organisation • Involve every mind • Manage work horizontally • Build personal credibility

  13. Building capacity at all levels • The proposed approach to creating a solid foundation of high performing leadership: • “building an in-depth leadership team, rather than simply developing capable individuals”. • The 3 levels to be considered: • Level 1 – Foundations of Leadership • Level 2 – Team Leadership • Level 3 – Organisational Leadership

  14. Mastering of skills Foundations of Leadership: team development, Delegation Communication & Leadership Project management Facilitate use of those skills with teams Team Leadership: Problem solving for leaders Decision making Conflict management Effective meetings Organisational Leadership: 360 Feedback Social intelligence Emotional Intelligence Storytelling Crucial leadership skills Self-mastery “know yourself, express yourself, Control of your interactions with others”

  15. Significant approaches related to Quality Service Delivery! • Building capacity at all levels • Ensuring a diverse succession plan • Knowledge Management – Dr Martie van de Venter’s slot to focus on KM!

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