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Sailability Conference Canberra March 26 & 27 2013 Yachting Australia Sport Development Perspectives. TITLE. DATE. Background. Yachting Australia’s perspective. Sailing in Australia. Participation in sailing is stagnant at best over the last generation and decade

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  1. Sailability Conference Canberra March 26 & 27 2013Yachting Australia Sport Development Perspectives TITLE DATE

  2. Background

  3. Yachting Australia’s perspective

  4. Sailing in Australia • Participation in sailing is stagnant at best over the last generation and decade • Sailing ranks in the 30’s in terms of participation in around 90 recognised sports • 350 yacht clubs belong to 8 State/Territory Associations, but only 120 have more than 100 members • Yachting Australia (and maybe the sport) have not invested in professional sport development • Until 2010 Yachting Australia had no budget for participation

  5. Sailability - perspectives • International Program • Unrealised potential for sailing • to build community profile • a competitive advantage • 20% of population • Absence of pathway - for sailors • Opportunities for economies of scale – at clubs • Volunteers – varying levels of skills and recognition • Risk Profile

  6. The Plan …..

  7. Sport Development Plan 2011-14 • Enabled by ASC Funding • Evidence based • ABS statistics • gemba Report • Other sports and countries • Built in collaboration with State Associations • Performance Measures

  8. Planning process

  9. 2010 Watershed • Australian Sports Commission Participation Funding • Yachting Australia applied & successful for three programs • Additional ASC Funding for market research – especially for the new Entry Program / Brand • gemba Report • Discover Sailing

  10. Programs proposed to ASCDiscover Sailing – conduct market research and be guided by it , along the line of ‘go sailing’Tackers – Australia wide roll out of a successful Victorian pilot ProgramSailability – ask the Yachting Australia Sailability Committee for the priorities

  11. The Yachting Australia Sailability Committee Plan – November 2011 • “ high priorities identified by the committee were the - • development of the Sailability website, • inclusion of the Sailability program into general club activities, and • development of instructor resources and an induction scheme”.

  12. University of Technology Sydney Research Report 2010“Participation and non-participation of people with disability in sport and active recreation” • Researching more than 1000 people with disability, rather than relying on the assumptions from people within the sport sector. • Both participants and non-participants in sport and active recreation • Although a number of constraints affect the participation of people with disability, individuals did not regard their impairment as the major reason for non-participation.

  13. Enablers to participation • providing easily accessible information on local sport and active recreation opportunities • reducing the costs associated with participation (e.g. transport, equipment, registration fees) • increasing staff training (to facilitate participation) • integrating sports opportunities.

  14. The ASC Funding Budget for Sailability • 2011-14 Three Years (expires next June ) • Income $150k • ASC $75k • Other $75K • Expenses $150k • Development Costs $50k • Club Resources $45k • Marketing Materials $55 • Need to source “other income”

  15. Chance of Funding Renewal ? • Measurement of Participation • Volunteers • Sailors • Levels of Training Delivered • Other Funding Raised

  16. Australian Sports Foundation Project • Allows tax deductible status for donations to registered sports projects • Many clubs have existing projects and or TDGR • The Yachting Australia Project is open. Donor can • Nominate purpose • Nominate club/program • Express interest in bequests

  17. Some other perspectives

  18. Benefits of Club Membership • Inclusion • Options for involvement • Social Engagement • Pathways • Economies of scale • Connection • Communication

  19. Reducing the cost …shared facilities

  20. Risk Mitigation – shared resources • Incorporated Association • Public Liability Insurance • Safety & Risk Management Plans • OHS Compliance • Personal Accident Insurance for sailors & volunteers • Commercial Vessels – any boat used for a fee for non members • New national legislation & regulation • Unless a member of a community organisation

  21. The Sailing Pathway

  22. The future

  23. Sailability Future

  24. Conclusion • We all want more people to discover sailing • Sailability currently comes in many flavours • The ASC is helping Yachting Australia help State Association to help sailing and clubs be more inclusive in everything we do – we call it Sailability

  25. Summary • Neil – Chair Sailability Australia Committee • “ we are all here to increase the opportunities for people to have a great time sailing” • “this conference is for the major players to create forward movement in a uniform way” • Hamish – Australian Sports Commission • “ there is huge potential for sailing” • “ the Australian Sports Commission is helping major sports increase participation, international success and sustainability, but they are accountable ”

  26. Summary - David “it’s about choice for the individual” “inclusion vs segregation vs integration”

  27. Summary • Ross – YA Sport Development Director • “ Yachting Australia Perspectives and particularly the importance of offering sailors (including all abilities) choice about progression on a pathway and social inclusion at clubs” • “ major mutual benefit of clubs and Sailability Programs working together” • Karyn - YA Board Member – “Thank you for your huge contribution to date. The Yachting Australia Board fully endorse the objective of increasing the inclusion of people of all abilities at clubs”

  28. Summary • Graham – RPYC • “the pathway at the club, • recreational, intermediate, • high performance, for • diverse sailors using • diverse boats” • “sailability membership model” • “inclusion at the club”

  29. Summary • Daisy - “ Aspirational” Sailability Committee Priorities • More consistent approach to more people of all abilities sailing and involved in all club activities • Increased awareness & education of inclusion at clubs • Attract & train volunteers • Enhanced on line communication with Sailability participants – volunteers and sailors • Significant increase in the number of people on the pathway

  30. Summary • Nicola – YA Education & Training Manager • “the pathways in practice, and the learn to sail course at levels 1,2,3 on the pathway” • “the key role of instructors in retaining people in sailing” • “the learn to sail program is inclusive” • “it’s our attitude at the start of a difficult undertaking that will ultimately determine the outcome”

  31. Summary • Glen Stanaway – YA Sport Services Member • “safety first” • “positive attitude to safety rather than protectionist” • “membership protection ( avoiding discrimination & harassment) is part of safe environments” • “Yachting Australia aims to provide the resources, in both safety & risk management and membership protection templates to help clubs and programs that do not have them in place”

  32. Summary • Terry Peek • “Special Olympics is a pathway, at the moment the only HP pathway for people with an intellectual disability . Encourage increased general participation with increased repetition, and time/support. Create opportunities for me to help you to do this”

  33. Follow Up • Resources on website by end April • There will be a satisfaction survey – so make sure your State Sailability delegate has your email address

  34. Communication • Recognise Graham Adam • Annual magazine & quarterly newsletter • How do we get them to everyone ? • Word of mouth • External communication ?

  35. Thank You • Daisy Brooke • Neil and the Sailability Committee • Australian Sports Commission • Presenters • Vic Silk (photos & videos)

  36. Resources • Your State Association • The Yachting Australia website for existing sailors • www.yachting.org.au/discoversailing/sailability • (will include all the conference materials & videos ) • The Discover Sailing website for potential new sailors www.discoversailing.org.au/sailability

  37. Thank you

  38. Conclusion • We all want more people to discover sailing • Sailability comes in many flavours • The ASC is helping Yachting Australia help State Association to help sailing and clubs be more inclusive in everything we do – we call it Sailability

  39. Good luck • To everyone sailing or supporting or officiating this weekend • Enjoy Canberra Yacht Club

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