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What can infants do?. Infants show:preference for human face / voice (eg Cooper
1. Understanding autism: A social developmental perspectiveDr Anthony LeeAutism Service, Tavistock Clinic, LondonIstanbul25th March 2008
2. What can infants do? Infants show:
preference for human face / voice (eg Cooper & Aslin, 1990; Fantz, 1961; Johnson, Dziurawiec, Ellis, and Morton, 1991)
preference for own mother’s voice (eg DeCasper & Fifer, 1987; Field, Cohen, Garcia, & Greenberg, 1984)
capacity to imitate adult facial gestures (eg Field, Guy, & Umbel, 1985; Meltzoff & Moore, 1977)
six- to eight-weeks of age they return embraces, maintain eye-contact and exhibit the beginnings of reciprocal vocalisation (Bateson, 1975)
distress when perturbations in the flow of contact with mother are introduced (Murray and Trevarthen, 1985; Tronick, Als, Adamson, Wise and Brazelton, 1978) – still face paradigm