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Act I Vocabulary Review for "Inherit the Wind

Enhance your understanding of the play "Inherit the Wind" with this vocabulary review for Act I. Test your knowledge on key words and their definitions from the text.

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Act I Vocabulary Review for "Inherit the Wind

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  1. Inherit the Wind Act I Vocabulary Review

  2. Vocabulary Definitions • Select the vocabulary word that corresponds to each of the following definitions.

  3. the remote or less developed parts of a country; back country

  4. Answer: Hinterland

  5. characterized by firmness, steadfastness, or loyalty

  6. Answer: Staunch

  7. to lie in or be exposed to a pleasant warmth; to enjoy a pleasant situation

  8. Answer: bask

  9. to smile, laugh, or contort the face in a manner that shows scorn or contempt. a look or expression of derision, scorn, or contempt

  10. Answer: sneer

  11. a railroad or bus station; a storehouse or warehouse, as a building where freight is deposited

  12. Answer: Depot

  13. great eloquence in speech

  14. Answer: Oratorical

  15. deeply agitated

  16. Answer: Distraught

  17. a person who does not accept a particular faith, especially Christianity

  18. Answer: Infidel

  19. having a kindly disposition

  20. Answer: Benign

  21. to give up (an alleged fugitive or criminal) to another state or nation at its request.

  22. Answer: extradite

  23. a gloomy or threatening look

  24. Answer: Scowl

  25. disdainfully proud; snobbish; scornfully arrogant; supercilious

  26. Answer: haughtily

  27. an officer, similar to a sheriff or a sheriff's deputy, employed to execute writs and processes, make arrests, keep order in the court

  28. Answer: Bailiff

  29. rank, unpleasant, and stale

  30. Answer: Rancid

  31. making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud

  32. Answer: Arrogant

  33. a paperboard sign or notice, as one posted in a public place or carried by a demonstrator or picketer. To publicize, announce, or advertise by means of placards.

  34. Answer: Placard

  35. ludicrously exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of an unsophisticated person from a rural area.

  36. Answer: Caricatured rubes

  37. extremely thin and bony; haggard and drawn, as from great hunger, weariness, or torture; emaciated.

  38. Answer: Gaunt

  39. a small piece of luggage that can be carried by hand, used to hold clothing, toilet articles, etc.; suitcase; traveling bag.

  40. Answer: Valise

  41. anyone who does not conform to an established attitude, doctrine, or principle

  42. Answer: Heretic

  43. to step, walk, or trample so as to press, crush, or injure something. to set down the foot or feet in walking; step; walk

  44. Answer: Tread

  45. the right to vote, especially in a political election

  46. Answer: Suffrage

  47. the male head of a family or tribal line

  48. Answer: patriarch

  49. portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening

  50. Answer: Ominous

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