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We hear the word chakra more and more often these days — in energy healing, guided meditations — you might have even heard it in your weekly yoga class. <br>If you’re brand new to chakras, don’t worry. Because one of the absolute best ways to get a grasp on chakras is by using a chakra map. And that’s exactly what we’re going to show you today. <br>This guide will walk you through the basic chakra system, as well as provide you with a complete chakra map to follow along with.
Beginners Guide To Chakras: A Complete ChakraMap We hear the word chakra more and more often these days — in energy healing, guided meditations — you might have even heard it in your weekly yogaclass. If you’re brand new to chakras, don’t worry. Because one of the absolute best ways to get a grasp on chakras is by using a chakra map. And that’s exactly what we’re going to show you today. This guide will walk you through the basic chakra system, as well as provide you with a complete chakra map to follow alongwith. What AreChakras? First, let’s cover the essentials.
A chakra is an energy center. These energy centers can be located both inside and outside (yes, outside!) the physical body. Each chakra is unique and corresponds to a specific set of traits andfunctions. When our chakras are well balanced, energy moves freely through them and throughout our bodies. We feel happy, healthy, and atease. When our chakras are out of balance with stagnant energy, we feel a whole lot worse. In fact, blocked chakras can even be the culprit behind a number of physical, mental, and emotional ailments. Deborah King, Author of Mindvalley’s Be A Modern Master Programexplains, “Ideally, you want your chakras free from clogged or stagnant energy.” How do you unclog a blocked chakra? It’s all about learning to focus your energy and intentions. Chakra meditationsare also a great place tostart! 7 Chakra System Vs 12 ChakraSystem The traditional 7 chakra system is composed of internal chakras — energy centers found within the physicalbody. The 12 chakra systemincludes external chakras — energy centers above and below us that our bodiesproject. For our purposes, we’re going to show you a chakra map of the 7 chakra system. It’s the most popular system and is often the one used in chakrameditation. In the same time, it’s definitely worthwhile to know that the 12 chakra system is out there. Besides the essential 7 chakras, the 12 chakra systemalso includes: the Earth Star Chakra, the Soul Star Chakra, the Universal Chakra, the Galactic Chakra, and the Divine Gateway Chakra.
Essential Chakra Map ForBeginners Check out the chakra map above. In it, you’ll see a basic map of the 7chakras. As you can see, each of the chakras corresponds to a different color and has a different function: RootChakra Color: Red Position: Base of the spine Sanskrit name:Muladhara Responsible for: Feeling grounded, financial independence, security, basicsurvival Sacral Chakra
Color: Orange Position: Lowerabdomen Sanskrit name:Svadhishthana Responsible for: Pleasure, joy, desire, creativity, abundance, emotional balance,sexuality Solar Plexus Chakra Color: Yellow Position:Navel Sanskrit name:Manipura Responsible for: Personal power, self-esteem, confidence,courage Heart Chakra Color: Green Position:Heart Sanskrit name:Anahata Responsible for: Love, emotional freedom, compassion, empathy, socialrelationships Throat Chakra Color: Blue Position:Throat Sanskrit name:Vishuddha Responsible for: Communication, honestly, faith, artisticexpression
Third Eye Chakra Color: Indigo Position: Middle of the forehead, between theeyes Sanskrit name:Ajna Responsible for: Intuition, perception, imagination, wisdom, decision making,clairvoyance Crown Chakra Color: Ultraviolet, gold, and white Position: Crown of the head Sanskrit name:Sahasrara Responsible for: Spirituality, bliss, Universal energy,Enlightenment