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ãÈ×ãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐÃÂB ãÈåtãQ

Surah 63: Al-Munaafiqoon. Èãå×ã_éoÂB ãÌð¨å×éxÂB áÌãÆ ãÐðäÃÂCãQ âlåÒâ®áB. I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Shaitan. ãÈ×ãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐÃÂB ãÈåtãQ. In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful.

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  1. Surah 63: Al-Munaafiqoon Èãå×ã_éoÂB ãÌð¨å×éxÂB áÌãÆ ãÐðäÃÂCãQ âlåÒâ®áB I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Shaitan ãÈ×ãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐÃÂB ãÈåtãQ In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  2. BÒâÂCẠáÉÒâ»ã¶CáËâÇåÂB á½ACá_ BálãH âÐâÂÒâsáoá áÀáäÊãH âÈáÃå¯áÖ âÐáäÃÂBáÑ ãÐáäÃÂB âÁÒâsáoá áÀáäÊãH âkáÏåxáÊý1þ áÉÒâQãlCá¿á áÌ×ã»ã¶CáËâÇåÂB áäÉãH âkáÏåxáÖ âÐáäÃÂBáÑ [63:1] When the hypocrites come to you, they say: We bear witness that you are most surely Allah's Messenger; and Allah knows that you are most surely His Messenger, and Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are surely liars. Surah 63: Al-Munaafiqoon Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  3. åÈâÏáäÊãH ãÐáäÃÂB ãÄ×ãRás Ìá® BÑâäká|ᶠæUáäËâ_ åÈâÏáÊCáÇåÖáF BÑâmáháäWBý2þ áÉÒâÃáÇå¯áÖ BÒâÊCá¾ CáÆ ACás [63:2] They make their oaths a shelter, and thus turn away from Allah's way; surely evil is that which they do. Surah 63: Al-Munaafiqoon Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  4. åÈâÏᶠåÈãÏãQÒâÃ⺠ÔáÃá® á°ãRâ§á¶ BÑâoá·á¾ áäÈâ[ BÒâËáÆD åÈâÏáäÊáGãQ áÀãÂálý3þ áÉÒâÏá»å·áÖ áÙ [63:3] That is because they believe, then disbelieve, so a seal is set upon their hearts so that they do not understand. Surah 63: Al-Munaafiqoon Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  5. å°áÇåtáW BÒâÂÒâ»áÖ ÉãHáÑ åÈâÏâÆCátå_áF áÀâRã`å¯âW åÈâÏáXåÖáFán BálãHáÑèUádå×á{ áäÄâ¾ áÉÒâRátådáÖ çTákáäËátâäÆ çSâxâg åÈâÏáäÊáGá¾ åÈãÏãÂåÒá»ãÂáÉÒâ¿á¶åKâÖ ÔáäÊáF âÐáäÃÂB âÈâÏáÃáWCẠåÈâÎånámåcCᶠâäÑâká¯åÂB âÈâÎ åÈãÏå×áÃá®ý4þ [63:4] And when you see them, their persons will please you, and If they speak, you will listen to their speech; (they are) as if they were big pieces of wood clad with garments; they think every cry to be against them. They are the enemy, therefore beware of them; may Allah destroy them, whence are they turned back? Surah 63: Al-Munaafiqoon Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  6. BåÑáäÒá ãÐáäÃÂB âÁÒâsán åÈâ¿á åoã·å³áXåtáÖ BåÒáÂCá¯áW åÈâÏá áÄ×㺠BálãHáÑý5þ áÉÑâoãRå¿áXåtâäÆ ÈâÎáÑ áÉÑâäkâ|áÖ åÈâÏáXåÖáFánáÑ åÈâÏásÑâJân [63:5] And when it is said to them: Come, the Messenger of Allah will ask forgiveness for you, they turn back their heads and you may see them turning away while they are big with pride. Surah 63: Al-Munaafiqoon Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  7. Ìá åÈâÏá åoã·å³áXåtáW åÈá åÅáF åÈâÏá áVåoá·å³áXåsáF åÈãÏå×áÃá® ABáÒásáÌ×ã»ãsCá·åÂB áÅåÒá»åÂB ÕãkåÏáÖ áÙ áÐáäÃÂB áäÉãH åÈâÏá âÐáäÃÂB áoã·å³áÖý6þ [63:6] It is alike to them whether you beg forgiveness for them or do not beg forgiveness for them; Allah will never forgive them; surely Allah does not guide the transgressing people. Surah 63: Al-Munaafiqoon Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  8. ãÐáäÃÂB ãÁÒâsán ákËã® åÌáÆ ÔáÃá® BÒâ»ã·ËâW áÙ áÉÒâÂÒâ»áÖ áÌÖãmáäÂB âÈâÎáäÌã¿áÂáÑ ã¡ånáåÛBáÑ ãVBáÑCáÇáätÂB âÌãMBáqág ãÐáäÃãÂáÑ BÒâä£á·ËáÖ ÔáäXácý7þ áÉÒâÏá»å·áÖ áÙ áÌ×ã»ã¶CáËâÇåÂB [63:7] They it is who say: Do not spend upon those who are with the Messenger of Allah until they break up. And Allah's are the treasures of the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites do not understand. Surah 63: Al-Munaafiqoon Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  9. âäqá®áåÛB áäÌá_ãoåhâ×á ãUáËÖãkáÇåÂB ÔáÂãH CáËå¯á_áän ÌãNá áÉÒâÂÒâ»áÖáÌ×ãËãÆåKâÇåÃãÂáÑ ãÐãÂÒâsáoãÂáÑ âTáäqã¯åÂB ãÐáäÃãÂáÑ áäÁáláåÛB CáÏåËãÆý8þ áÉÒâÇáÃå¯áÖ áÙ áÌ×ã»ã¶CáËâÇåÂB áäÌã¿áÂáÑ [63:8] They say: If we return to Medina, the mighty will surely drive out the meaner therefrom; and to Allah belongs the might and to His Messenger and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not know. Surah 63: Al-Munaafiqoon Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  10. åÈâ¾âjáÙåÑáF áÙáÑ åÈâ¿âÂBáÒåÆáF åÈâ¿ãÏåÃâW áÙ BÒâËáÆD áÌÖãmáäÂB CáÏâäÖáF CáÖáÉÑâoãsCáhåÂB âÈâÎ áÀãNáÂåÑâGᶠáÀãÂál åÄá¯å·áÖ ÌáÆáÑ ãÐáäÃÂB ãoå¾ãl Ìá®ý9þ [63:9] O you who believe! let not your wealth, or your children, divert you from the remembrance of Allah; and whoever does that, these are the losers. Surah 63: Al-Munaafiqoon Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  11. âVåÒáÇåÂB âÈâ¾ákácáF áØãWåGáÖ ÉáF ãÄåRẠÌãäÆ Èâ¾CáËåºápán CáäÆ ÌãÆ BÒâ»ã·ÊáFáÑÌâ¾áFáÑ á¹áäkáä{áGᶠèSÖãoẠèÄá_áF ÔáÂãH ØãËáWåoáägáF áÙåÒá ãäPán áÁÒâ»á×á¶ý10þ áÌ×ãdãÂCáä|ÂB áÌãäÆ [63:10] And spend out of what We have given you before death comes to one of you, so that he should say: My Lord! why didst Thou not respite me to a near term, so that I should have given alms and been of the doers of good deeds? Surah 63: Al-Munaafiqoon Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

  12. ço×ãRág âÐáäÃÂBáÑ CáÏâÃá_áF ACá_ BálãH Cætå·áÊ âÐáäÃÂB áoãägáKâÖ ÌáÂáÑý11þ áÉÒâÃáÇå¯áW CáÇãQ [63:11] And Allah does not respite a soul when its appointed term has come, and Allah is Aware of what you do. Surah 63: Al-Munaafiqoon Arabic text by DILP, Translation by M. H. Shakir. Compiled by Shia Ithna’sheri Community of Middlesex (Mahfil Ali).

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