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New Principals’ Workshop. October 5, 2011. New Principals’ Workshop. GOVERNANCE The Principal’s Role. Role of the Principal The Principal’s Authority Is Granted Through Section 1.200 Of The Constitution And By-Law 2.020. By-Law 2.020 Responsibility of the Principal
New Principals’ Workshop October 5, 2011
New Principals’ Workshop GOVERNANCE The Principal’s Role
Role of the PrincipalThe Principal’s Authority Is Granted Through Section 1.200 Of The Constitution And By-Law 2.020 By-Law 2.020 Responsibility of the Principal • The principals, as defined in Section 1.200 of the Constitution, or their designates, shall be responsible to this Association for matters pertaining to all athletic as well as non-athletic activities of their school.
New Principals’ Workshop Governance: Who Makes the Rules, Anyway?
Background • The IHSA governs the equitable participation in interscholastic athletics and activities that enrich the educational experience. • The mission requires rules to be in place to bring some kind of order to the operations of the association.
Background • Wide constituency • Nearly 800 schools make up our membership • Nearly 500,000 students will participate in their school’s interscholastic program this year. • Over 12,000 officials will be licensed through our Officials’ Department this year. • Clear rules need to be in place in order for us to operate properly
Background • 3 kinds of rules within the IHSA • By-Laws • Policies • Terms and Conditions • Each is unique unto itself • None are established by IHSA staff • All are approved by the entire membership or the IHSA Board of Directors.
By-Laws • The major rules of the association (foundation) • Govern HS participation in athletics and activities • Written, reviewed, and approved by member school principals through the legislative process
By-Laws • How a proposal becomes a by-law • Member school submits proposal • Proposal is read at 1st Legislative Commission mtg. • Proposal is discussed at Town Meetings • Proposal is voted on at 2nd Legislative Commission mtg. • Approved proposals are placed on ballot for state-wide vote • A majority vote is required for passage
Policies • The IHSA has several Board approved polices that address a wide variety of issue. • The IHSA policies are in the back section of the IHSA handbook. • Sample policies • Securing an eligibility ruling • Foreign exchange student policies • Travel policies
Policies • Approved by the IHSA Board of Directors. • Can be created/developed in a number of ways. • Membership request • Board request • IHSA staff request • On some issues, the Board will gather feedback from the membership before approving. • Serve as the “how to get it done” part of our operations
Terms and Conditions • Serve to establish the guidelines that are used to set up and run state tournaments. • T/C changes are created at advisory committee level • 28 such committees (17 athletic, 5 activity, 6 special) • Diverse, geographic make-up • Recommendations can be submitted to IHSA staff or committee members by member schools (coaches, principals, etc.) • Committee minutes posted for review prior to Board vote
Terms and Conditions • Approved by the IHSA Board of Directors. • Before going to Board, additional review • Athletic Administrators Advisory Committee • IHSA Administrative Staff • Member schools can follow the process by reviewing advisory committee minutes
You do! Our job: Be transparent Make information available Encourage participation Communicate changes Who Makes the Rules, Anyway?
Contests and Officials • We are going WHERE? • How did we get THOSE officials?
New Principals’ Workshop IHSA Overview Key Rules
Summer Participation • It must be VOLUNTARY!!!!! • Coaches and students may have 25 contact days in the summer. • Contact days are sport by sport. • Contact days may be used for the following activities: • Camps, leagues, group or individual instruction
Summer Participation • Contact days may be used the day after classes end for the summer through Sunday of Week 5 in the IHSA Calendar (July 29 in 2012) • Schools may transport students to contact days during the summer. • Schools may only compete against other schools in 7 on 7 football.
By-law 3.011 - Attendance • A student must attend a member school and may only represent in interscholastic competition the member school the student attends. For purposes of this by-law, the term “attend” shall mean that the student is enrolled at the member school, and is taking at, or under arrangements approved by the member school, a minimum of twenty (20) credit hours of work for which credit toward high school graduation will be granted by the member school upon the student’s completing and passing the courses.
Scholastic Standing • 3.021 They shall be doing passing work in at least twenty (20) credit hours of high school work per week. • 3.022 They shall, unless they are entering high school for the first time, have credit on the school records for twenty (20) credit hours of high school work for the previous semester.
Coaching Certification • All coaches, including volunteers, must be certified to coach. (Minimum age is 19) • Head coaches – regularly certified teachers or the person must have completed an approved coaching school program. • Assistant coaches – one of the above or a substitute teaching certificate.
By-law 3.031 – ResidencePublic Schools • Must reside in the district with parents, custodial parent, or court appointed guardian • 2 years with other family member • 7th and 8th grade tuition paying student • Multiple high school districts – attendance area
By-law 3.032 & 3.033Private/Non-boundaried Schools • Must reside with parents, custodial parent, or court appointed guardian within the boundaries of the public school district in which the school is located • 2 years with other family member • 7th and 8th grade in private school or 4 years of private (or non-boundaried) school from K-8 • Parent attended the same school • 30 mile radius
By-law 3.034 • Seniors who have attended the same high school all of their career Age 17? Age18? • Foreign Exchange Students • CSIET Full Listing • IHSA Approval
By-law 3.041Transfer • In all transfer cases, both the principal of the school from which the student transfers and the school to which the student transfers must approve of the transfer and execute a form provided by the IHSA Office. …A student is not eligible to participate in an interscholastic contest until the transfer form, fully executed by both principals, is on file in the offices of the school to which the student transfers.
By-law 3.042Transfer • Once classes begin in a school for the current school year, if a student changes attendance from that high school to another high school, the student shall be ineligible for the remainder of the school year in any sport in which he/she participated or was participating in a practice or interscholastic contest in the current school year at the school from which the transfer occurs; or
By-law 3.042Transfer • Once classes begin in a school for the current school year, if a student changes attendance from that high school to another high school, the student shall be ineligible for a period of thirty days, …(in any sport in which he/she was not participating or had not participated during the current school year).
By-law 3.043Transfer • Transfer with parents, custodial parent, or court appointed legal guardian • Multiple High School Districts • Transfer to home public • Transfer private to private • Transfer related to custody change
By-law 3.045 • The Executive Director may grant eligibility only if it is determined, after investigation, that the circumstances giving rise to the change of guardianship or adoption and the transfer were completely beyond the control of all of the following: • (1) the student • (2) the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) • (3) the schools to and from which the student transferred.
By-law 3.047 • The member school to which a student transfers shall enforce any period of ineligibility imposed or that would have been imposed upon the student by the school from which the student is transferring, even if the student is otherwise eligible under these by-laws. The period of ineligibility at the school to which the student transfers shall be the remaining duration of the period of ineligibility imposed or that would have been imposed had the student not transferred, but not longer than 365 days after the date of the transfer, whichever is less.