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New Data , New Partnerships: “Creating the Right Policy Framework for Data Philanthropy”. Iwan Setyawan. Section One. Landscape of work. Landscape of Data Mining. Research Objective. Collaboration with UKP4. Section One. Twitter indonesia Landscape of conversation.
New Data, New Partnerships: “Creating the Right Policy Framework for Data Philanthropy” Iwan Setyawan
Section One Landscape of work
Collaboration with UKP4 Section One Twitter indonesiaLandscape of conversation
Conversation Landscape 2010 (n= 11,145,430) TOP 25 - FIRST 2011 (n= 89,559,902) 2012 (n= 112,223,206) • Conversation on activities and places where activities happen • Expression of emotions • The mention of the word Indonesia TOP 25 - SECOND 2010 (n= 5,726,384) 2011 (n= 34,797,039) 2012 (n= 46,091,341) • Talk of fasting and Eid • The mention of town: Jakarta, Jogja, Bandung, and Bali • Conversation about products: HP, TV, clothes, and brand Blackbery • Regarding the weather : rain and heat • Food : tea, chicken, and rice TOP 25 - THIRD 2010 (n= 2,687,817) 2011 (n= 17,824,305) 2012 (n= 22,988,136) • Online news (Detik, Metro) and social media platformKoprol • Occurrences of unique words or phenomen (alay, kepo, pocong, jfb) • Sport, especially football • Complain on traffic jam and dizziness.
Conversation Landscape 2010 (n= 1,448,180) TOP 25 - FOURTH 2011 (n= 10,210,588) 2012 (n= 11,834,753) • Talks about SBY, celebrities andbrand. • Complaints on blackout, cough and stress. • Political events, social, economic, and education are started to appear (especially more at 2012: snmptn, police, KPK,Jokowi) TOP 25 - FIFTH 2010 (n= 595,136) 2011 (n= 4,891,034) 2012 (n= 7,129,829) • More conversations about organizational entities, political figures, political events, social, economic, cultural, and government • Catastrophic
Twitter Conversational Landscape 2010-2012 • Conversation on Twitter is dominated by either routine behavior (eg. eating), emotional expression (eg. happy), or regular events (eg. fasting) • After conversation about the routine, the news from the major online media and viral things being discussed on twitter. • Compared to conversation about routine, and dissemination of online news, conversation about public figures and contextual issues seem less. • In general, although twitter can bring up new things as public opinion, the conversation on twitter is more a reflection of things experienced and perceived by twitter user.
Collaboration with Kompas TV Section Seven Social Media public concerns Twitter data : 4th August – 1st October 2014
Daily Concerns Total Tweets 3,936,190
Public Concerns Summary Total Tweets 1,438,054 Total Tweets 607,507 Total Tweets 893, 991 Total Tweets 677,029
Collaboration with Kompas TV Section Seven Social Media Fuel Price Increase Twitter data : 16th October – 19th November 2014
Conversation on Fuel Increase n = 1,339,155
The Most Mentioned Accounts The Most Mentioned Online Media News N=1,339,155 Top Influencers and Public Figures
Collaboration with University of Indonesia Section One Twitter indonesiaLandscape of values • Measurements and Analysis are based on the following theories: • Haidt’s Theory of Moral Foundation • Schwartz’s Theory of Basic Values • Costa & McCrae’s Theory of Big Five Personality Traits
Values Overview Trends suggest that in Twitter, Indonesian expresses more on how they most value tradition and social harmony, followed by more individualistic striving of power and achievement. Security is on the lowest spectrum –might reflect higher expression of worry or insecurity. • Values are used to characterize cultural groups, societies, and individuals, to trace change over time, and to explain the motivational bases of attitudes and behavior. • Each individuals and groups will hold certain values with varying degrees of importance or “hierarchies”. • Values are general, linked to affects and emotions, motivate actions, and serve as standards or criteria in which one evaluate the world. • Scales used: 1 (Low) – 5 (High) 10 Basic Values • Tradition: conservative and respectful of the customs; solidarity and uniqueness as a group; • Benevolence: helping others and contributing to general welfare; nurturing others and the environment; • Power: social status and prestige; needs to control and dominates others; • Achievement: setting and achieving goals; competency and living up to social standards; • Hedonism: enjoyment and pleasure; • Universalism: social justice and tolerance; peace and equality; • Self-Direction: needs of control and mastery; autonomy and freedom in social interactions; • Stimulation: gaining pleasure specifically from excitement and thrills; variety and high level of activation; • Conformity: obedience of clear rules and structure; following social expectancies; • Security: seek health and safety; security of society.
Highest Scoring ValuesTop 10 most frequent words Legend: Black font = high score Red font = low score Italic = neutral Tradition Power Achievement Benevolence Recurring Themes: About God, religion (esp. Islam), and also rituals. There are also mentions about less religious customs (upacara, mudik) Expressions of love and romantic relationships. There are also efforts to smooth out social tensions (sabar, maaf) Monetary and materialist aspirations (kaya, uang). Also outer image and prestige (keren, kuat, super) More mention regarding education; few negative words may indicates expression of struggle (kurang, susah)
Lowest Scoring ValuesTop 10 most frequent words Legend: Black font = high score Red font = low score Italic = neutral Stimulation Security Conformity Recurring Themes: Expression of excitement and willingness to try on something. There are also reports of being low in stimulation (ngantuk). There is also trend of expressing urge to join something (ikut, join). But there is also indication of passivity (nunggu). More negative state reports (galau, takut, sedih) and of hope (berharap) might indicate sense of insecurity and unsureness.
Evaluation on Korupsi & Kasus When discussing about corruption, mostly people are using the judgment by contrasting it with the idea of morality based on religion and purity such as “nyebut (nama) Tuhan” or “Halal/Haram” and “Bersih/Sampah”. While most of the cases are related to high power individuals, the power value is most reflected in the conversations. Meanwhile the value of conformity has the lowest score as the discussion reflect how people perceived the act of corruption as deviant from what is acceptable by the society, such as the use of words “Bohong” and “Merusak”. Moral Foundation Scores Basic Values Scores
Contrasting Evaluation on BBM When discussing about BBM which has more direct impact to people’s live, conversation are more skewed towards judgment regarding how it affects people’s freedom and the feeling of being oppressed by the authority. The value of power also has high score as the discussion mainly revolve around how the figure of authorities are the ones making the decision. On the other hand, value of security has the lowest score, implicating people viewed this act of BBM price increase as a threat to their security. *this score is lower compared to the score in the conversation of corruption in which most people don’t feel direct impact of the act into their everyday lives, To get contrasting idea on how people evaluate other issues, we also analyse the issue of BBM., which is more neutral and has direct impact. Moral Foundation Scores Basic Values Scores
Collaboration with Private Sector Section Two Social Media What Indonesian eats? Twitter data : 16th – 22nd May 2013
Daily Buzz and Top Food • Breakfast is not quite as “important” as lunch or dinner. • The most popular food, Indonesian can’t live without, is rice, followed by chicken, and noodle. • While, the most popular western food are pizza and KFC. • Vegetables, fruits, and milkhave very less mentions. Top Words Daily Buzz
Top Foods by Lunch / Dinner • At lunch time the unique top foods are NasiPadang and Gado-gado. While at dinner time, the unique top foods are NasiGoreng, Daging, and AyamPenyet • Vegetables along with fruits and tempe are mentioned more during lunch time than dinner time. In general, dinner menu seems to be heavier than lunch menu. Top Foods for Lunch Top Foods for Dinner
Provetic Study Section Three Social Media Pooping! What? Twitter data : 4th – 15nd July 2013
Hourly Buzz • There’s a significant different of hourly buzz in the early morning. During early month of Ramadhan, mentions of word “boker” is rising around 4am to 5 pm. • In the meantime, the distribution throughout the day is relatively similar.
Top Words • Among the top words, there are words “pengen”, “nahan”, and “kebelet”, signifying what people tweet about “boker” are mostly about their desire to poop. • During Ramadhan, however, the word “kebelet” is not as high as before Ramadhan, and the word “sambil” is increasing during Ramadhan. Before Ramadhan During Ramadhan
Political Research Section Four Social Media general election
Governor Election Case - Jakarta 2012 Twitter data monitoring during April to July 2012 for Jakarta’s Governor Election showed a strong correlation with the first round vote counts. Correlation 0.98
Governor Election Case – West Java 2013 Twitter data monitoring for the date February 1st through February 10th, 2013 on West Java’s Governor election also showed a strong correlation with the vote count result. Correlation 0.95
Governor Election Case – East Java 2013 Twitter data monitoring twitter for July 31st through August 28th, 2013 for East Java’s Governor election also showed a strong correlation with the data Quick Count LSI first round. Correlation 0.96
Quick Count And Twitter Buzz Note: Twitter Buzz July 9th (7AM to 12PM) for Prabowo and Jokowi, excluding twitbot
Collaboration with Private Sector Section Five Social Media Corporate sector Twitter data : 29th Nov – 8th Dec 2013
Social Media Landscape: Twitter • Compared to all other official accounts for shampoo brands, Clearis leading the number of Twitter followers. Clear also has the highest Klout score, indicating high influence in social media. • Sunsilk followed on the second place in number of followers, while the second highest Klout score belongs to Loreal, Pantene, and Dove.
Social Media Landscape: Facebook • However, in Facebook, Doveis leading the number of likes on facebook pages, followed by TRESemme and Clear far behind.
Total Buzz & Sentiment • During the 10 days of tracking period we’ve captured 29,213 tweets within the conversation about ‘shampoo’.From those tweets, almost half are tweets with neutral sentiment, followed by 30% that are positive. • In general, most of the conversation revolves around the daily activities of bathing and washing hair. However, Iklan is mostly discussed with positive sentiment. While negative conversation mentions words such as Lupa, Bau, and Habis, indicating that most of of them are mainly casual conversation.
Buzz by City • Jabodetabek has the highest frequency for conversation about shampoo, followed by Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, and Jawa Tengah. • In general, the conversation about Shampoo across all regions tend to be either positive or neutral.
Daily Buzz • The daily frequency for conversations about ‘shampoo’ is relatively stable at around 2K - 3K tweets, with rather stable negative sentiment too. • The highestlevel of conversation occurred on 07th of Oct. However, the conversation are mainly about joke from @akun_kepo.
Hourly Buzz • The conversation about ‘shampoo’ is increasing steadily from early morning, when people are starting the their daily activities. • There is a relatively steep increase on the evening, starting at 17 PM to 21PM with the highest number of conversation occurred at 19-20 PM.
Top Users • The list of top mentioned users indicates that most of conversation are driven by joke accounts. There are also miscellaneous/informational accounts. • Akun_kepo is the most mentioned account in this topic,sumpahgaring and beritabodor follow quite far behind. • The most active user is ameliacutegirl, and the other accounts are mostly individual accounts.Johnny_andrean is the only account representating shampoo brand. Top Mentioned Accounts Top Active Accounts
Top Words and Top Phrases • The top words are being dominated by “Mandi” and “Keramas”, indicating that conversations are mainly reports about daily activities. However, “Iklan” is also one of the main topics of the conversation. • Top phrases also show similar indication on the directions of the Shampoo conversation. There is also a mention of SusterKeramas, one of Indonesian horror movie characters. Top Words Top Phrases
Top Brands and Association • Top three brands that are being mentioned are Metal and Pantene. Other brands, such as,Clear, Dove,and Sunsilk are being mentioned less. This might indicate less brand awareness or association when people are casually talk about Shampoo. • Mandi is top topic related activities to conversation about shampoo, followed by Sabunand Air. Top Brands Top Association
Top Words Analysis • Pantene is themost mentioned brand, indicating that Pantene is relatively more well-known. On the other hand, Clear, Dove, and Sunsilk, still have more room to build more awareness. • The top words mostly dominated by the word Rambut. Iklan is prominently mentioned in case of Clear, indicating high awareness of this brands’ commercial efforts. Pantene is also mentioned alongside with Dove, which might indicate that people are comparing this two brands quite frequently. Top Mentioned Brands
Sentiment Analysis by Brands • The highest number of conversation that has a positive sentiment belongs to Clear, with conversation that revolves around its advertisement, ability to eliminate dandruff, and a personel of young boyband. • Sunsilk has the highest number of negative sentiment, as showed by Bau, Keramas, and Gugur. While Pantene leads in neutral sentiment.
Top Hair Problems and Ideal Hair • Jarang keramasis top hair problems that netizens discussed in Twitter, followed by Bau and Rontok. • While the top three ideal hair are Berkilau, Wangi, and Panjang.Berkilau mostly being mentioned along with Pantene. Top Hair Problems Top Ideal Hair
Top Hair Problems and Shampooing Time • Top problems related to hair in conversation about shampoo is Helm, followed by IPK Hancur and Motor. • IPK hancur is most likely experienced by college student, which might indicate the demographic majority of people who are talking about shampoo on Twitter. Helm and Motor also are indicating that people who are using motorcycle are also mostly concerned about their hair. • In conversation about shampoo people mostly mentioned malam and pagi – indicating top two occasion where people wash their hair. Top Hair Problems Shampooing Time
Total Buzz & Sentiment: Iklan • There are2030tweets within the conversation about ‘iklan’, related to ‘shampoo’. • From those tweets, 42% are tweets with neutral sentiment, 20% with negative sentiments, while the rest 38% are positive tweets.
“Iklan” Analysis • Expectedly, the top words is most dominated by Rambut. Ketombe, KibasanRambut, and Lurus which are hair related things most mentioned within conversation about iklan. • Brand that most mentioned is Clear, followed by Pantene and Sunsilk. • Top three related words within conversation about iklan are pemeran, model, and bintang, indicating top three focal points of shampoo advertisement that resonates with the public. Top Words
Brand Association • Pantene has the highest association with Kilau, while Clear associated more with Iklan and Ketombe, and Dove with Conditioner. • Sunsilk on the other side, have many potential that need to be highligthed. Even so, compared to Pantene, Sunsilk have greater association with Iklan.