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Promoting Sustainable Energy Framework in the Mediterranean

Explore the role of MEDREG in promoting energy infrastructure investments and convergence of regulatory frameworks in the Mediterranean region. Learn about MEDREG's action plans, training sessions, and strategic cooperation. Visit the new MEDREG website for resources and updates.

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Promoting Sustainable Energy Framework in the Mediterranean

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  1. Benjamin Gallèpe Senior Manager, MEDREG Secretariat Joint Conference - Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)and the United Nations Trade and Productive Capacity Cluster 5 May 2011, Geneva 2nd Meeting of the PAM Panel on External trade and Investment in the Mediterranean regionPromoting an attractive framework for infrastructure investments: the role of Energy Regulators MEDREG is supported by the European Union

  2. 1. MEDREG structure and Action Plan 2011-2013

  3. Context of strategic energy challenges of the Mediterranean region: necessity to conciliate a rising energy demand with sustainable development conditions Mediterranean Energy Regulators consider as a priority to constitute a strong institutional basis promoting a “bottom up“ approach towards energy markets integration These objectives require a long term vision, as continuous efforts are necessary to achieve a converging and coherent regulatory framework through a step-by-step approach (e.g IMME Action Plan 2010-2015) designed at regional level A new approach to Mediterranean energy challenges MEDREG is supported by the European Union

  4. MEDREG intends to further develop its key role in promoting the exchange of information, know-how and expertise, through Adhoc Groups meetings and studies (Institutions, Electricity, Gas, Renewables and Energy Efficieucy) Training sessions (one day) Adhoc training courses (one week) In cooperation with the Florence School of Regulation, training sessions and capacity building seminars are considered as a key element to create a common vision of energy regulation in the Mediterranean region Sharing a common visionof energy regulation 4 MEDREG is supported by the European Union

  5. New MEDREG website (www.medreg-regulators.org)is conceived as a comprehensive information platform designed for members and stakeholders It will provide and present all relevant information on the Association and its activities Meetings, training sessions and seminars Relevant documents (studies, ecommendation reports, training materials, etc. Information on members, partners and stakeholders Images related to major MEDREG events Relevant resource links related to MEDREG activities and partners, including such links as local EU Delegations, DG ENER, DEVCO Cooperation Office, ENPI Info Centre, etc. MEDREG Websitea multimedia platform MEDREG is supported by the European Union

  6. Together with the FSR, Mediterranean Energy Regulators intend to develop and consolidate a strategic axis of cooperation This would foster the role of Energy regulators as point of reference at regional level for: technical cooperation (studies, training, capacity building), data consolidation and publication, research and scientific coordination, general support to energy governance. Towards a Mediterranean Energy Community1/2 6 MEDREG is supported by the European Union

  7. MEDREG would provide support and expertise to national and regional actors, including governments, parliaments, local authorities, UfM, regional associations and projects, companies, investors, etc. These activities would enhance the consolidation of a more active Mediterranean Energy network, strengthening inter alia the role and visibility of the Mediterranean Forum launched by the European Commission With the aim to support the creation of a Mediterranean Energy Community involving all stakeholders of the energy sector Towards a Mediterranean Energy Community2/2 7 MEDREG is supported by the European Union

  8. 2. External Relations and Communication Strategy

  9. Developing the Energy networkat regional level • MEDREG is already actively involved into strategic cooperation at both regional and international level • The Association intends to be at the heart of an active cooperation network in order to ensure the accountability and visibility of its activities (industry associations, system operators, traders, consumer associations, think-tanks, financial institutions, investors and others) • MEDREG Secretariat will play an increasing role in: • initiating and coordinating the activities of the Association • developing external relations and institutional communication • implementing an Institutional Communication Strategy 9 MEDREG is supported by the European Union

  10. MEDREG intends to raise the visibility of its activities, and pave the way to a Mediterranean Energy Community This is also a way to ensure accountability of the actions undertaken through exchange of views with all energy stakeholders: European Commission (contribution to the design and implementation of the Joint COM “A Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity with the Southern Mediterranean”, March 2011) European Parliament (ITRE Committee) PAM CEER, ICER, OME, MEDELEC, MEDEMIP, etc. Implementing the Action Plan MEDREG is supported by the European Union

  11. 3. MEDREG Action Proposals In the framework of the PAM Panel “Energy session” 11

  12. The Euro-Mediterranean Energy Ministers Conference (Rome, December 2003) launched the Rome Euro-Mediterranean Energy Platform (REMEP) as the energy driver of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership REMEP should be considered as a priority to: Implement the Euro-Mediterranean energy co-operation while providing effective and continuingtechnical support Enhance the effectiveness of the initiatives promoted by the Euro-Mediterranean Energy Forum and the Euro-Mediterranean countries Further develop the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and dialogue between the EU and the Mediterranean countries towards an Energy Community in the region Action 1 - Implementing REMEP MEDREG is supported by the European Union

  13. The rising need for strong infrastructure investments implies the development of a stable and secured environment for foreign investors The creation of a Mediterranean Investment Bank should be one of the main priorities in the coming years, as it would offer new financial instruments targeted at specific projects of North-South and South-South cooperation International financial institutions, such as the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Inframed fund, the World Bank and others, could play a key rule on this purpose Action 2 - Setting-up a Mediterranean Investment Bank MEDREG is supported by the European Union

  14. PAM Panel could encourage the progressive implementation of an harmonized energy regulatory framework in the Mediterranean region, notably through The setting up of independent regulatory authorities where it is not the case (role of MEDREG in implementation of the IMME Action Plan) Who should be independent from any public or private entity Regulatory authorities should be granted with the necessary competences to elaborate and implement efficient rules for the organization of energy markets in the interest of all consumers, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and environmental protection Action 3 - Harmonising the missionsand competences of independentEnergy Regulators MEDREG is supported by the European Union

  15. Thank you for your attention! Benjamin Gallèpe Senior Manager, MEDREG Secretariat Piazza Cavour 5 - 20121 Milan, Italy Tel: +39 0265565 557/524 Fax: +39 0265565 342 info@medreg-regulators.org www.medreg-regulators.org MEDREG is supported by the European Union

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