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Assignment of Poster Preparation. To all participants
Assignment of Poster Preparation To all participants As part of your attendance, you are required to prepare a poster (preferably A0 size, 841mm x 1189mm) highlighting what you see as the keys to success in integrated water resource management (IWRM) in your basin. The following 5 questions and the instructions on the poster template (provided in the next page) should help you to do this. Please bring your printed poster and original file (.doc, .pdf, etc) with you to ready to display at the training. There will be a poster session during the training at which you will be required to present your poster and answer any questions (if you need, you are required to bring some related materials for the poster session). Five Questions Q1 Briefly outline your position and situation (or your tasks in your office) with your organization chart. the River Basin Organization (RBO), or River Basin Organization related work, with whom you work, where the RBO is located, etc. Q2 Briefly outline the current issues which your basin faces to embed IWRM and describe related history of water policy and act (transition of River law, RBO law and Master Plan of your basin). Q3 Briefly outline your plans to solve those issues in IWRM process. Q4 Briefly share the ‘keys for success’ in IWRM in your basin’s experiences, showing examples how those keys have been used and what success has been achieved. Q5 Briefly share how NARBO activities has helped your organization embed IWRM or improve water security showing specific cases in your organization or basin. *Notice The poster and the poster session will be one of the evaluation contents of participants. The poster you prepared and poster session will be considered to the evaluation of the participation.
Your company logo Please make all logos approximately the same size (^o^) POSTER TITLE Presented by: Name of the Presenter, Job title Introductory text to summarize the poster can be inserted here. This text should be a few point sizes bigger than rest of the body. If you print the poster as A1, the text point size should be no less than 18 pt. Images and graphs Keep text minimal and make your presentation stand out with a variety of images and graphs. Body Text Think about the three or four main points you want to emphasize from your work. Use simple text and clear pictures, graphs and figures to help you emphasize these points. Image quality If you are using images or logos, please ensure that the resolution is at least 300 dpi and higher, otherwise your images might look pixelated when printed on A1, A2 or event A3. White space The “white space” you have on your poster will help to make more clear what you are trying to say!
For your reference The role of the Tomisato dam in the Yoshino River basin (key for success in the Yoshino river basin) Presented by: Tomonobu Sugiura, Water Resources Specialist 1. My position and my task I am Water Resources Specialist in Planning department in the Yoshino Regional Bureau. I am in charge of finding current issues in each sector in the Yoshino river basin and drawing up a new plan to improve it. 2. Current issues in the Yoshino river Though the Comprehensive Development project was completed in 1975, there were still some issues (needs on water resources management) and conflicts between sectors. Fig.1 JWA organizational chart 3. Proposed solution After discussing many plans, we decided to build a new dam which has flood control capacity and water supply (industrial water and environmental water)capacity. Fig.2 Requests of each sectors Table.1 History of water policy of the Yoshino River 1958 Agreement to the basic data for hydrologic balance 1966 Shikoku Comprehensive Development Plan 1975 Completion of Yoshino River Comprehensive development Plan 1975 Conciliation Council for Water Use 2001 Completion of Tomisato Dam Construction 4. Key for success Tomisato dam; cover remaining issues of each sectors after the completion of the Comprehensive Development project. Fig.3 Effects of the Tomisato Dam • 5. NARBO’s contribution to our basin • We organize steering committee to discuss water allocation, which consists of representatives from all rerated sectors or organizations. • We organize the internal IWRM training in our organization. Participates of the NARBO IWRM training make a lectur and share their knowledge which they learned in the training. • We have got information and other basin’s key for success, which is applicable to our basin.