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2011. Time, Billing and Records Management Instructor: Attorney Lorri Scott. PA 321 TIME, BILLING, AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT. Unit 1 Seminar. You can contact me via office hours: Thursdays 9:00 p.m.to 11:00 p.m. E.S.T. via AOL instant messaging. My AIM Id is TEACHJD2

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  1. 2011 Time, Billing and Records Management Instructor: Attorney Lorri Scott


  3. You can contact me via office hours: Thursdays 9:00 p.m.to 11:00 p.m. E.S.T. via AOL instant messaging. My AIM Id is TEACHJD2 You can also contact me via Email or Ask the Prof. Telephone: (630) 881-6004

  4. Course Description Keeping time, billing and managing accounts and records are time-consuming tasks that the right technology tools can streamline.  Students will learn how to streamline time, billing and records management tasks in a law office using technology tools and applications. In addition, they will learn how to use technology to automate records management and document control, track costs, track and schedule work, analyze work flow, manage the calendar and manage deadlines and due dates. Course Outcomes As a result of completing this course, students will be able to: PA321-1 Use technology to track costs PA321-2 Analyze business processes and work flow using technology PA321-3 Analyze how to automate document management and control PA321-4 Use technology to manage the calendar and schedule meetings PA321-5 Analyze how to keep client information confidential in the paperless office GEL-1.1 Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English GEL-2.1 Relate mathematics to the discipline of time, billing, and records management

  5. Be sure that you can access the companion website for this course: • http://wps.prenhall.com/chet_goldman_technology_2/ • On the companion website you can access AbacusLaw, SmartDraw, Tabs 3, Summation iBlaze, and other programs • If you cannot access the companion website, contact your advisor and/or Student Support Desk ASAP • Student Support Desk: 1-866-522-7747

  6. Always read your e-book and all other materials in the unit carefully before feeling confused, or before trying to do that unit’s assignment. • Please read all assignments carefully and follow the instructions. • Always, if you have questions, contact me through “Ask the Prof” link, email me or look me up during my office hours via AIM

  7. Everything you will learn in this course is a balance between the business aspect of a law office (making money) and the clients’ best interests

  8. Evaluating the needs of the office Where do we begin? How do you evaluate the technical needs of your office?

  9. 1. discovery • 2. electronic filing • 3. communications with clients • 4. documents-preparation and storing • 5. website • 6. in-house communications

  10. What are the pros and cons of each option, including the ethical considerations and concerns: 1. discovery 2. electronic filing 3. communications with clients 4. documents-preparation and storing 5. website 6. in-house communications

  11. 1. Discovery: Litigator Competence - Much valuable information resides on the hard drives of the parties to the litigation. A client whose lawyer does not know how to discover that information, both incoming and outgoing, is at a distinct disadvantage. 2. Electronic Filing Check your local rules-some jurisdictions now REQUIRE e-filing (Maricopa County, Arizona) How to demonstrate proof of filing?

  12. 3. Communications with Clients E-mail issues: To e-mail a client or not? What should/can it contain? It is, of course, possible to send a fax or an e-mail to the wrong person, thereby disclosing client confidences to someone who should not have them. Speed dialing and the ability to send documents to multiple locations with the press of one or two buttons only increase the danger. Viruses Failure of a lawyer to use standard antivirus software can cause the loss of crucial client data.

  13. Internet E-mail and Encryption A debate persists about whether lawyers should communicate with or about clients using Internet E-mail without encryption. 1. Is it a violation of ethics rules on confidentiality? 2. Could it cause a waiver of the attorney/client privilege? 3. Does it expose the lawyer to a malpractice claim? Tapping a telephone and intercepting an Internet E-mail message are both felonies under the same federal law. My two cents: I never put anything sensitive in an e-mail to a client (same practice on cell phone calls.)

  14. 4. Documents – Storage and Retrieval A. Backup The failure of a lawyer to back up her computer system could result in the loss of crucial client data. B. Must have a document management system of some kind to store and find documents efficiently 5. Website Many firms have their own website. Pros and cons? Any dangers? What about those “contact us” forms?

  15. Websites should contain this language: We will not have an attorney-client relationship with you until you have spoken to a lawyer in the firm and have been sent an engagement letter. Do not put any confidential information in a message to us, until a lawyer in the firm asks you for it.

  16. Good example of a law firm website: Beauchamplawoffice.com This website gives no legal advice Possible problematic example of a law firm website: Phillipslaw.com This website gives legal tips on what to do if stopped for a DUI. Why might that be a problem?

  17. 6. In-house communications -Use of passwords -Former employees -Don’t send it if “it wouldn’t look good in the newspaper” -Same rules as inter-office communications apply

  18. Future Trends in Technology Outsourcing is the use of an outside professional or professional organization to perform a project or a series of related tasks for a specific period of time does not require day-to-day management and direction from an on-site supervisor or manager can even outsource attorneys client expectations are high for expertise and specialty annual cost of an employee is enormous

  19. employers fear the ramifications of hiring the wrong person advertising, interviewing, hiring and training are extremely time consuming law practice continues to become more and more specialized - is our time better spent focused on our specialty? can outsource to an expert (just like you outsource to someone to do your taxes or payroll)

  20. Preparing for Unit 2 Seminar Next week Software as a tool in cost tracking - Review the AbacusLaw portion of your software - View the preview and summary of Timeslips located at http://www.timeslips.com/ and Billing Matters located at http://www.timematters.com/products/billingmatters/ Come to Seminar prepared to explain the features, pros, cons, and ease of use of the different cost tracking software. See you here next week!


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