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Maple Point Tri-Team Tournament

MP-BHT. 6. 5. 4. 7. Maple Point Tri-Team Tournament. 3. 8. 2. All Play. 1. Play. MP-BHT. Instructions: 1) Students become members of a Social Studies Team. 2) Each student on team will be given a number 1-8. 3) Spin wheel to see which student gets question.

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Maple Point Tri-Team Tournament

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  1. MP-BHT 6 5 4 7 Maple Point Tri-Team Tournament 3 8 2 All Play 1 Play

  2. MP-BHT Instructions: 1) Students become members of a Social Studies Team. 2) Each student on team will be given a number 1-8. 3) Spin wheel to see which student gets question. 4) Both the team and individual student will answer question separately. 5) Each question worth 1 point for team / 2 points for individual. Potential to earn 3 points total. Play

  3. Team Scores The Big Wheel Team One Team One 6 5 4 7 Team Two 3 8 Team Three 2 All Play 1 Spin Wheel YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN

  4. The MEDIEVAL WORLD final challenge 81 41 71 51 91 11 21 61 1 31 82 62 52 12 72 42 92 22 2 32 93 3 33 43 83 63 53 13 73 23 4 94 14 24 84 64 54 34 74 44 5 75 25 35 65 55 95 15 45 85 6 76 26 16 36 96 46 66 56 86 27 7 67 47 87 37 97 77 57 17 68 8 28 88 58 98 38 18 78 48 69 49 19 39 59 9 89 79 29 99 50 20 70 40 80 60 10 100 90 30

  5. mosaic Which term describes Roman artwork made from small pieces of tile, glass, or colored stone? Q1 – Legacy of Rome

  6. aqueducts The Romans built these to carry water from one part of the empire to another. Q2 – Legacy of Rome

  7. Citizens have certain rights and responsibilities • Out of these feature of American democracy: • All people are born equal • Leaders are elected directly by the people • Government is based on a written constitution • Citizens have certain rights and responsibilities • Which comes from the Romans? Q3 – Legacy of Rome

  8. Rhine River, Danube River, Carpathian Mountains, Black Sea Name two geographic formations that acted as the northern borders of the Roman Empire at its height. Q4 – Legacy of Rome

  9. ship (boat, water) What form of transportationwas most likely used to carry trade goods between the cities of Rome and Carthage? Q5 – Legacy of Rome

  10. roads What engineering feat connected the city of Rome with territory throughout the empire? Q6 – Legacy of Rome

  11. Feudalism The fall of Rome led to a dangerous and difficult life in western Europe. This gave rise to what economic and political system? Disorder and danger Q7 - Feudalism

  12. Charlemagne (Charles the Great) Pope Leo III crowned who the Holy Roman Emperor in return for military support. Q8 - Feudalism

  13. feifs A king gave his most important lords these, which were grants of land. Q9 - Feudalism

  14. They describe forms of military technology / protection What do these medieval items have in common? * stone wall * castle moat * knight’s armor Q10 - Feudalism

  15. knight Pages and squires were boys in training to become this Q11 - Feudalism

  16. chivalry Medieval knights are known for following a code of behavior.What is this code called? Q12 - Feudalism

  17. God The divine right of kings is the belief that monarchs right to rule was given to them by whom? Q13 - Feudalism

  18. The Church Community life in western Europe during the Middle Ages centered around this Q14 – Role of the church

  19. excommunicate The power of the church was increasing during During the Middle Ages. This was evident When Pope Gregory did this to the Holy Roman Emperor. It means to deprive a person membership in a church Q15 – Role of the church

  20. convent a main activity of a monastery during the Middle Ages wasproviding safe places for travelers to stay. A community of nuns stay in nunnery, also called this Q16 – Role of the church

  21. Pilgrimage to Jerusalem Which of these NOT a sacrament in the Roman Catholic Church? Baptism Marriage Confirmation Pilgrimage to Jerusalem Penance Anointing of the sick Q17 – Role of the church

  22. gargoyles A main feature of a Medieval Church was a stone spout carved in the form of beasts to warn the people that devils and evil spirits would catch them if they did not obey the church. What are they called? Q18 – Role of the church

  23. to take Jerusalem from the Muslims This was a main goal of the Crusades? Q19 – Role of the church

  24. Reason Thomas Aquinas was know for Bridging the gap between Faith and this. Q20 – Role of the church

  25. Enough crops were grown to sell to people who lived in towns. How did new farming methods contribute to the growth of medieval European towns? Q21 – Medieval Towns

  26. long-distance trade (commerce) The revival of this, in addition to new farming Methods, led to the growth of medieval towns. Q22 – Medieval Towns

  27. feudal lords to gain independence from this person medieval towns would buy royal charters Q23 – Medieval Towns

  28. a guild If you were a customer who bought shoes from a cobbler, this organization might help you by making sure that the shoes were of good quality. Q24 – Medieval Towns

  29. Unsanitary conditions This was the biggest causeof disease in medieval towns. Q25 – Medieval Towns

  30. Court trials / Trial by Judges and Juries Theseeventually replaced trial by ordeal or combat Q26 – Medieval Towns

  31. Mystery Play A miracle play is a type of religious drama in the Middle Ages based on stories about saints. Which typeof drama Is based on stories from the bible? Q27 – Medieval Towns

  32. England and France Three key events led to the decline of feudalism. * Political changes in England * A terrible disease * A series of long wars between which two countries Q28 – Decline of Feudalism

  33. Magna Carta This GREAT CHARTER was an agreement between the church and the king of England. It became a foundation for the peoples rights and liberties. Q29 – Decline of Feudalism

  34. Habeas corpus Part of the Magna Carta stipulated that ‘no free man’ could be jailed except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land. This principle is called this Q30 – Decline of Feudalism

  35. trade What was one human activity that contributed to the spread of the bubonic plague? Q31 – Decline of Feudalism

  36. The Black Death The plague got this name because of the color of the blotches that appeared on the skin of many victims. Q32 – Decline of Feudalism

  37. longbow The crossbow was a medieval weapon that was effective only at short ranges. At Crecy, the English army used this weapon to defeat the crossbow of the larger French army. Q33 – Decline of Feudalism

  38. Western and Eastern The two columns in the chart below show the differences between these two parts of the Roman Empire Q34 – The Byzantine Empire

  39. Constantinople This is the name of the Eastern capital Of the Roman Empire? Q35 – The Byzantine Empire

  40. Justinian I This Byzantine Emperor, along with his wife Theodora, was most famous for creating a body of law that became the basis for many legal codes in the western world. Q36 – The Byzantine Empire

  41. schism The eastern and western churches split because of major disagreements between emperors and popes. A formal division (split) in a church is called this. Q37 – The Byzantine Empire

  42. Arabian Peninsula Islam was first preached here, called Al-Jazerra, or “the island.” Q38 – The Rise of Islam

  43. Oases • The Arabian Peninsula has four main • environments: • Coastal Plains • Deserts • Mountains and • ??? – places in a desert where fresh water that has been trapped underground rises to the surface. Q39 – The Rise of Islam

  44. Makkah (Mecca) Muhammad’s birthplace Q40 – The Prophet Muhammad

  45. Ka’ba This cube-shaped shrine, said to have been built by Abraham for God, remains the most holy site in all of Islam. Q41 – The Prophet Muhammad

  46. Gabriel Muhammad was a trader, and according to Islamic tradition, he was visited by this angeland told to teach monotheism. Q42 – The Prophet Muhammad

  47. Muslim People that follow Islam are called this, which means “those who surrender to God.” Q43 – The Prophet Muhammad

  48. Qur’an A record of the words of God spoken by Gabriel To Muhammad can be found in this book. Q44 – The Prophet Muhammad

  49. The first year in the Muslim calendar. Facing persecution for spreading their belief, Muhammad and his followers left Makkah in 622 on a journey known as the hijrah. Challenge: How is the hijrah similar to the birth of Jesus? Q45 – The Prophet Muhammad

  50. caliphate After Muhammad’s death, followers chose new rulers called caliph’s. The “rightly guided” caliphs were said to have followed the Qur’an and the example of Muhammad. This was the name of the new government. Q46 – The Prophet Muhammad

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