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SABER Ozone v1.07 1.27 um and 9.6 um. 22 nd SABER Meeting February 2007 Logan, UT. SABER Ozone v1.07. Brief discussion of 1.27 um algorithm changes Discussion of 9.6 um algorithm changes Day 1.27 um ozone and atomic oxygen Comparison of 1.27, 9.6 um ozone Day and night 9.6 um ozone.
SABER Ozone v1.07 1.27 um and 9.6 um 22nd SABER Meeting February 2007 Logan, UT
SABER Ozone v1.07 • Brief discussion of 1.27 um algorithm changes • Discussion of 9.6 um algorithm changes • Day 1.27 um ozone and atomic oxygen • Comparison of 1.27, 9.6 um ozone • Day and night 9.6 um ozone
SABER Ozone v1.07 • Overview of changes to the algorithm from v1.06 • Consistency of Einstein A values and spectral line parameters • Improved blending of weak and strong line retrievals (75 km) • Using Woods-Rottman solar model at all relevant wavelengths • SEE data not always same version and calibration • Bug in initialization of O derivation removed • Agreement between “research” codes • L-b-L research code reproduces SABER radiances with SOPS electronic temperatures as inputs • Research version of O model reproduces SOPS version
SABER – O2(1D) Airglow 4 July 2002
SABER – Ozone from O2(1D) at 1.27 um 4 July 2002
Energy Deposition Rates due to UV Absorption 4 July 2002
Departure from Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium The relative populations of the upper and lower states of a transitionare often written as : Under LTE, T = TK, the kinetic temperature Under non-LTE, T ≠ TK, but some other temperature The daytime O2(1D) is an exceptionally strong case of non-LTEoccurring in the Earth’s atmosphere
Effective “Temperature” of O2(1D) Transition 4 July 2002
SABER – Daytime Atomic Oxygen Atomic Oxygen Derived from Ozone via Photochemical Balance 4 July 2002
SABER – Atomic Oxygen 4 July 2002
SABER O3 9.6 umv1.06 to v1.07 • SABER 9.6 um ozone in v1.06 consistently larger than 1.27 um ozone (see .pdf file) • “Kink” evident in ratio of 9.6 to 1.27 ozone at 75 km – traced to BandPak tables for 1.27 um and removed in v1.07 • Validation of v1.07 ozone from 1.27 um, and consistency of O derived from the 1.27 um ozone, pointed to issues with the 9.6 um retrieval • Physical Quenching rates in v1.06 (and all prior versions) found to be too large by ~ 2 to ~ 3 times • Differences due to “time evolution” of rates and improvements in measurement and theory of rates V1.07 9.6 um O3 is not “tuned” in any way to match 1.27 um O3
SABER O3 9.6 um -- v1.06 to v1.07 • Rates in v1.06 and prior obtained from U. Michigan in late 1999 just prior to delivery of O3 Tvib model to GATS • Rates v1.06 derived from Monte Carlo model, and fit to laboratory values at lowest vibrational levels • However, lab values taken from those prevalent in late 1980’s, and consistent with those used in LIMS analysis (Solomon et al., 1986) • In part due to not accounting for large CO2 laser band emission • Contemporary rates (mid- to late 1990’s) are much smaller • Javier Martin-Torres and Manuel Lopez-Puertas developed a consistent set of rate coefficients for analyzing MIPAS data based on newer rates and modeling -- Primarily Javier’s thesis • These rates are substantially smaller than v1.06 SOPS; now in SOPS 1.07 • Smaller rates larger Tvibs less ozone
SABER O3 9.6 Collisional Model (O2, N2) The collisional rates are computed after the expression Six different cases are considered. They are (in ascending order of E): Case 1: Exchange of stretching.................. (100-001) Case 2: Asymmetric Stretching to Bending........ (001-010) Case 3: Symmetric Stretching to Bending......... (100-010) Case 4: Loss of Bending......................... (010-000) Case 5: Loss of Asymmetric Stretching........... (001-000) Case 6: Loss of Symmetric Stretching............. (100-000) just consider the vibrational modes involved in the change
SABER v1.06 (OLD) and 1.07 (NEW) Rate Coefficients 010, 001, 100 levels only
SABER v1.06 (OLD) and 1.07 (NEW) Rate Coefficients 010, 001, 100 levels only For T = 300 K
Quenching of O3(001) statev1.06 to v1.07 V1.07 V1.06
Some Remaining Issues • Validation of both ozones vs. climatology and other correlative measurements • Error analyses of both ozones – how well do they agree within their respective error bars? • Must take care to compare away from morning terminator • Sensitivity to other transfer (v-v with O2(v))? • Sensitivity to quasi-nascent distribution • Can be estimated with Tvib modeling • Potential for new O-O3(v) quenching rate (Castle/Dodd NSF proposal) – 2 years away – important above 85 km
Some Remaining Issues • Need also to check SOPS Tvib O3 model at night • “Steady State” from daytime not valid • Mix of chemically pumped and “ambient” ozone generally requires provision of O and O3 profiles to the Tvib model • Contrast with daytime when Tvib is independent of O3 and O when ozone is in steady state • Only an issue above 80 km at night -- • Comparisons of 1.27 and 9.6 ozone daytime • Must be done away from sunrise by ~ 2 hours (time constant issue) • Lower altitude of 1.27 um retrieval limited by O2 opacity and solar zenith angle • Conclusion • V1.07 demonstrates, for the first time, a consistent set of mesospheric ozone profiles derived from 2 distinct measurements