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IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme Albania – Kosovo* 2014-2020. Training for Potential Applicants on “Application Procedures”. * This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.
IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme Albania – Kosovo* 2014-2020 Training for Potential Applicantson“Application Procedures”. *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence This programme is funded by EU
Agenda Day 1 09.15-09.30 Registration of Participants 09.30-09.45 Introduction, presentation of the Participants and Objectives of the Training. Expectations of the participants 09.45-10.45Presentation of the IPA II funding, focus on CBC Introduction to the IPA II CBC Programme AL-KS 2014-2020 10.45-11.00Coffee break 11.00-13.00 Guidelines for Applicants: • Eligibility Criteria • Eligibility of Applicants • Eligibility of Co-Applicants • Eligibility of Actions • Eligibility of Costs • Application Procedures 13:00–14:00 Lunch 14.00-16.00 Team Building and team work 16.00-16.30Conclusions. Tasks Assigned for Day 2 (Project Generation Idea). Closure of Day 1.
Day 2 09.30-09.45 Summary of Day 1 09.45-11.15Preparation of the Concept Note How to register in PADOR How to apply through PROSPECT online tool 11.15-11.30Coffee break 11.30-13.30Group asignment – Drafting of a concept note, generation of a project-idea 13.30-14.30Lunch 14.30-16.30 Awarding the Best Group Conclusions and Closure of the Training Agenda
Introduction Emri i Organizatës/Institucionit që përfaqësoni Fusha e Veprimtarisë së organizatës/institucionit tuaj Cilieshteemrijuajdhepozicioniipunes Përvoja të mëparshme në Programet e Financuara nga BE Cilatjanepritshmeriteqekeningakytrajnim (3-5 fjale) This programme is funded by EU
Purpose of the training Rritja e kapacitetevedhenjohuriveteaplikantevepotenciale per teperfituarngafondet e CBC, thirrja e pare per projektpropozime, Programi IPA II CBC ShqiperiKosove 2014-2020 This programme is funded by EU
Training Objectives Në fund të sesionit do te: • Kemi një kuptim të qartë mbi Programin IPA CBC • Shqiperi-Kosove, • Keminjohurimbi thirrjen për propozime dhe Udhezuesin per aplikantet; • Njihemi me përmbajtjen e Paketës së Aplikimit; • Kuptojmë ç’është e rëndësishme në procesin e përgatitjes • së aplikimit dhe rolin e partneritetit në proces; • Njihemi me Koncept Noten This programme is funded by EU