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A brush cutter is an agricultural tool used to remove unwanted weeds or small plants. It is the best equipment for farmers for its durability and working for a longer time. We are one of the best suppliers of brush cutter machines contact us for more details.<br>
AboutUs Chandakagroequipment offers the best quality agriculturalequipmentat an affordable price. We haveavariousrangeof products likeBrush Cutter,mini tiller, car washer,sprayers,etc.
WhatisBrushCutter? Brush Cutter, an agricultural tool used to remove unwanted weedsorsmallplantswiththemainplant.Itisasmallbutvery powerful tool in agriculture industry. These are easy to use because of their compact design and versatile in use. Farmers can use this tool without so much guidance or manual. These areusedtoremoveunnecessaryandsmallparticlesthatcan’t be removed by tractor or lawn mower. It is popular in agriculture market with various names as Grass weeding machine,powerweederthatmakestediousfarmingworkseasy forfarmers.Itconsumesverylessfuelinoperation,soitscost efficientandveryeasytouse.
TypesofBrush Cutter • Itcomesinmarketmainlyinthreevariants:electric, petroloperatedandcordless.Petrolbrushcutteris usedindensevegetationasitisdesignedwith combinationofhightorqueandlatestvibration technologies.Brushcutterismadeofthree important constituents: • Power unit • Power transmission pole • A rotary cutting head • The blades or shafts used in cutting head depend on type of brush cutter. Large brush cutter has long poles as bike handles while small brush cutter had D-shaped elevated handle.
Points to consider when operatingBrushCutterto avoiddamages: Itcanextractsometoughobjectswhileweedingas stonesorthinsticks,sotrytocoveryourheadand eyes. Operator and some other near to machine mustbeextracareful. Rotating blades and cutting shafts are very sharp, so don’t try to play with them near yourbody The noise of brush cutteris very harsh that can leadtopermanenthearloss. Alwayswearprotectivegearsandfollowsafety rulestoavoidanykindofdamage.
Checkliststofollowbefore startingwork- Brushcuttershouldbecleanandfreeofanyprevious weedsorgrass Cuttingbladeshouldnotberusted,crackedorbent If you are using backpack brush cutter, then must checkitsproperfittingforyourshoulders,armsand hands Wear safety helmet, safety gloves and ear plugs Protectyourlegwithneededequipmentassteel cappedsafetyboots Vibrationofbrushcutterisveryfast,soitshouldbe usedbyselectedpersonwithnodisability Don’tforcethebrushcuttertoworkonveryhigh speed
Traintheusersbeforeits operation: Workersmustbetrainedtoconcentratewhileusingit Avoidsmokeandanyforeactivityinthearea Theymustbetrainedforcleaningandservicingit timely Theyshouldknowaboutadjusting,pluggingand unpluggingharnessandhandles Firstaidmustbeavailableonworkingareatoavoid anyseriousinjury.
ThankYou enquiry@chandakagro.com D-11, RIICO Industrial Area, Phase-1, HanumangarhJnPin:335512,Rajasthan, India. +91-9414481649 https://www.chandakagro.com /