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Unlocking the mystery of DNA

Unlocking the mystery of DNA. Prior to the 1950’s. What we knew: Inherited characteristics are determined by genes Genes are passes from one generation to the next Genes are part of a chromosome Chromosomes are made of protein and DNA. Cell division and DNA replication. Cells divide.

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Unlocking the mystery of DNA

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unlocking the mystery of DNA

  2. Prior to the 1950’s What we knew: Inherited characteristics are determined by genes Genes are passes from one generation to the next Genes are part of a chromosome Chromosomes are made of protein and DNA

  3. Cell division and DNA replication • Cells divide • Growth, Repair, Replacement • Before cells divide, they have to double cell structures, organelles and their genetic information

  4. DNA replication – Mitosis & Meiosis

  5. But… What did DNA look like, and how did it replicate itself?

  6. Discovering the structure of DNA Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958) • King’s College, London • Made significant advances in x- ray diffraction techniques with DNA • Her images suggested that DNA had a spiral shape • One of her DNA images

  7. Discovering the structure of DNA Maurice Wilkins – (1916-2004) • King’s College, London • Also did X-ray diffraction studies of DNA • Worked with Rosalind Franklin • Shared information with Watson and Crick

  8. Discovering the structure of DNA Erwin Chargaff – (1905-2002) • Columbia University, NY • Investigated the composition of DNA • His findings by 1950 strongly suggested the base-pairings of A-T & G-C • Met with Watson and Crick in 1952 and shared his findings • “Chargaff’s rule” A = T & C = G

  9. Discovering the structure of DNA James Watson (1928) and Francis Crick (1916-2004) • Worked together at Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge to determine the structure of DNA • Used work from Franklin, Wilkins, and Chargaff to determine the double helix shape • Watson, Crick, and Wilkins were awarded the Nobel Prize • Rosalind Franklin passed away (1958) before the Nobel Prize was awarded in 1962

  10. Discovering the structure of DNA • DNA = Deoxyribose nucleic acid • Present in all living cells • Contains all the information • Nucleotides: • a subunit that consists of: • a sugar (deoxyribose) • a phosphate • and one nitrogen base – 4 different bases • Adenine (A) and Thymine (T) • Guanine (G) and Cytosine (C)

  11. DNA – What does my code look like? Computer Code: 10010100111010001100101001110010111100101001001001001011100101000101010010010100101010010010100101001010100101001010010101010101001010100101010111111100 DNA Code: ATTCGGGGCCTTAAGACATTAATTTCCCAAGAAGAGATAAACTAGAGAGACCCTTTAAAACACACAGAGATAGACAGAAAAACAATAGACAGATACAGATAGACATAAAAAATTTTTTGGGAAA…millions and millions of bases…

  12. Practice DNA Base Pairs G A T T A C A C T A A T G T

  13. DNA replication – helix unzips

  14. DNA replication – helix unzips

  15. DNA replication – two strands are separated

  16. DNA replication – each side is now a template

  17. DNA replication – two identical strands of DNA Original DNA strands

  18. DNA replication Newly assembled DNA strands

  19. DNA replication Semi-conservative replication

  20. Build a DNA molecule – you try it!

  21. DNA replication- you try it!

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