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CNRAD TEST IT Localization beacons

CNRAD TEST IT Localization beacons. Alberto García Molero 12/02/2013 RadWG meeting. DUT: Localization beacon DGB102. TETRA Project: IT is investigating a solution to gelocate people in underground areas where no GPS is available

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CNRAD TEST IT Localization beacons

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  1. CNRAD TEST • ITLocalizationbeacons Alberto García Molero 12/02/2013 RadWG meeting

  2. DUT: Localizationbeacon DGB102 • TETRA Project: IT isinvestigating a solutiontogelocatepeople in undergroundareaswhere no GPS isavailable • IndoorLocalizationSolutiontested: SYSOCO beacons (model DGB102) 12/02/2013 RadWG meeting: IT Lcalizationbeacons (1/7)

  3. Overview of ILS principles 12/02/2013 RadWG meeting: IT Lcalizationbeacons(2/7)

  4. CNRAD Test: Schema of theinstallation TSG 46 (area 463) 12/02/2013 RadWG meeting: IT Lcalizationbeacons(3/7)

  5. CNRAD Test: Positioning of thebeacons TSG 46 (area 463) 15 beacons in TSG 46 (area 463) 5beacons in TSG 45 (offline) 12/02/2013 RadWG meeting: IT Lcalizationbeacons(4/7)

  6. CNRAD Test: Monitoring of thebeacons 12/02/2013 RadWG meeting: IT Lcalizationbeacons(5/7)

  7. CNRAD Test: Observedfailures Testsstartedon 21/09/2012 • On 26/09/2012 beacon nº 7 changedspontaneouslyto ID number 39 • On 27/09/2012 signalfrombeacon nº 12 becameunstable • On 4/10/2012 beacon nº2 disappeared • On 9/12/2012 a beaconwith ID 2066 appeared (beacon nº2 / beacon in TSG 45?) • On 13-14/12/2012 beacons nº1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14 disappeared • On 24/10/2012 beacons nº 566 and 42 appeared. Theattenuationparameterof bothbeaconschanged of value • Duringweek 46 beacon nº11 changedspontaneouslyto ID number 523 • On 12/12/2012 beacon nº 20 changedspontaneouslyto ID number 23 Test finishedon 17/12/2012 • Total dose registered in TSG 46 (area 463): 40 Gy(20 years of LHC running) • Total dose registered in TSG 45 (area 453, off-line): 154 Gy 12/02/2013 RadWG meeting: IT Lcalizationbeacons(6/7)

  8. CNRAD Test: Conclusions Isbeacon hardware reliable? • Onlytwobeaconsare trulydead: nº5 and nº13 • 7 beacons (1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 19 and 20) workedafterreplacingtheirbatteriesby new ones Conclusion: beacon hardware isreliable. Butreplacement of allbeaconsafter 5 yearsshould be plannedtokeepthesystemreliable! Isbeacon software reliable? • Themainimpact of ionizingradiationon • Otherparametersmayalsochange of value Conclusion: beaconsofwareisnotreliable. SYSOCO isalreadyworking in the “hardening” of the software 12/02/2013 RadWG meeting: IT Lcalizationbeacons(7/7)

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