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Consuelo Varela-Ortega Irene Blanco, Gema Carmona, Paloma Esteve

World Water Forum, Istanbul 20 March 2009. Consuelo Varela-Ortega Irene Blanco, Gema Carmona, Paloma Esteve Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain Ramón Llamas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and FMB Christopher Swartz, SEI –Boston USA

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Consuelo Varela-Ortega Irene Blanco, Gema Carmona, Paloma Esteve

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  1. World Water Forum, Istanbul 20 March 2009 Consuelo Varela-Ortega Irene Blanco, Gema Carmona, Paloma Esteve Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain Ramón Llamas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and FMB Christopher Swartz, SEI –Boston USA Thomas D. Downing, Sukaina Bhrawani,SEI-Oxford UK John Bromley, OUCE Oxford University UK consuelo.varela@upm.es 1

  2. EU research projects Linking water policies and agricultural policies… • 1. NEWATER(New approaches to adaptive water management under uncertainty) (2005-2009)www.newater.info - IP, 42 r. teams, 15 countries, 7 river basins (Rhine, Elba, Tisza, Guadiana, Nile, Orange, Amuradya) • 2. SCENES (Water Scenarios for Europe and for Neighbouring States) (2007-2011)http://www.environment.fi/syke/scenes • - IP, 23 r. teams, 17 countries, 4 regions (Mediterranean , Lower Danube, Baltic , Black sea ) 3. CROSS COMPLIANCE (Facilitating the CAP reform: Compliance and competitiveness of European agriculture)(2005-2008) http://www.cross-compliance-fp6.eu/ - STREP, 11 research teams (3 non EU) 2

  3. Basins in the EU project Newater

  4. 1. Main issues in the MediterraneanRegion • MEDITERRANEAN REGION • Water stress • Land use changes • Water use, irrigation • Change in agricultural policy • Change in water policy • Population trends • PILOT AREAS • Guadiana (Spain) • Garonne (France) • Candelaro (Italy) • Seyhan (Turkey) 4

  5. The EU policy context: water and agricultural policies WATER POLICIES Water Framework Directive, 2000 AGRICULTURAL POLICIES CAP Reform 2003 Sustainable use of water resources & Good ecological status of all waters(2015) • River Basin Organization as management unit • Planning and integrated management of all water resources  RBMP • Cost recovery, polluter pays principle • Transparency and public participation Sustainable & competitive Agriculture • Direct aid payments decoupled from production • Single farm payment (per farm) • Cross-compliance mechanisms direct payments are subject to compliance with environmental regulations • Rural Development Programs • CAP ‘HEALTH CHECK’ • 2009… • Water management • Climate change • Biofuels IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE Multifunctional Competitive Environmentally sustainable Adaptable to new challenges (i.e. climate change)

  6. The EU Water Framework Directive • WFD is Quality-driven  …” Control of quantity is an ancillary element in securing good water quality..” • Added difficulty for the Guadiana RBA to comply with two water objectives: • SPANISH (Quantity O.) Guarantee water availability to all users • EU WFD (Quality O.)  Good ecological status of all waters • CAP in Spain aims to protect overexploited aquifers in irrigated areas • Effects on irrigated farming? On rural livelihoods? On aquatic ecosystems?

  7. GLOBAL POLICIES Complying with the WFD: • Can water savings be met? • Is it socially and financially sustainable? • Resilience and buffering capacity of the system? Down-scaling to the regions Complying with the CAP: • What are the effects of CAP reform on land use? • On farm income? • Is there a water-saving potential in the CAP? LOCAL ACTIONS

  8. The WFD Pilot Basins 8

  9. The WFD Pilot Basins Spanish Guadiana Júcar P. Guadiana 9


  11. Environmental issues in the Upper Guadiana basin Castilla-La Mancha Western La Mancha Aquifer

  12. Source: MIMAM (2000) OVEREXPLOITED AQUIFERS Environmental issues in the Upper Guadiana basin • One of the two Spanish aquifers officially declared overexploited • The most important aquifer in the Upper Guadiana Basin Castilla-La Mancha Western La Mancha Aquifer

  13. Source: MIMAM (2000) OVEREXPLOITED AQUIFERS Environmental issues in the Upper Guadiana basin Clash between irrigation-based human development and ecosystem conservation One of the two Spanish aquifers officially declared overexploited The most important aquifer in the Upper Guadiana Basin The most important nitrate vulnerable zone in Spain Castilla-La Mancha Western La Mancha Aquifer

  14. Environmental issues in the Upper Guadiana basin Clash between irrigation-based human development and ecosystem conservation • Common pool resources + Open access • Policy-driven incentives for irrigation expansion • Free riding behavior  illegal drillings and overpumping • Top-down institutions (WUAs) • Difficult control, high transaction costs & social costs • Costly and difficult policy enforcement • Water management and governance problem

  15. July, 2006 “TABLAS DE DAIMIEL” NATIONAL PARK (Ramsar Wetlands) Challenge Balancing the trade-off between water for rural livelihoods and water for conserving ecosystems

  16. Aquifer recharge / wetland recovery BASIN LEVEL Environmental impacts HIDROLOGY MODEL WEAP Baseline analysis Field work Available water STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION ECONOMIC MODEL SIWAP Water use Policy scenarios FARM LEVEL Socio-economic and agronomic impacts Crop Yields Technologies AGRONOMIC MODEL CROPSYST Farmers’ strategies Farm income Public expenditure Vulnerability analysis CART Bayesian Networks DSS

  17. ECONOMIC MODEL HYDROLOGY MODEL AGRONOMIC MODEL POLICY-DRIVEN WFD, CAP, WTO SIMULATION SCENARIOS SH-DRIVEN Hydrology Environment Agriculture/Economy Guadiana Basin Authority Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Dep. of Agriculture, Farmers… Ministry of Environment, Regional Departments of Environment, Env. NGOs

  18. ECONOMIC MODEL HYDROLOGY MODEL AGRONOMIC MODEL POLICY-DRIVEN WFD, CAP, WTO SIMULATION SCENARIOS SH-DRIVEN Hydrology Environment Agriculture/Economy Guadiana Basin Authority Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Dep. of Agriculture, Farmers… Ministry of Environment, Regional Departments of Environment, Env. NGOs Purchase of water rights? ? Legalization of illegal wells? ? Water banks? Stakeholders Closing-up of illegal wells? Water markets? Water tariffs?

  19. Joint effects of water policies and the CAP on the aquifer WEAP Model: Groundwater storage • SCIENCE/POLICY: Participatory integrated modeling are valuable tools for water management  link technical developments/management/governance • ARIDITY/POLICY ENFORCEMENT: For arid regions, basins have difficulty adapting to quality-driven WFD •  to reduce social opposition, and high enforcement costs. Better top-down policy enforcement by the RBA •  required together with increased accountability, bottom-up SH participation , transparency and public awareness • SCALE: scale matters: Down-scaling to specific local actions is crucial to meet adaptation targets. • POLITICAL WILL: The dual target of recovering the aquifer and maintain rural livelihoods, will be attained only if all measures of the Special Water Plan of the UG are fully implemented (closing of illegal wells, purchase of water rights, reforestation, rainfed…). difficult in the case of drought. • GLOBAL SCOPE: In the context of the WTO, Agricultural policies can play a role in saving water  promote integration, synergies, cohesion and administrative coordination  legitimization, credibility  EU SDS 21

  20. GRACIAS POR SU ATENCIÓN consuelo.varela@upm.es

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