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“The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030

“The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030. Presentation Before the Education Commission February 17, 2014 Prof. Somnath Ghosh Vice-Chancellor North Bengal University. “ The Road Ahead ” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030. Target Area:

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“The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030

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  1. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Presentation Before the Education Commission February 17, 2014 Prof. Somnath Ghosh Vice-Chancellor North Bengal University

  2. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Target Area: • Increase the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Higher Education to 20% • Enhance the quality of educational institutions, programs, and systems towards achieving international standards • Efficient and effective management ensuring transparency and integrity • Elevating research levels and its quality • Build robust data systems that track student progress and improve practice • To help our students to be creative thinkers and leaders of change

  3. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Target Area (contd.): • To motivate private sectors in education for maintaining quality • Common curriculum in the State • Credit transfer • As per the National skill Development policy of Govt. of India, Government of India has set itself an ambitious target of developing 500 million (50 Cr.) skilled manpower by 2022 • As per the policy, Government of India plans to increase the enrolment in Higher Education in India to: 2008 2022 18,244,000 77,262,000

  4. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 • No. of institutes under NBU: Degree Colleges B.Ed. College Law College Others Govt. – 03 Govt. Aided – 47 03 01 01 Self Financing – 05 04 01 01 University College – 02 • No. of H.S. pass outs from the districts of North Bengal (2013 –14): Male – 47,719 OBC – Data not available Female – 39,317 Minority – Data not available SC – Data not available Differently abled – Data not available ST – Data not available

  5. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 • Intake capacity (subject wise)

  6. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Industry Requirements: Tea – 30 to 40 trained manpower per year (being absorbed in tea gardens and manufacturing units), Soil testing facility approved by the Tea Board, Disease and Pest control consultancy. Pharmacy – On anaverage 5 students per year take up jobs in different Pharmaceutical production and Research Organization. Different Pharmaceutical Companies located in this region use the expertise available in the Department of Chemistry for man power training and technical analysis. Medicinal Plants – Over 600 species of medicinal plants in NBU , farmers’ and students’ training facility, provides planting material, promotes propagation of local medicinal plants. Agro-processing –Hands on training programme on Floriculture and green manure production in Centre for Floriculture and Agro-Business Management. Encourages Entrepreneurs of Floriculture Industry and sustainable rural technology. Tourism – One year P.G. diploma course in travel and tourism management will be introduced shortly, which will cater to the needs of the tourism industry in this region. Financial Services – Finance Banking techniques of Portfolio management etc. help in services in financial institutions. Retail – Marketing management is offered to students of M.Com. which include retail management.

  7. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Employability of students: • Major employment is in the Education Sector (Schools, Colleges etc.) • In Govt., Semi-govt. administrative jobs • Tea sector, and in other local industries • In the Legal, Bank and Corporate sectors • As Researchers in National and International Research Institutions

  8. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 • Major problems: • Inadequacy of working /classroom/ laboratory space in most of the Departments and Centres. • Many Teaching and Non-Teaching posts in the University are lying vacant. • Augmentation of Power is required on an urgent basis for expansion of Research in the University. A sub-station is required immediately. • Research facilities are still inadequate

  9. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Research activities: No. of major projects – 54 Funding Agencies – UGC, DST, DAE, CSIR, DBT, ICSSR, ICMR Fund allocated – Rs. 6,50,00,000 (approx.) Status – Ongoing No. of minor projects – 39 Funding Agencies – UGC, North Bengal University Fund allocated – Rs. 60 Lacs approximately Status – Ongoing

  10. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Publications: • Local – Data not available. • National – 204 (2012) • International – 188 (2012)

  11. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 NBU at a glance: • Established – 1962 • Location – Two campuses: Siliguri and Jalpaiguri • Total Land Area – 145 hectares • Catchment area – West Bengal, Bihar, Bangladesh, Sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal, North-Eastern states • Faculties – 2. i. Science (12 departments) ii. Arts, Commerce and Law (15 departments + 1 Directorate of Distance Education) Centers – 12 • Courses offered – Undergraduate: 34 courses (B.A., B.Sc., B. Com., B.Ed. LLB, etc.) Postgraduate: 38 Courses (M.A., M.Sc., M.Com. etc.) PG diploma – 9 Ph.D. – on 21 disciplines (UGC 2009 rule compliance) M. Phil. – on 9 disciplines U.G. Diploma course – on 2 disciplines

  12. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 NBU at a glance contd. • Medium of instruction – English, Bengali, Nepali (including affiliated colleges) A Hindi Medium College at Banarhat is to function from this academic session i.e. 2014-15. • NAAC Grade – B++ (as on 2006) • No. of teaching posts – Sanctioned substantive - 236 Existing substantive - 156 21 (contractual full-time) 48 (guest faculty) 04 (part-time) • No. of administrative staff – 623 (sanctioned substantive) 387 (existing substantive) • No. of technical support staff – 150 • Student strength in regular courses – 2138 (as on year 2012) Female-1170, SC-490, ST-196, DA-07, OBC-NA

  13. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 NBU at a glance contd. • No. of affiliated colleges – 68 • Total no. of students in the affiliated colleges – 96181 (UG – 95529, PG – 652) • There is an IQAC • There is an Academic Staff College (UGC) • Support System for Students: • Equal Opportunity Cell • Coaching Schemes for SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) /Minorities • Scheme for Basic Facilities for Women • Facilities for Differently Abled Persons • Sexual Harassment Cell • Grievance Redressal Cell • Day Care Centre • Recreation Facilities • Canteens

  14. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Development / Reforms: Goals (2020) • Development of human resources • Revision of teaching learning process • Research activities • Administrative reforms • Infrastructure Development • Social commitments • Student welfare • Academic Audit

  15. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Development of human resources • To fill up the vacant teaching, administrative (officer as well as non-teaching) and technical posts • To recruit new faculty members and non-teaching posts for the Jalpaiguri Campus (sent to the State Govt. for approval), and new faculty members for the Siliguri campus against the posts approved by the UGC in XII plan (sent to the State Govt. for concurrence) • To appoint new officers (Law officer, officer for the Placement cell, Sports Officer etc.) • Reallocation and transfer of non-teaching staff members • To expedite the promotional processes at all levels

  16. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Revision of teaching learning process • To review the semester system (e.g., more emphasis on continuous evaluation) • To revise the curriculum both in the UG and in the PG levels • To review the examination process • To start new courses / departments /centers - several are proposed, in the XII plan as well as for the Jalpaiguri Campus (e.g., Pharmacy, Food Tech., M.Ed., M.A. in Edn., Geology, Phys. Edn., Performing Arts, Comparative literature, Cognitive Science, Nano Science and Technology etc.) • To start the Technology faculty

  17. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Research objectives: • To encourage innovative research • To ensure a balance between quality and quantity • To encourage research in new frontiers that are relevant to North-Bengal • To encourage collaborations (intra and inter-university) • To build up good infrastructure for experimental and computational research • To take measures to improve the quality of the journals publishes by different departments • To initiate a university-industry linkage

  18. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Administrative reforms • To amend the statutes • NAAC re-accreditation • To start e-governance, e-tendering etc. • To start biometric attendance system • To start online admission, registration, nomination filing etc. for Elections • To initiate a uniform transfer policy for the non-teaching staffs • Constitution of Intellectual Propriety Right Cell

  19. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Infrastructure Development • Building renovation, extension, new buildings in the Jalpaiguri campus, more guest houses and improving the present ones, and Building a Guest House of International standards • Additional hostels for students and research scholars, and improving the conditions of the existing ones • Development of research infrastructure • Power substation • LAN, Wi-Fi, Website up-gradation • Landscaping the campus • Building up more student facilities e.g., smart class-rooms • Arrangement of alternative power sources (solar) for hostels, guest house etc.

  20. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Social commitments • Outreach and awareness programs • Social integration • Promoting Local Culture • University – Society interaction

  21. “The Road Ahead” – Vision Document 2020 and 2030 Student welfare • Food courts • Playgrounds • Gymnasium • Augmentation of indoor and outdoor sports facilities • Film-club, photography club, mountaineering club, music club, and other cultural centers • Activate the student counseling center • Re-activate the placement cell • Additional career oriented degree / diploma courses

  22. Thank You

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