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Bourses de recherche Australie. Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships. Part of the Australian Government’s Australia Awards administered by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE). Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship :
EndeavourScholarships and Fellowships Part of the Australian Government’s Australia Awards administered by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE).
EndeavourPostgraduateScholarship: • to undertake a postgraduate qualification at a Masters or PhD level either by coursework or research in any field of study in Australia. • Up to 2 years for a Masters, up to 4 years for a PhD. • Total scholarship value: up to $228,500 (approx. €159,000) (PhD) and $118,500 (approx. €83,000) (Masters)
EndeavourResearchFellowship: support for postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows to undertake short-term research towards a Masters or PhD (which they are enrolled in a participating country) or postdoctoral research in any field of study in Australia. 4-6 months Total fellowship value: Up to $23,500 (approx. €16,400) http://www.vanier.gc.ca/
Application: • Applications for the 2015 round are expected to open in April 2014. • Website: http://www.innovation.gov.au/internationaleducation/Endeavour/Pages/Endeavour.aspx
The objectives of the IPRS scheme are to: attract top quality international postgraduate students to areas of research strength in Australian higher education providers (HEP); and support Australia's research effort. International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)
The scholarship covers tuition fees and health cover costs for scholarship holders, and health cover costs for their dependents. Scholarships are open to international students of all countries (except New Zealand) and are available for a period of: • two years for a research masters degree or • three years for a research doctorate degree.
Application: • Applications for an IPRS need to be made directly to participating universities. Universities are responsible for the management of IPRS applications, the selection process and offers. International students and researchers need to approach their chosen university for direction about how to apply for an IPRS. Budget: • A total of 330 IPRS places are awarded to HEPs each year at a cost of around $20m (approx. €14m) per annum. Site web: http://www.innovation.gov.au/RESEARCH/RESEARCHBLOCKGRANTS/Pages/InternationalPostgraduateResearchScholarships.aspx
The objectives of the APA scheme are to: Support postgraduate research training in the higher education sector; and Provide financial support to postgraduate students of exceptional research promise who undertake their higher degree by research (HDR) at an eligible Australian higher education provider (HEP). Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA)
APAs are provided to assist with students' general living costs. International Postgraduate Research Scholarship recipients are eligible to apply for an APA. Awards are available for a period of two years for a research masters degree or three years, with a possible extension of six months, for a research doctorate degree. Award holders receive an annual stipend and may also be eligible for other allowances.
Application: • Applications for an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) need to be made directly to participating universities. APA Stipend Rates (2014): • Full-time APA stipend rate $25,392 (approx. €18,000) • Part-time APA stipend rate $12,696 (approx. €9,000) Site web: http://www.innovation.gov.au/research/ResearchBlockGrants/Pages/AustralianPostgraduateAwards.aspx
Applications for grants from the ARC are made via eligible organisations, not directly by individual researchers or research teams. The ARC funds research and researchers under the National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP). Fields: Biological Sciences and Biotechnology Engineering Mathematics and Informatics Humanities and Creative Arts Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences Australian Research Council (ARC)
The NCGP comprises two main elements - Discovery and Linkage - under which the ARC funds a range of complementary schemes to support researchers at different stages of their careers, build Australia’s research capability, expand and enhance research networks and collaborations, and develop centres of research excellence.
Discovery • Australian Laureate Fellowships • Discovery Early Career Researcher Award • Discovery Indigenous • Discovery Projects • Future Fellowships • Super Science Fellowships Linkage • Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities • Linkage Learned Academies Special Projects • Linkage Projects
Industrial Transformation Research Program • Industrial Transformation Research Hubs • Industrial Transformation Training Centres Centres • ARC Centres of Excellence • Co-funded Centres Special Research Initiatives • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Researchers’ Network • ARC Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security • Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART) • European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) • Research in Bionic Vision Science and Technology • Science of Learning Research Centre • Stem Cell Science • Synchrotron Science
International researchers are eligible for fundingunder NCGP schemes: http://www.arc.gov.au/general/international_collaboration.htm More about the National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP): http://www.arc.gov.au/ncgp/default.htm
JASON(Joint academic scholarships online network): postgraduate scholarship search engine. Scholarships in the database apply to Australian students wishing to study at home or abroad, and to international students wishing to study in Australia. http://www.jason.edu.au/index.pl Useful information
Study in Australia: the official Australian Government website for international students. Search for courses, institutions and scholarships, read about studying and living in Australia, watch stories from other students,… http://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/