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Beautiful Ukrainian World Heritage.<br>u7f8eu9e97u7684u70cfu514bu862du4e16u754cu907au7522u3002
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ukraine 烏克蘭的聯合國教科文組織世界遺產 編輯配樂:老編西歪changcy0326 自動換頁 Auto page forward
World heritage in Ukraine As Russian missiles continue to hit Ukrainian cities, buildings are shelled and hundreds of civilians are killed, another casualty of the war is art and culture. Ukraine is a country with a thousand years of history and a meeting place of various cultures, and currently has 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It's worth diving in to explore. UNESCO has called for the protection of the country's cultural heritage. 烏克蘭的世界遺產 隨著俄羅斯導彈繼續襲擊烏克蘭城市,大樓遭到砲擊,數百名平民喪生,戰爭的另一個受害者是藝術和文化。 烏克蘭是一個擁有千年歷史的國家和各種文化的交匯地,目前擁有 7 處聯合國教科文組織世界遺產,值得我們深入去探索。 聯合國教科文組織呼籲保護該國的文化遺產。
The Kyiv PecherskLavra 基輔 佩喬爾斯克修道院 Kyiv: Saint-Sophia Cathedral and Related Monastic Buildings, Kyiv PecherskLavra 基輔:聖·索菲亞教堂 和 相關修道院建築,基輔 佩喬爾斯克 修道院 1
Saint Sophia Cathedral • 聖·索菲亞教堂 基輔 聖索菲亞大教堂 是該市最著名的地標之一,與 基輔佩喬爾斯克修道院 建築群一起,是第一個烏克蘭被列入世界遺產名錄的項目。 大教堂和修道院兩者被聯合國教科文組織認定為一個綜合體,目前它是一個博物館。 1 Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv is one of the city's best known landmarks and the first heritage site in Ukraine to be inscribed on the World Heritage List along with the Kyiv PecherskLavra Monastery complex. Both Cathedral and Lavra are recognized by the UNESCO World Heritage Program as one complex. It is currently a museum.
Saint Sophia Cathedral • 聖·索菲亞教堂 1 • 聖索菲亞大教堂的歷史可以追溯到 11 世紀,它保存著 11 世紀初期世界上最大的獨特馬賽克和壁畫群。 Dating back as far as the XI century, St. Sophia Cathedral preserves one of the world’s largest ensembles of unique mosaics and frescoes of the first quarter of that century.
Kyiv-PecherskLavra 基輔-佩喬爾斯克修道院 1 An outstanding monument of Ukrainian and world culture, Kyiv-PecherskLavra is an Orthodox monastery founded in 1051 by monks Anthony and Theodosius near Kyiv. in the XI century, the monastery became the centre of Christianity in Kyivan Rus. 基輔 佩喬爾斯克 修道院 為烏克蘭和世界文化的傑出遺跡,是一座東正教修道院,由修道士 安東尼 和基輔附近的 狄奧多西 於 1051 年創立。在十一世紀,修道院成為「基輔羅斯」基督教 的中心。 註:「基輔羅斯」是一個位於烏克蘭已滅亡的古國
Panorama of the monastery (southward view) 修道院全景(南景) 1 • 基輔佩喬爾斯克修道院是一座歷史悠久的東正教基督教修道院。自 1051 年作為「洞穴」修道院成立以來,修道院一直是東歐東正教基督教的卓越中心。它與聖索菲亞大教堂一起被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產。 Kyiv-PecherskLavra is a historic Eastern Orthodox Christian monastery. Since its foundation as the “cave” monastery in 1051, the Lavra has been a preeminent center of Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Eastern Europe. Together with the Saint Sophia Cathedral, it is inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Lviv – the Ensemble of the Historic Centre 利沃夫 歷史中心 建築群 2
Lviv – the Ensemble of the Historic Centre 利沃夫 歷史中心 建築群 2 • The city of Lviv was founded in the late Middle Ages and still preserves its medieval topography. The city has been shaped by the interactions of the different communities that have lived there through centuries, including various Christian groups, Muslims, and Jews. • 利沃夫城市 始建於中世紀晚期,至今仍保留著中世紀的地貌。幾個世紀以來,通過各種不同團體的相互影響,包括生活在這裡的基督教、穆斯林和猶太人,城市已經成型。
Lviv – the Ensemble of the Historic Centre 利沃夫 歷史中心 建築群 2 The architecture of the city represents a fusion of styles from Eastern Europe with the influences coming from Italy and Germany. Several buildings from the Renaissance and Baroque periods have been preserved. • 城市的建築,表現出一種受義大利和德國融合影響的東歐風格。文藝復興時期和巴洛克時期的一些建築被保存了下來。
Struve Geodetic Arc (Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Odessa Oblast) 斯特魯維測地弧 (烏克蘭 赫梅利尼茨基州、敖德薩州) 3
3 Map of the Struve Geodetic Arc The red points identify the World Heritage Sites. The Struve Arc is a chain of survey triangulations spanning more than 2,820 kilometers and 10 countries. Its southernmost point is in the Ukrainian town of Staro-Nekrasovka, on the Black Sea, while its northernmost point is in Hammerfest, Norway. Built from 1816-55, the collaborative structure helped determine Earth‘s exact shape and size. 斯特魯維測地弧 地圖, 其中紅點是世界遺產地標誌。 斯特魯維測地弧 是一個跨越 2,820 公里和 10 個國家的測量三角鏈。最南端位於黑海邊的烏克蘭小鎮 斯塔羅-涅克拉索夫卡,而其最北端位於挪威的 哈默菲斯特。 這個合作架構建於 1816~55 年,用於幫助釐訂地球的確切形狀和大小。
3 There are 265 main station points on the chain, and 34 of the best-preserved ones are on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Four of them are in Ukraine: ‘Katerynivka’, ‘Felshtyn’ and ‘Baranivka’ in Podillia, and ‘StaroNekrasivka’ in Bessarabia. • 測地弧鏈上有 265 個主要站點,保存最完好的 34 個列在聯合國教科文組織的世界遺產名錄中。其中四個在烏克蘭:分別是 波迪利亞 地區的 卡特里尼夫卡 (Katerynivka)、費爾什廷 (Felshtyn) 和 巴拉尼夫卡 (Baranivka),以及 比薩拉比亞 地區的 斯塔羅內克拉西夫卡 (StaroNekrasivka)。
3 The main station points of the Struve arc are marked in various ways: with iron crosses, cairns, or obelisks. ‘Katerynivka’, ‘Felshtyn’ and ‘Baranivka’ are marked with granite boards engraved with the name of the point and its coordinates. Staronekrasivka point is marked with a quadrangular cast-iron obelisk on a stone pedestal. • 斯特魯威測地弧 主要站點,用不同旳方式標記著:鐵十字架、堆石標 或方尖碑。卡特里尼夫卡 (Katerynivka)、費爾什廷 (Felshtyn) 和 巴拉尼夫卡 (Baranivka) 是刻有地點名稱及坐標的花崗岩板。斯塔羅內克拉西夫卡 (StaroNekrasivka) 站點 是在石基座上標記著方形鑄鐵 的方尖碑。
Ancient and primeval beech forests of the Carpathians 喀爾巴阡山脈古老而原始的山毛櫸森林 4
Ancient and primeval beech forests of the Carpathians 喀爾巴阡山脈古老而原始的山毛櫸森林 4 • Located in western Ukraine is the natural World Heritage Site of ancient and primeval beech forests. The site in its entirety includes 94 areas in 18 countries. • 位於烏克蘭西部是古老和原始山毛櫸森林的自然世界遺產。該地點整體包括18 個鄉村的 94 個區域。
Uholka-ShyrokiLuh Forest, 烏霍爾卡 - 希洛磯・盧 森林 4 • 山毛櫸在 11,000 年前最後一個冰河時期之後開始蔓延,現在是原始的、複雜的生態系統之一部分。 Beech started spreading after the last Ice Age, 11,000 years ago, and are now part of pristine, complex ecological systems.
Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian Metropolitans (Chernivtsi) 布科維納 與達爾馬提亞 的大主教故居 (切爾諾夫策) 5
Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian metropolitans 布科維納 與達爾馬提亞 的大主教故居 5 • 這座東正教大主教的故居,融合引人注目的多種風格,包括拜占庭式、哥特式和巴洛克式,表達了奧匈帝國多元化旳宗教和文化特徵。 With its dramatic mixing of styles, including Byzantine, Gothic and Baroque influences, this former residence of the Eastern Orthodox metropolitan bishop expresses the diverse religious and cultural identity of the Austro-Hungarian empire.
Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian metropolitans 布科維納 與達爾馬提亞 的大主教故居 5 • Built by Czech architect Josef Hlavka from 1864-1882, the giant complex also includes a chapel, seminary and a monastery. The complex was handed over to Chernivtsi University in 1955. • 巨大的建築群,由捷克建築師 約瑟夫·赫拉夫卡 於 1864 ~ 1882 年建造,還包括一座小教堂、神學院和一座修道院。這座建築群已於 1955 年移交給 切爾諾夫策大學。
Ancient City of Tauric Chersonese and its Chora (Sevastopol) 陶瑞克-切森尼斯 古城及其城郊 (塞瓦斯托波爾) 6
Ancient City of Tauric Chersonese and its Chora 陶瑞克-切森尼斯 古城及其城郊 6 • 陶瑞克-切森尼斯 古城遺址是公元前 5 世紀由多利安希臘人在黑海旁建立的城市,位於克里米亞半島西南部 塞瓦斯托波爾 的城郊,該區在 2014 年被俄羅斯非法吞併。 The ruins of Tauric Chersonese, a 5th-century BC city founded by the Dorian Greeks, are located outside of Sevastopol, in southwest Crimea, which was illegally annexed by Russia in 2014.
Ancient City of Tauric Chersonese and its Chora 陶瑞克-切森尼斯 古城及其城郊 6 The site includes public building complexes, residential neighborhoods and early Christian monuments , well-preserved vineyard parcels and related systems, as well as remnants of Stone and Bronze age structures. • 遺址包括公共建築群、住宅區和早期基督教歷史遺跡,葡萄園地塊和相關系統保存完好,還有石器和青銅器時代的建築遺跡。
Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian Region in Poland and Ukraine 波蘭和烏克蘭 喀爾巴阡地區的 木質教堂 7
7 • 這項世界遺產實際上是一系列 16 個教堂 (tserkvas) 組成,分佈在波蘭和烏克蘭的喀爾巴阡山脈地區。 This World Heritage Site is actually a series of 16 "tserkvas," or churches, that are spread out over Poland and Ukraine in the mountainous Carpathian region.
Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian Region in Poland and Ukraine 波蘭和烏克蘭 喀爾巴阡地區的 木質教堂 7 The picture shows the Holy Trinity Church in Zhovkva 照片為 佐夫克瓦 的聖三一教堂 The wooden log structures were built between the 16th and 19th centuries by both Orthodox and Greek Catholic communities. They exemplify the timber-building tradition of Slavic countries, and their interiors are also quite renowned. • 這些原木結構是東正教和希臘天主教團體於 16 ~ 19 世紀之間所建造的。它們體現了斯拉夫國家的木材建築傳統,其內部裝飾也頗有名氣。
TheEnd All information comes from the following websites https://www.dw.com/en/threatened-by-war-ukraines-unesco-world-heritage-sites/g-61011791 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_World_Heritage_Sites_in_Ukraine Music:Hungry Eyes - Eric Carmen http://www.slideserve.com/changcy0326/