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بهزاد ابوالعلایی

کنفرانس مدیریت اجرائی. قابلیت های مدیران و رهبران نگاهی به فردا. بهزاد ابوالعلایی. related knowledge. attributes. competency. Set of skills. performance. مدل يونيدو در مورد قابليت ها و شايستگي ها. Approach to people. Approach to problems. Approach to tasks.

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بهزاد ابوالعلایی

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  1. کنفرانس مدیریت اجرائی قابلیت های مدیران و رهبران نگاهی به فردا بهزاد ابوالعلایی

  2. related knowledge attributes competency Set of skills performance • مدل يونيدو در مورد قابليت ها و شايستگي ها

  3. Approach to people Approach to problems Approach to tasks ساختاري براي مدل شايستگي هاي رهبري :

  4. ساختاري براي مدل شايستگي هاي رهبري : Competencies Of self Competencies of working with others Competencies of performance

  5. ساختاري براي مدل قابليت هاي رهبري : managing the job Thinking analytically relating to others building the team

  6. چگونه مي توان مدل قابليت هاي مديريتي (رهبري) براي يك سازمان تدوين كرد : • مطالعه ادبيات مربوط به قابليت هاي مديريتي • مطالعه استراتژي ، ارزش ها و چشم انداز مطلوب سازمان • اطلاع از انتظارات و ديدگاههاي مديران ارشد • كسب اطلاع از دلائل وعوامل موفقيت مديران موفق سازمان • الگو برداري از سازمان هاي مشابه و يا پيشرو • تجزيه و تحليل مشاغل مديريتي • گفتگو با خبرگان صنعت و مديريت

  7. قابليتها و شايستگي هاي رهبري اقتضائي هستند: • سازمان هاي جوان نيازمند رهبراني هستند كه به رشد آنها كمك مي كند. • سازمان هاي در حال توسعه و با اندازه متوسط رهبراني مي خواهند كه ضمن حفظ منافع و موقعيت موجود ، فرصت ها ي جديد بيافرينند. • سازمان هاي بالغ نيازمند رهبراني براي بازسازي خود هستند.

  8. درپژوهشي به نام voice of the leader ، 10 قابليت مهم براي رهبري موثر به شرح زير شناسايي شد : صداقت و يكپارچگي اعلام روشن و واضح انتظارات قدرداني در قبال موفقيت ها سازگاري با شرايط متحول الهام بخشي ديگران قراردادن افراد مناسب در زمان مناسب در نقش هاي مناسب داشتن شور و شوق براي موفقيت تعريف و تبيين چشم انداز بلندمدت براي آينده ترغيب و تشويق ديگران براي حركت در جهت مطلوب پذيرش مسئوليت پيروزي ها و شكست ها

  9. vision Has developed and communicated a clear, simple ,customer focused vision/direction for the organization. Forward- thinking , stretches horizons, challenges imagination. Inspires and energizes others to commit to vision. Captures minds. Leads by example. As appropriate ,updates vision to reflect constant and accelerating change impacting the business.

  10. Customer/quality focus • Listen to customer and assign the highest priority to customer satisfaction ,including internal customers. • Inspires and demonstrates a passion for excellence in every aspect of work. • Strives to fulfill commitment in total product/service offering. • Lives customer service and create service mind-set throughout organization.

  11. integrity • Maintains unequivocal commitment to honesty/truth in every facet of behavior. • Follows through on commitments ; assumes responsibility for own mistakes. • Practices absolute conformance with company policies embodying GE,s commitment to ethical conduct. • Actions and behaviors are consistent with words.Absolutely trusted by others.

  12. accountability/commitment • Sets and meets aggressive commitments to achieve business objectives. • Demonstrates courage/self confidence to stand up for the beliefs, ideas, co-workers. • Fair and compassionate yet willing to make difficult decisions. • Demonstrates uncompromising responsibility for preventing harm to the environment.

  13. Communication/influence • Communicates in open, candid, clear ,and consistent manner-invites response/dissent. • Listens effectively and probes for new ideas. • Uses facts and rational arguments to influence and persuade. • Breakes down barriers and develops influential relationships across teams , functions and layers.

  14. Shared ownership/boundariless • Self-confidence to share information across traditional boundaries and be open to new ideas. • Encourages/promotes shared ownership for team vision and goals. • Trust others; encourages risk taking and boundariless behavior. • Champions Work-out as a vehicle for everyone to be heard.Open to ideas from anywhere.

  15. Team builder/empowerment • Selects talented people,provides coaching and feedback to develop team members to fullest potential. • Delegates whole task,empowers team to maximize effectiveness.is personally a team player. • Recognizes and rewards achievement.creates positive/enjoyable work environment. • Fully utilizes diversity of team members to achieve business success.

  16. Knowledge/expertise/intellect • Possesses and readily shares functional/technical knowledge and expertise.Constant interest in learning. • Demonstrates broad business knowledge/perspective with cross-functional/multicultural awareness. • Makes good decisions with limited data. Applies intellect to the fullest. • Quickly sorts relevant from irrelevant information,grasp essentials of complex issues and initiates action.

  17. Initiative/speed • Creates real and positive change.Sees change as opportunity. • Anticipates problems and initiates new and better ways of doing things. • Hates/avoids/eliminates bureaucracy and strives for brevity,simplicity,clarity. • Understands and uses speed as a competitive advantage.

  18. Global mind-set • Demonstrate global awareness/sensitivity and is comfortable building diverse/global teams. • Values and promotes full utilization of global and work force diversity. • Considers the global consequences of every decision.proactively seeks global knowledge. • Treats everyone with dignity,trust and respect.

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