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STRESS AND STRAIN ANALYSIS OF A HOCKEY STICK. Andrew Mills Jeff Tibbe Brad Vander Veen. Loading Analysis. Loading is due to stick blade striking the ice In bending and torsion The stick bends similar to a bow Elastic energy stored in the bent stick is used to accelerate the puck. Picture.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. STRESS AND STRAIN ANALYSIS OF A HOCKEY STICK Andrew Mills Jeff Tibbe Brad Vander Veen

  2. Loading Analysis • Loading is due to stick blade striking the ice • In bending and torsion • The stick bends similar to a bow • Elastic energy stored in the bent stick is used to accelerate the puck

  3. Picture

  4. Picture • The bottom half of the stick looks like a cantilever beam; this is how the load will be modeled

  5. Model of a Hockey Stick

  6. Experimental Setup • Cantilever beam in torsion and bending • Fixed with clamps at midpoint of shaft • Mass hung where stick blade would strike the ice • Strain gage place at fixed end

  7. Theoretical Principal Strains

  8. Theoretical Principal Stresses

  9. Experimental Setup

  10. Experimental Setup

  11. Experimental Setup

  12. Diagram of Rosette

  13. Results

  14. Experimental Principal Strains

  15. Experimental Principal Stress

  16. Comparison • Theoretical and Actual follow the same trends. • Most results had a percent discrepancy of about 15% to 40% • Torsional stress results did not agree as well as bending stress results • Angles of principal stresses and strains agreed (3° vs 5°)

  17. Failure Analysis • Hockey stick yielded when a 70 lb load was applied. • At 60 lbs, the measured maximum principal stress was 49,000 psi • The yield stress for the material was 52,900 psi • The 70 lb load caused a principal stress higher than the yield stress

  18. Discussion • Error in torsional results was higher because it was hard to constrain it • Measurements were very sensitive to slight constraint movements

  19. Conclusion • Stresses and strains in a theoretical analysis agreed well with results found in the actual experiment

  20. Questions?

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